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Joe Theismann or John Riggins?!


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Which personality do you think appears to be more knowledgable and less-agenda driven when concerning The Redskins?!

Me personally, I would have to go with Joe Theismann in that he overviews the whole spectrum without the use of much vulgarity. Many people have called Theismann to be a homer, but he is one that breaks down the actual game as if he's still playing behind center.

What does Riggins say that isn't what the most illogical fan is thinking?!

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It took only 6 posts for JC to be mentioned

McD5 FTW!!!

He was also prescient enough to say last season, that Betts could do just as well for our team as Portis had done.

He is pretty sharp. Maybe he was a little late to come to that realization. But still very sharp.

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I don't find either guy particularly knowledgeable but I think Riggo is more agenda-driven.

I like Riggo' better for entertainment value, but that's about it.

Theismann was one of the worst, most incoherent football commentators I'd ever heard in my life for the duration of his time on national broadcasts. I couldn't believe they kept him around for so long. I don't know how he is in the studio for NFL network now but it was downright embarrassing to hear him on those Sunday night broadcasts.

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Joey T will tell everyone everything they want to hear and he sometimes does it in consecutive sentences, like (paraphrased):

"He is the best. But, if he wants to be the best, he has work to do. There are other players who are better."

Riggo will say things that show more perspective, like:

"loosen up, Sandy-baby."

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