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Is it bad that the most exciting news I'm awaiting to hear is Zorn getting fired?


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I liked Zorn when he came in, really did. I thought he would've been a GREAT Off. Coordinator - and was going to add some fresh blood to a VERY old coaching staff. Deep down inside I kinda wish he would still become the Off. Coordinator - But after being a H/C thats not likely.

Anyways usually after every redskins loss, or near loss, to remede my redskin heart I usually play Madden (got my own DAMN sexy franchise) and just trash any team in my way. In madden I trade players like crack heads trade....will you know. But sadly I can't fire my head coach and make my dream team coaching staff I want. So I'm doing it here!

(and please join in, and make your own supreme coaching staff)

H/C - Holmgren, a outstanding Head Coach, and even better play caller. He also truly LOVES football. Something I think zorn is missing. Zorn loves the players, but not the game. Holmgren loves both. Also holmgren can developed young talent, and rework veteran talent.

O/C - Lewis, I think if we do get Holmgren pairing him back up with Lewis would be great. Their "terminology" is the same, and they obvisously like eachother. Personally I think the hiring of Lewis mean Holmgren is coming - Lewis is just there to test things out, and report back to Holmgren.

D/C - Greg Blache, but only because I can't think of anyone else to replace him. John Fox would be a good choice, but I'm sure he'll find a job more appealing for him once he gets the axe. Gregg Williams should've never been fired IMO, when I heard Gibbs retired I was positive Williams was going to be the new H/C.

FIRE BUGEL! I know his been around for ages, and I think he should still be in the staff, just not as a OLC.

We need new blood, new coaching styles. Look how long it took us to start using the F-ing shotgun?! One of the problems in this franchise is coaches. You can't just fire and hire ONE coach. You have to revamp the WHOLE staff. Give the new H/C the people he wants and needs.


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Even better news would be this

A press conference to introduce the new team president of the Washington Redskins (Tony Dungy/Ozzie Newsome step right up) and Snyder saying "I am stepping back from operational control, contractually Tony/Ozzie/whoever is now responsible for all football operations)

Then I'll get excited

Until then, its the same cycle

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The truth of the matter is, you don't know anything about anything. Do you know if Snyder and Vinny are letting Zorn do his thing with no supervision? Or is Snyder and Vinny making all the decisions like Jerry Jones and treating Zorn like a puppet? Stop making stupid threads when you know absolutely nothing about anything. We called for Joe Gibb's head in 2007 because the offense was crap and we played the most conservative football I ever witness on the Washington Redskins. We have multiple players who are playing for a game paycheck every week and don't really give a damn whether we win or lose. We have an owner and retarded GM who believe big money players are the answer and firing a coach every 2-3 years is the answer. Stop making stupid threads and voice your opinion in the other 50 fire zorn threads.

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Even better news would be this

A press conference to introduce the new team president of the Washington Redskins (Tony Dungy/Ozzie Newsome step right up) and Snyder saying "I am stepping back from operational control, contractually Tony/Ozzie/whoever is now responsible for all football operations)

Then I'll get excited

Until then, its the same cycle

exactly. Fire Zorn people have no idea what's going on.

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Think about this. Campbell never got Saunders offense. Campbell has yet to grasp this offense. Now you want this coach to leave and get another offense in here? Really? Wouldn't you rather Zorn stayed and the Skins tried a new QB just to see where the problem lies?

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The truth of the matter is, you don't know anything about anything. Do you know if Snyder and Vinny are letting Zorn do his thing with no supervision? Or is Snyder and Vinny making all the decisions like Jerry Jones and treating Zorn like a puppet? Stop making stupid threads when you know absolutely nothing about anything. We called for Joe Gibb's head in 2007 because the offense was crap and we played the most conservative football I ever witness on the Washington Redskins. We have multiple players who are playing for a game paycheck every week and don't really give a damn whether we win or lose. We have an owner and retarded GM who believe big money players are the answer and firing a coach every 2-3 years is the answer. Stop making stupid threads and voice your opinion in the other 50 fire zorn threads.

Damn sunshine you seem upset... Want a some Motrin and a Hersey?

I just wanted to see who people would choice as their coaching staff. I'm excited to hear about zorns firing because I feel that once they do, Holmgren and a new staff is coming to d.c.

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If you like Holmgren so much and his past coordinators because they have the same lingo, then you realize that Zorn was one of those coordinators, right? Who says that if you did get your wish for Holmgren that he wouldn't keep Zorn as the OC?

Is there anything philosophical about the way Zorn has been running the team that people disagree with, or do you just see that we are not blowing teams out, so any type of change would be a good one, even if the replacement comes from the exact same school of thought as the predecessor?

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Our next celebrity coach will have little incentive to win here.

Holmgrin, Cowher, Shanahan...

They've cut their teeth working hard elsewhere. Now the big name coach can come here to assure his retirement funds while allowing Danny and Vinny to continue running the team in circles as they have for the last decade.

$8 million a year to take the heat at the Monday pressers isn't that difficult knowing you'll be outta here in three years with your reputation intact.

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Our next celebrity coach will have little incentive to win here.

Holmgrin, Cowher, Shanahan...

They've cut their teeth working hard elsewhere. Now the big name coach can come here to assure his retirement funds while allowing Danny and Vinny to continue running the team in circles as they have for the last decade.

$8 million a year to take the heat at the Monday pressers isn't that difficult knowing you'll be outta here in three years with your reputation intact.

Not to mention all three have a SB already, so how hungry could they possibly still be.

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Think about this. Campbell never got Saunders offense. Campbell has yet to grasp this offense. Now you want this coach to leave and get another offense in here? Really? Wouldn't you rather Zorn stayed and the Skins tried a new QB just to see where the problem lies?

Campbell is out of here next season, his becoming a FA no matter what. And sadly zorn fate follows that of Campbell. Zorn is a great coach, and I really like him (like I mentioned above) - And he would've made a outstanding Off. Coord, but his no H/C, he is no play caller. He just doesn't have the experience. When Danny Smith is saving your ass from calling a time out that would've cost you the game... You aren't H/C material. And the problems with the team AREN'T just Campbells fault. Campbell isn't a leader, his a stand in QB, somehow you expect him to be a Manning, Brady or a Brees. Its the play callers job to get the TD, its Campbells job to throw it. A mediocre QB, and a mediocre H/C don't make a good pair.

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You know what I forgot about Dungy, I agree with you - That would be ******* amazing. We can only hope...

Just so you know... you can not circumvent the profanity filters. If you want to swear, just use symbols, like this ****.

This is just a friendly heads up before one of the mods has a talk with you! :)

You also might want to edit, like I did.

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It's no surprise that Skins fans love some good ol drama. I think you're buying into it because that's all they talk about on the radio. Every move seems to be somehow tied to Zorn getting pushed out the door.

If I had a team, I'd want Holmgren as GM and Gruden as HC. Blache can stick around, but who knows how long he'll want to coach, so I'll be looking for him to groom his replacement in some years. Of course the DC job will be Holmgren's choice, but I'd imagine Blache is more than qualified.

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If you like Holmgren so much and his past coordinators because they have the same lingo, then you realize that Zorn was one of those coordinators, right? Who says that if you did get your wish for Holmgren that he wouldn't keep Zorn as the OC?

Is there anything philosophical about the way Zorn has been running the team that people disagree with, or do you just see that we are not blowing teams out, so any type of change would be a good one, even if the replacement comes from the exact same school of thought as the predecessor?

Dude I know Zorn came from Holmgrens school of coaching, and like I MENTIONED ABOVE, I want Zorn to stay as the Off. Coord. But I doubt he'll stay with the team after getting demoted. His a great coach, and I love his philosophy. His like that great science teacher that you blow s--t up with in chem class. But Zorn isn't a play caller, he isn't a H/C yet. We need a strong H/C that can stand up against Snyder, and his evil Gnome. Zorn isn't cute out for it yet. Be he will be, one day.

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Campbell isn't a leader, his a stand in QB, somehow you expect him to be a Manning, Brady or a Brees.
It's not so much expecting him to be those guys, it's knowing that if he's NOT one of those guys the Skins have no chance at the SB. I do agree 100% that a great coach can make a mediocre QB look good, a great QB can make a mediocre coach look good, but a mediocre QB and a mediocre coach are a disaster. I am just not exactly ready to throw in the towel on Zorn until I see him with another QB.
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Not to mention all three have a SB already, so how hungry could they possibly still be.

Seriously. None of those guys need to win.

The celeb head coach provides the perfect cover for Danny and Vinny to continue as they please. They've already burned out the no name head coach in Zorn. It's only fitting that they go after a big name next.

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If I had a team, I'd want Holmgren as GM and Gruden as HC. Blache can stick around, but who knows how long he'll want to coach, so I'll be looking for him to groom his replacement in some years. Of course the DC job will be Holmgren's choice, but I'd imagine Blache is more than qualified.

You know what, I like your choices. But I'd choice Dungy over Holmgren. I kinda forgot about Gruden wanting to coach. I'd just be kinda scared to hire him. Most of the time he makes great position, and play calling choices. But every once in a while he'll throw a curve ball that bites him in the ***. But he is more then qualified, and I think he has the hunger - even though his already won a SB. After his last year I think he has something to prove.

I guess I'm still in love with Gregg Williams blitz blitz, man, **** zone coverage defense. And Blaches more "structured" defense is something new.

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Dude I know Zorn came from Holmgrens school of coaching, and like I MENTIONED ABOVE, I want Zorn to stay as the Off. Coord. But I doubt he'll stay with the team after getting demoted. His a great coach, and I love his philosophy. His like that great science teacher that you blow s--t up with in chem class. But Zorn isn't a play caller, he isn't a H/C yet. We need a strong H/C that can stand up against Snyder, and his evil Gnome. Zorn isn't cute out for it yet. Be he will be, one day.

I've got a question for you that I will answer. How do you gain experience? You gain it while working. The guy is learning and trying new things, he's not the one out there getting crucial penalties, missing blocks, dropping passes, missing throws, running routes short of first downs. Yeah some of that is on him for the players not being in position, but eventually the players who have been here got to be accountable. He is trying new things to get this offense working if you actually pay attention, and stop listening to what people tell you. People ***** about continuity, but then want the coach fired after a year and a quarter, you can't have it both ways.

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Don't feel bad about awaiting to here it....I think we all are waiting for it. Especially now that Sherman Lewis has been hired.....its only a matter of time

I'm not waiting to hear it. He's coached what, 20 freaking games for us? I hope nothing changes for at least another year.

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