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redzone ideas


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after re-watching Sundays game, i realized something that i think the team should try. Now I'm not trying to get this into a "bashing campbell" thread.

I've been remembering our nice 4 game winning streak in 2007 that got us to the playoffs with Todd Collins. I think that Zorn should just try putting Todd Collins in as QB whenever we get into the redzone, just for a game or two and see if it works. Campbell can be the QB leading us to the redzone, but anytime in the redzone, Collins should be our guy, because i remember that Todd was pretty effective as the QB getting us touchdowns. Suggestions and/or criticism would be glady appreciated.

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4 times Campbell drove us inside the 10. Those 4 possessions inside the 10, twice he wasn't allowed to throw a single pass, and twice he threw perfect passes that were dropped by receivers.

You "re-watched" that, and then came to the conclusion that it was Campbell's fault?

no no no. im not saying its campbells fault, he was very very very good when throwing in the red zone, i'm just saying that for one of our trick plays in the red zone, we should rotate the QB since we rotate the RB sometimes. Or we can have both QBs in the game when we're in the red zone so Campbell can maybe throw to Collins, then Collins back to Campbell and Campbell finds an open reciever and hits the reciever for a touchdown. Campbell is outstanding when passing in the redzone, so that could be one of our trick plays should we ever need it.

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Strangely, I just posted roughly the same thing on another thread.

I think it would be worthwhile trying a new wrinkle when in the redzone -- at least to shake things up.

I don't see why we don't try a specialized redzone package -- and let Collins concentrate on running that package. That close in, Collins' arm strengh is not the issue -- he handles the precision timing of short passes well, and throws an accurate, catchable with touch, high arc, etc. He's a good 'short-yard' specialist.

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no no no. im not saying its campbells fault, he was very very very good when throwing in the red zone, i'm just saying that for one of our trick plays in the red zone, we should rotate the QB since we rotate the RB sometimes. Or we can have both QBs in the game when we're in the red zone so Campbell can maybe throw to Collins, then Collins back to Campbell and Campbell finds an open reciever and hits the reciever for a touchdown. Campbell is outstanding when passing in the redzone, so that could be one of our trick plays should we ever need it.

I wish that were true.

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no no no. im not saying its campbells fault, he was very very very good when throwing in the red zone, i'm just saying that for one of our trick plays in the red zone, we should rotate the QB since we rotate the RB sometimes. Or we can have both QBs in the game when we're in the red zone so Campbell can maybe throw to Collins, then Collins back to Campbell and Campbell finds an open reciever and hits the reciever for a touchdown. Campbell is outstanding when passing in the redzone, so that could be one of our trick plays should we ever need it.

Or maybe we can just let Campbell do what hes paid to do and find the open guy in the redzone.

BTW, theres like 5 threads on this topic, just sayin ;)

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