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Hey I like this message area. I am trying to find out where I have heard that name, Ricky Hunley before.<br /><br />Gamebreaker, as of this writing, there is an article I believe in the WP website that covers that question on McKay. We are looking at their Director of Player Personnel, as either a GM or another valuable capacity. If McKay becomes available, when the Bucs stop holding him back, and Parcells makes up his mind that he even wants to coach again (he hasn't), then we can interview McKay. As you can see the playoffs have a BIG impact on Spurrier, Parcells and a couple of other coaches, so they have already started using their coaching strategies against each other. Man this Spurrier is a REAL player with the big boys and he aint' jiving around.<br /><br />Anytime you are viewing staff and personnel with some of the best from jump, you got to be a player.<br /> <br /> [ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: indyskinsfan ]

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I was kind of disappointed we didn''t keep Kurt Schottenheimer on board. Evidently he was interested. I thought he did a hell of a job, but one does have to wonder how much he was responsible for the D's play and how much Marty was. That's something we'll never know I guess.<br /><br /> <img src="http://www.roughriderz.com/revival.jpg" alt="" />

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How's that go? Don't hate the player. Hate the game. Yea, S.S. is agressive isn't he? I too am pleased with keeping Stock on board. this guy had special teams playing very well this year. Quite the refreshing change there. I'm not familiar with most of the other names, but I imagine they come from Florida? Anybody? <br /> With most of the coaching staff on board already, and the obvious pursuit of some of those presently involve in the play-offs, gives one the impression S.S. already had already done some homework before the press conference,or being hired by the Skins. Either that or he is one quick study.

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