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Giants Stadium, we hardly knew ye


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I remember last year where there was at least one thread highlighting the most memorable games the Skins played against the Cowboys in Texas Stadium. Barring a rendezvous in the playoffs, this will be the Redskins last game in the old Giants Stadium, the 1970s-era edifice that was praised by Jack Kent Cooke as having "the best damn sightlines in the league" and was a lot of the inspiration behind the stadium the Redskins currently play in. Giants Stadium will be replaced next year by.......a new Giants Stadium next door, which (if you've ever seen construction pictures) looks a lot like the old Giants Stadium on the outside, only bigger. This will leave FedEx Field as the oldest stadium in the division, but still the one with the most kick-butt jumbotron. Anyway, in commemoration, thought I'd do a quick decade-by-decade drive-by of some notable Skins-Giants games that have been played in the Meadowlands:

1970s: Everyone remembers the game in '89 when a winless Cowboys team came into RFK on a Sunday night and beat the Redskins for their sole win of the year. Well, both the Giants and Jets were god awful (ala today's Raiders and Lions) throughout the 1970s. In 1976, an 0-9 Giants team beat a 6-3 Redskins team in an ugly 12-9 game. The Skins still managed to make the playoffs that year, and the Giants still wound up with three wins.

1980s: For the Redskins, the 1982 game was the first one back from a lengthy strike and we picked up where we left off with a 27-17 win which continued what would be a magical season. Unfortunately, once the Tuna arrived in New York, he seemed to be the one coach Gibbs couldn't solve back then. From the Giants ledger, probably the game that sticks out was the 1988 opener. In the first half Doug Williams and Timmy Smith were churning and the Skins had the lead; however, in the second half, we fell apart (remember a INT return for a TD) and the Giants won.

1990s: For the Redskins, 1991 was the game in which the Skins came back from a big halftime deficit to win 17-13 and continue what was an undefeated season at that point. But the 1990s are largely the decade of Norv, which means pain. The 1997-1998 games stick out for me. The '97 game was late in the season, and Jeff Hostetler was under center for us after Gus had banged his head against the wall in a 7-7 game against the Giants in Landover. Well, we stunk it up, and wound up missing the playoffs. In the '98 opener Gus was doing well in the first half but melted down early in the second half, got benched for Trent Green, and for intents and purposes his Skins career was done. Of course, the next year a 50-point offensive explosion with Brad Johnson got us on course for what was our last divisional title.

2000s: Largely more ugliness, with the 2002 game under the 'Ol Ball Coach sticking out. If I recall correctly, this game took about four hours to play, and didn't even go into OT. It featured some replay review that seemed to go on forever, and also James Tuthill falling on his rearend during a FG attempt. In 2007, the Redskins suffered the tragic loss of Sean Taylor, then had an embarrassing end of the game versus Buffalo. They rebounded to beat Chicago at home to keep their faint playoff hopes alive, but surely they would falter in New York. Not so fast, with the laser rocket arm of Todd Collins going against the north Jersey winds, the Skins stayed alive and would ultimately gain a playoff berth.

So, here's to you, monolith of the Meadowlands. Look forward to hearing other folks recollections.

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1986 (played in January '87) NFC Championship game. Winds swirling, trash flying around. Gary Clark dropping a certain TD pass early in the game. Schroeder throwing a late pick and tossing Byron Hunt aside when Hunt went looking for him to get a legal lick on the QB.

The second best team in football that season. Unfortunately, the best was in the same division.

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I remember a game at the Meadowlands back in 1995. The Giants were playing the Chargers in late December. Some disgruntled Giants started heaving ice-balls at the Charger's bench, one ice ball hit an assistant coach in the face.

Then there was 2005, when the Meadowlands turned into a "home game" for the N.O. Saints. Some Giant fans tossed bathing suits at the Saints bench.

I will not miss that place.

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1986 (played in January '87) NFC Championship game. Winds swirling, trash flying around. Gary Clark dropping a certain TD pass early in the game. Schroeder throwing a late pick and tossing Byron Hunt aside when Hunt went looking for him to get a legal lick on the QB.

The second best team in football that season. Unfortunately, the best was in the same division.

Sonny, that was a big omission on my part. I wasn't living in the DC area at the time, and was on a short trip overseas during the divisional round. A classmate one night called home and reported back the scores, and I was excited when I heard we had upset the Bears......only to have my heart sink when he then said how much the Giants had flattened the 49ers by (49-3). That, and given how the Giants had swept us in the regular season (I was at RFK for their 24-14 win), and maybe because I was just glad to be home after the trip.....for whatever reason, when the NFCCG came on, my expectations were pretty low.

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1986 (played in January '87) NFC Championship game. Winds swirling, trash flying around. Gary Clark dropping a certain TD pass early in the game. Schroeder throwing a late pick and tossing Byron Hunt aside when Hunt went looking for him to get a legal lick on the QB.

The second best team in football that season. Unfortunately, the best was in the same division.

Yeah, this is the game I was going to say. Schroeder never seemed to catch onto what the wind currents were doing that day. I also seem to remember the 1989 meeting between the two teams in NJ where Alvin Walton picked off a pass, and fumbling it away on the return; that was a key moment in the game if I recall. On a positive not, my favorite Skins game at Giants Stadium was that 1991 game that was referenced. I remember Gary Clark dropping one or two TD's in the first half, but then coming back with vengence after halftime. If my memory serves me, that was also on a Sunday night, so the entire country saw it.

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I have lived in NY for the past couple of years and went to the Skins/Giants game in December 2007. I went with 3 neighbors (1 Skins, 2 Giants) and it was cold as a mother******. The Skins won, which was great, but the funny memory was of a dude in the corner of one end zone who was wearing a Cowboys jersey who got pelted with snowballs. He was getting ejected by the stadium security, turned around and motioned "bring it on" and just got annihalated with snowballs. Pretty funny.

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