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Telegraph: Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire


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Is it really news that he is profiting off his own scam?

i am not a believer in the doom and gloom of global warming but I think its foolish for anyone to think that we shouldnt be more efficient with our energy use...

Gore invest in a green energy company is trying to develope technology to increase our energy efficiency...

where is the scam in that?

now if he was pumping money into the global warming stuff then you might have somethign to complain about.. but hey right now people complain just to complain...

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I'm stunned that all the folks who stayed mum on Halliburton's egregious profiteering in Iraq are criticizing Al Gore for investing in green energy. If he didn't have a dime riding on it, the exact same people would be knocking him for his hypocrisy. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess.

I'm more stunned at the people that were so outraged by Cheney and Haliburton have no problem with Al Gore .....

Either way you would be naive to think that Gore didn't have some influence with who gets contracts and had inside information.

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I'm stunned that all the folks who stayed mum on Halliburton's egregious profiteering in Iraq are criticizing Al Gore for investing in green energy. If he didn't have a dime riding on it, the exact same people would be knocking him for his hypocrisy. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess.

And the fact remains that Cheney divested himself of all Halliburton stocks before taking office. He didn't make a dime off the war but is constantly accused of war profiteering. :doh:

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Please explain.

The grants and loans that DOE gives out are payed for by taxpayer money. Al Gore invests in the company then uses his connections and influence to ensure that DOE approves the loans for his people.

Their stocks profit and he gets benefits from it. It's not really that hard to figure out.

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And BTW...

LOL at Snyder Shrugged who works for (profits from) an insurance company and is politically active in supporting them pointing the finger at Gore.

You can cut the irony with a knife.:hysterical:

Has my company taken Federal money?

To date, the only relationship my company has with the Feds is their administration of medicare advantage programs.

How is there any irony involved again?

I would fight corporate welfare for any industry and on any topic.

Please keep dumb and uninformed comments to yourself, it's embarrassing.

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The grants and loans that DOE gives out are payed for by taxpayer money. Al Gore invests in the company then uses his connections and influence to ensure that DOE approves the loans for his people.
Like it or not, that is politics on both sides of the aisle.
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The grants and loans that DOE gives out are payed for by taxpayer money. Al Gore invests in the company then uses his connections and influence to ensure that DOE approves the loans for his people.

Their stocks profit and he gets benefits from it. It's not really that hard to figure out.

Can you prove that he uses special influence to get DOE loans approved for companies he invests in over other companies doing similar things that he does not? Can you show me a loan/grant program that he created and then profited from?


Do you realize Bush set up the largest alternative energy fund EVER to provide matching funds for hydrogen technology?

Bush must be in on it too. :rolleyes:



Hydrogen Can Provide Long-Term Energy Security Through Use Of Diverse Domestic Resources. The President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative and the FreedomCAR partnership will reduce America's need for imported oil and help clean the air by aiding the development of hydrogen fuel cells and affordable hydrogen-powered cars. Together, these two initiatives constitute a commitment of $1.7 billion over five years.

* A New Infrastructure Is Needed To Support Hydrogen-Powered Cars. Two years ago, the President launched his Hydrogen Fuel Initiative to help develop the technology necessary for infrastructure to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen for use in fuel-cell vehicles. Hydrogen can be produced from domestic fossil, nuclear, or renewable resources.

* With Hydrogen Fuel, A Zero-Emission Car Is Possible. The President's hydrogen initiatives promote development of technologies that will lead to safe and affordable hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicles that would emit water vapor instead of exhaust fumes.

Turning Hydrogen Fuel Into A Reality. Over the past two years, the Department of Energy and its partners in the FreedomCAR and Hydrogen Fuel Initiatives have made tremendous progress toward the President's goal of enabling today's children to take their future driver's tests in completely pollution-free cars.

* The President's Initiative Has Helped Lower The Cost Of Fuel Cells. Federal funding for research has helped develop new technologies that have reduced the cost of automotive fuel cells purchased in high-volume by more than 25 percent over just the past three years. Though more work is needed, this brings America closer to its goal of making fuel cells cost-competitive.

* Hydrogen Fuel Has Become More Affordable. New technology has contributed to a reduction in the cost of natural gas-based hydrogen production from $5.00 per gallon in 2003 to $3.60 today.

* More Than $440 Million In Federal Funding Has Been Awarded For Research. To bring hydrogen fuel-cell technology from the laboratory to the showroom, the government is funding research and development projects designed to overcome critical technology barriers in the production, transportation, storage, and use of hydrogen.

* New Projects Totaling $64 Million In Federal Funding Announced Today. Over 70 projects at universities and federal laboratories have been selected to conduct basic research in support of the hydrogen economy.

* New Partners Have Joined The President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiatives. Five major energy companies have joined as partners in the FreedomCAR and Hydrogen Fuel Initiatives, which will help identify and prioritize the research needed to overcome the technical and economic barriers of developing hydrogen fuel infrastructure and fuel-cell vehicle technologies.

* The United States Has Organized Support From Around The World For Hydrogen Technology. Sixteen nations and the European Commission have joined the U.S.-initiated International Partnership for The Hydrogen Economy, an international effort to collaborate on hydrogen research and establish global codes and standards necessary for all countries to realize competitively priced hydrogen vehicles and fueling infrastructure by 2020.

The fact is that Gore does not hold office. If he wants to promote alternative energy and invest in it, that's his business. He's putting his money where his mouth is.

But at least there may be one positive from the efforts to politicize it... all of the bull **** should provide some usable methane gas.

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Scam? You guys are dumb. The green business is booming and he was heavily invested in the green business. It's no scam. We are poisoning our environment and we need to figure out ways to stop, anyone that thinks otherwise has never been to China. Read a book.

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And the fact remains that Cheney divested himself of all Halliburton stocks before taking office. He didn't make a dime off the war but is constantly accused of war profiteering. :doh:

Implying a No Bid Contract to Haliburton the company he was Vice President of -- Turning Haliburton from a company not even in the top 10 of Defense Companies into #1 OVERNIGHT --- had no ethical concerns.

I don't even know what to say about that except :hysterical:

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Has my company taken Federal money?

To date, the only relationship my company has with the Feds is their administration of medicare advantage programs.

How is there any irony involved again?

I would fight corporate welfare for any industry and on any topic.

Please keep dumb and uninformed comments to yourself, it's embarrassing.

Awwwww. Did I strike a nerve. :hysterical:

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Implying a No Bid Contract to Haliburton the company he was Vice President of -- Turning Haliburton from a company not even in the top 10 of Defense Companies into #1 OVERNIGHT --- had no ethical concerns.

I don't even know what to say about that except :hysterical:

I'd like to see that info on how they werent a top 10 an d became 1 overnight.

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Implying a No Bid Contract to Haliburton the company he was Vice President of -- Turning Haliburton from a company not even in the top 10 of Defense Companies into #1 OVERNIGHT --- had no ethical concerns.

I don't even know what to say about that except :hysterical:

Show me the money. Show me where Cheney made a dime. Where is HIS monetary incentive?

*Sound of crickets chirping*

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Can you prove that he uses special influence to get DOE loans approved for companies he invests in over other companies doing similar things that he does not? Can you show me a loan/grant program that he created and then profited from?


Do you realize Bush set up the largest alternative energy fund EVER to provide matching funds for hydrogen technology?

Bush must be in on it too. :rolleyes:


It is no different than insider trading. And he doesn't have to create the program to profit from it. But if he has friends in DOE or can use his political clout to advise certain loans to go to firms he invested in over others ... then yes I believe that is wrong.

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LOL, not at all. You are entitled to say as many stupid things as you like. In fact, I rather enjoy it.

(noticed you couldnt actually resond with anything that supported your utterly dumb assertions, but I've certainly come to expect that from you):)

...from the king of stupid comments... More irony. :hysterical:

Simple fact. You are accusing Gore of a conflict of interest for his political support of an industry the he is invested in. THAT was the thrust of your OP.

LOL, No way! Gore is profiting off of his personal agenda foisted on the rest of us? Who woulda thunk?

You are trying to do the same thing when you push YOUR agenda. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Pot - kettle - black.

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It is no different than insider trading. And he doesn't have to create the program to profit from it. But if he has friends in DOE or can use his political clout to advise certain loans to go to firms he invested in over others ... then yes I believe that is wrong.

Congratulations. You have proven that...

A) Gore is a partner in a venture Capitol firm that invested in the company and Gore purchased one of their cars.

B) That company along with another NOT baked by Gore, received a government LOAN which it must repay.

C) Some people have questioned if there is any wrong doing.

The simple fact is that Fisker and Tesla both sell to an upscale market who can afford to pay the high cost of early adoption. That's why they got the LOANS.

Got that SS? LOAN.

A LOAN does NOT equal corporate welfare.

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