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What do you want to see on Sunday?


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I would like to see:

1. The OL actually move somebody off the line on a running play.

2. A run between the tackles that produces more than 2 yards.

3. Downfield blocking by any OL on a run play.

4. A running game and solid pass protection.

5. A surprise on the playcall, like throwing on first down, or a draw play on third, or play action on first or second. ANything other than run, run, pass, punt.

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I want to see total domination. Absolute domination. Ball gag in the mouth, leather gimp mask, tied to a chair, bound, and paddled with a fresh cod or salmon. We need to break out the numchucks, bolo's, grab em and do some indian burns... really make em feel it.

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Dominant game by AH and Orakpo

Breakout games for 2/3 of last years 2nd rounders

defensive TD's ... Landry,Hall and Horton hell throw London Fletcher into the mix too he deserves it

I'd love to see JC have a phemonal game like Drew Brees had last week 6 TD's 400-500 yds of offense. Clinton Portis running for at least 100 yards with 1 rushing TD and 1 passing. Santana 100 + yds 2TD's, Cooley 100+ yds 1 TD, Malcolm KELLY 1 TD ,Fred Davis 50-100 yds receiving. I want the greatest show on turf at Fed Ex Field. I'd love to see spme resonably aggressive playcalling and THE PLAYERS EXCUTING what's being called. The O Line getting their swagger back:).

I want to see the D gel ,well rested and ready to kick ass:D


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In a word; Offense. I want to see offense. Not just drives that stall and playcalling that is so bland, but a smooth high powered offense. And a QB that can hit a receiver in stride, and find the open guy. and touchdowns, lots of them.

I would rather the score be 80-79 skins than 17-14 skins.

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I don't just want a win...I want to see the 'Skins DOMINATE on both sides of the ball. I want the defense to shut down Bulger and the Rams. I want the offense to march down the field and SCORE! No 3 and outs! I want them to win and look like they're having fun. I think the team and the fans need that kind of win tomorrow.


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