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We have been warned!!!!


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You guys should get a kick out of this. They need to be clued in that HogFest is NOT a business and certainly NOT a money making event.

It's amazing that we go here from just a simple question: "Hey do you guys want to merge the two tailgates?"

Anyway, this is how they (hailredskins.com) are "dealing" with anything related to HogFest. So the bottom line is don't go over there and talk about our tailgate or about supporting the people who are going after the wackos out there who are raping 4 year girls and boys, filming it and putting on the internet. Don't do it. They don't want to hear about having fun, cheering for the Redskins or supporting good causes.

Their private message:

You have been placing messages on our website about this Hogfest party. This Hogfest party is a commercial endeavor--that is, money is being charged for it. Therefore, your messages amount to commercials or advertisements being placed on our site. The fact that you placed these ads in the threads is irrelevant, they are still commercials.

The policy of this website is that the Administrators must be notified before any advertisement is placed on this site. We must check the ad for content and decide on a fee schedule. No one from your site attempted to contact us about this matter before the ads were placed. In addition, the Administratorrs of this site have received no payment or promise of payment from you/your business for the placement of these unauthorized ads on our website. This is completely unacceptable.

Do not place any more messages regarding Hogfest or any other commercial endeavor on this website without the express prior approval of the Administrators of this site. The messages you have placed already have been removed. Any future messages of a commercial nature you leave without our express prior approval will be immediately deleted. You and everyone from your site should consider yourself warned about this matter. You and anyone else violating these precepts will be banned from this site if our guidelines are not respected. This is your final warning.



[signing on behalf of all hR Administrators

What is so funny is just last night and earlier today they were saying "yeah I've met Tom' he's a great guy."


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I am very disappointed to read that.... We've always supported PennSkinsfan and the other guys from there by allowing them to post thier links here and to put thier URL in thier screen names and signatures. Perhaps this Spence dude just fired off without the knowledge and consent of the other admins there. Otherwise, that is a rather hostile letter to post against someone advertising for a charity event that is sponsored by your fellow Redskins fan message boards....

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That is a tremendous surprise to see. We are a community of boards who share the same interest and many of the same fans. Hailredskins has, what, 300 members? You'd think they'd want the traffic and to be a participant. Very disappointing that Penn, who is a guy that we've known for years here and on CPND, would allow such a message to be sent out given their close knowledge of what Hogfest is.

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Buddha... I would imagine Walmart and Amazon.com actually pay out for their advertising.

I'm staying out of it until I hear the other side. And I'm not holding my breathe either. I just find that really hard to believe.

Yet, at the same time, it wouldn't be the first time I've seen a site prohibit links from other "competing" sites.

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Thanks Buddha. I appreciate it. Die Hard the note that is in RED above is word for word their note. I posted two threads about HogFest over there just like the ones here and they deleted them. That's it. That's the story. But apperently I'm after their money. Give me a break!

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FartMart, ETray, and bears (oh, is that JC Penny's Bears, I forgot),,no we don't need another - can you imagine

MaryKSkins or BearSkins or Skinned Bare or...

Now a website is endorsing the marketing gods, but the hobbits is dissed. Very well, I say ....


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Hello guys,

First and foremost, I have removed my sig, i understand that it is now a problematic thing. We have allowed it at hR for whoever, and will continue to, but i wish not to impose here. My apologies for ever placing the link in the sig, i thought it was OK, no one ever said it was not, and we return the favors and allow it at hR.

Specifically addressing the situation, I have spoken with ratty about this matter and consider it to be solved, or at least did until i came over here and saw it aired again publically in another forum. We take pride in the fact that not one single member of our forum knows about this, because we decided to handle it privately admin to admin. Unfortunately, it has been aired publically at CPND and now here at Extremeskins.

Regardless, this all started in a Tailgate thread where Tom posted about Hogfest. That was fine, in fact, Kenny told him in the post that we would get back to him in regards to the offer. Two more threads were started and at that point we had Moderators send us complaints. The warning PM that was sent was sent as a "Private Message" not a public thread. Was it harsh, in retrospect, yes. Advertsing commercial should have been supplanted with Hogfest threads until we respond. We have responded and decided to remain independent tailgate, not because of this dispute, but because of the planning that has already been underway withthe Marching Band and everything surrounding the tailgate with them. However, that Private message was aired publically. The message was sent to Tom. Tom alone, but i will not dwell in that any longer. The fact is, the dispute was worked out but yet, fo rsome reason it continues to be spewed publically.

Now to address individuals....

Blade: Thanks for the hospitality here, I hope i, and anyone for hR is still welcome here at Extremeskins. You guys do a fantastic job, period. Your point on the sig is taken, it no longer exists in my sig. Balde you posted in the tailgate thread and the tailgate thread alone. I appreciate that. Hope to meet you on 9/21

Brave: I have never done anything here, never met you, hope to on 9/21. Sorry you have anger in regards to this mess.

Brandies: I am not going to go into the hR and HQ split, Dan is a good friend of mine and got over that and actually has told me via YM that he understands. Wish you did as well. Guess being in Montana you wont be at the Hogfest. If you are, i would like to meet you as well. Lets have a beer

Art: Thanks for not pre-judging and thank you for your hospitality at Extremeskins. I apologize if you folks do not feel we handled in a certain way or an appropriate way, but then again, i am posting here at Extremeskins about this, not from my publicizing it. Art, you and I have to meet on 9/21. We'll have a beer.

Johnny: Not sure i have ever posted with you, not that I can remember. Someone wants to make a name for himself? Not sure who that woudl be. So, hello!

Buddha: You have alwas graciously afforded us a link at your site in return for one on your site. For that I thank you. I dont wish to dispute with you my friend. Fact is, i wish to dispuate with no one.

Skeletor: Thanks. The ads we place on our site are decision we make as webmasters. They are ads that help pay the costs of the site.

Die Hard: My sincerest appreciation for not taking any side. I will remember that. I appreciate that and hope I am still welcome here at Extremeskins. I hope that a dispute i had with Tom doe snot interfere with my friends at Extremeskins. Hoep to meet you FAD or at 9/21 and have a beer with you!

TomSkins: We have been through this man, apologies have been stated but for some reason, this continue to play out. I donnu what you want anymore pal. I have state din numerous threads an apology on a possibly harsh statement. It seems most at CPND are moving past this.

In closing, again, I am shocked to see it aired here as well, hR is a friendly forum, many of our members frequent here as well. Many of oru Admins frequent here. It is good to discuss the Redskisn with as many die hard fans as possible. I dont knwo what else to say, I am a little stunned after settling everything alst night with rattya nd Punishment to finmd the argument here as well.

Guys I like Extremeskins, always have, and that is why i visit. I just ask that you try and understand both sides instead of just one,. We have excellent forum members as you do as well, and we have many menbers who post here and at CPND. So peace out guys.

I just realized I have alot of beer drinking to do on 9/21

and am actually looking forward ot meeting Trey, Ratty, and hopefully Tom on 9/21 and wash down a beer with them.


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PennSkinsFan - This is actually how I expected it to all play out. That's why I waited to hear the "other side of the story". I was suprised to see a "private message" available publicly as well.

In the end... I wasn't holding my breath because the outcome doesn't really affect me either way.

I've got no problems with you or the way your run your site. And we don't care if you keep a link to your site in your sig. I know that wasn't Blade's point. It was just that it would be hypocritical of you... assuming the point of this thread were true.

You and your staff and members are welcome here anytime. This is just an isolated incident about a tailgate party. Nothing to get worked up over :cheers:

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Everyone hopefully understands that I would have kept it private if it had been addressed just to me. However in the note Spence practicly said "go back and tell everyone that they can not post anything regarding HogFest on our site". THAT is why it came back to the board. No other reason. Spence was talking to everyone here especially the ones who go to HogFest.

Blade is the frickin HogFest webmaster for Pete's sake!! Obviously he and his board need to know what was said about a related site.

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No offense to anyone on the other Skins site (of which I'm totally unfamiliar), but that pm would've set me off as well as it was particularly pissy and an unnecessary 'slapdown'. Its understandable given the amount of time and work you've invested in a charity event that you would take that message very personally. I believe most of us might have been angry at this message were we in your shoes.

On the other hand, they appear to have apologized and in my experience, sometimes its best for all parties just to let it go and move on. That message embarassed you (whether it was aired publicly or not, it was hostile and threatening) and your subsequent message embarassed them. I'd say that makes things about even. Your event will be a success, I have no doubt about it and I appreciate your providing me a chance to meet some of the great folks I've met here and help a worthy cause. Thanks for that!

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