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Another way to protest: KidsClub Halloween costume contest


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Here's the photo my child chose to submit for the Redskins KidsClub Halloween costume contest. This really is his Halloween costume this year. He's marching with this sign in the school's parade this afternoon, and he's wearing the sign around his neck tomorrow to go trick-or-treating.

I am proud to say that he came up with the wording on this sign entirely by himself. :evilg:


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using kids as protester to me is going too far, let them enjoy Halloween, and not be a 10 year old scenic

He chose to do this. I never asked him to do it.

Yes, he's heard me talk passionately that I don't like that Snyder has banned signs and banners at the stadium, and I've also mentioned the hypocrisy that they handed out those Geico signs. Obviously he's gained some exposure to the issue through me, but it was his decision to add the sign to his costume this year (he's gone as a Redskin several times).

A couple of weeks ago, he decided to add a sign to his costume this year to make it a little different than what he's worn in the past. His original plan was to wear a small sign that says "I'm a Redskin who can actually score a touchdown." When the controversy began about the sign ban, he decided on his own to go this route and carry this sign instead.

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I think Bubba has a point that we should leave the kids out of this.

I understand that it was the OP's kid who made the decision and the sign, but you can not trust most parents to do the right thing when it comes to something like this.

Whats next, political statements?

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