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WEx: Cartwright miffed with role


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His loyalty to our team has been rewarded with an extra year to show people you can play. Expect big things out of Rock, this season, before he leaves for another team next year.
Leaving to go where? If no team wanted him FA before, why would someone want him after this year? And even if they did, who would want him as anything more than a KR at this point in his career?
You don't see this on the defensive side of the ball. They stick together. You see more grumbling and complaing on the offensive side and it's the side that consistently medicore. Mike Sellers wants more money after 1 pro bowl apperance. Rock's miffed about his role which has primarily been ST and occasional carries. :doh:
I think part of that has to do with the fact that our defensive system has been in place for half a decade now with good success for most of that time, and guys know their roles in the system and fulfill it as needed.

On the flip side, it's no surprise that with all the shuffling of offensive systems we've been doing over the years, guys get fed up and don't understand their roles on that side of the ball.

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No, nobody.

Exactly. I say if he doesn't want to be a special teamer for us we cut him loose to go find that team that will give him a shot in the backfield.

edit: Frankly, he isn't a "great" kick returner. Does he have any return TD's? He is Mister Safe back there. He'll get the ball and take it north south to about the 30-35 yard line just about every time. He rarely, if ever, makes a game changing play

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Players have to realize their limitations.

Already Khary Campbell left as a free agent because he wanted to be more than a special teamer. But at age 30 and after 8 seasons in the NFL, he isn't going to reinvent his career in Houston.

He is going to be covering kicks once again.

Ditto for Cartwright. Where is he going to go in the NFL where he is going to see regular carries as a running back?

He also is 30 and entering his 8th season.

Clinton Portis is in his 7th season and some critics are already talking about him getting to be a bit long in the tooth for the running back position.

Again, is Rock going to reinvent himself at age 30 somewhere else after this season?

He may leave Washington and go to Green Bay or Denver or San Diego but he will end up returning kicks and being on the coverage teams.

The ironic thing with a number of these players is they wait until they are way beyond the point of having a legitimate chance to start over.

Rock could have left 3 years ago when he was 26 and refused Washington's new contract offer.

He was stuck then behind Portis and Betts had just had a 1,154 yard season in relief of Portis when he was injured.

I really have a hard time feeling sorry for guys that have picked up a very nice paycheck doing something that they love but who in the end thought they should have been given even more.

And that's the fault of the organization?

There are a lot of people in my company that would like to make more money or be in a more responsible position.

At some point, though, you have to realize your own limitations.

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That's not fair. A lot of players will leave for more money but EVERY player will leave for a chance to start. It's in his nature as a competitor. If he's content being a backup's backup, then he shouldn't be in professional sports. It's also called looking out for your own best interests. If you care about something (not even someONE) else more than yourself, you need to re-evaluate yourself as a human.

What's not fair? I simply said I found his overall sentiment (being miffed about being relegated strictly to STs and being passed over for game time as a RB) in contrast with his loyalty statement. I don't him by either stance, and I agree with you wholeheartedly--if he could start somewhere, then by all means he owes it to himself to do so. But why say his loyalty lies here? It just seemed like the PC thing for him to say at the end of his rant. Almost like back-pedaling after he realized what he was saying.

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I'm not claiming any conspiracy. We both believe the coaches haven't/don't believe that he can be "the guy" to take over in the rotation when someone gets hurt.

The difference between you and I is that I believe he can and you don't seem to believe he can.

For me, it's not a matter of belief. If he could get the job done, then he would have been allowed that opportunity. The fact that he has not been allowed that opportunity says, in effect, that he cannot get the job done. The coaches know more than you or I, or even Rock for that matter.

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He sounds a lot like Campbell and others that have left Washington in recent years in the belief they had much greater roles they could assume elsewhere.

Blache's evaluation of Khary Campbell was correct. He was a 30 year old linebacker who was too small to man the MIKE position in the NFL and was not fast enough to play outside at WLB.

Blache didn't sugarcoat things or promise Campbell he was going to develop him into the next Terrell Suggs.

Cartwright was never going to get regular carries on a team with $40M man Clinton Portis and backup Ladell Betts, whom the team had spent a #2 pick on and signed to a new contract.

He should have known that 2-3 years ago and left via free agency.

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This is the reason why I've never been a Rock fan. He ****es and whines about not getting reps at RB but whenever he's gotten in the game, he's never done much (except fumble!). If you were a good RB, then one of the three coaches who have had you would have recognized it. I wouldn't be at all disappointed if he was cut for a back that actually brings something to the total table other than just ST.

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This is the reason why I've never been a Rock fan. He ****es and whines about not getting reps at RB but whenever he's gotten in the game, he's never done much (except fumble!). If you were a good RB, then one of the three coaches who have had you would have recognized it. I wouldn't be at all disappointed if he was cut for a back that actually brings something to the total table other than just ST.

Do third/fourth runningbacks often bring something to the table other than special teams?

Why is it that fans usually like new players who haven't done anything rather than the solid ones we already have?

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Rock isn't a team player because if he was he wouldn't be introducing this kind of divisive issue into the discussion the week of the season opener against the Giants.

He would have said something 4-5 weeks ago when Mason started to get the majority of carries in the preseason.

The fact he waited until now to me reduces him in my eyes as a guy you have to have on the team.

Because his attitude can be corrosive to team chemistry.

The clear difference here is that in years past under Gibbs special teams performers when the team was winning didn't publicly whine in the WP or WT about their role on the football team.

Now we have guys like Campbell and Cartwright that sign the contracts knowing what their role is going to be and then complain.

What do you do with guys like that?

Obviously they didn't believe in their own abilities that much or they would have left the team in their mid-20's to try and secure a larger role on another team at that time.

To me this is just wanderlust and a 'the grass is greener' approach which doesn't help beat the Giants.

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Do third/fourth runningbacks often bring something to the table other than special teams?

Why is it that fans usually like new players who haven't done anything rather than the solid ones we already have?

I'm fine with people doing their job but quit whining like you hadn't had a chance. Obviously 3 coaches didn't think you were special, so how about play your role and quit ****ing about not getting a chance? If there was another back that brought what he does to the table (solid but not Pro Bowl ST ability) but also added another element to the offense we'd be stupid not to upgrade.

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I love Rock. i think he is an equal back to Betts. I dont think there is a huge drop off in production, and the minute a RB in the league goes down, I think Betts will be traded if he is wanted. Just bide your time Rock, your day will come... maybe not as a #1 back, but just give it time bro.

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maybe if you didn't suck you would get more reps.....

Exactly. And maybe if when he did get a shot he didn't fumble. He doesn't have power. He isn't a very speedy guy. He's just solid on teams. I appreciate everything Rock has done but he should be happy the Skins even kept him this year. If were up to me I would have cut him and kept Dorsey.

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For me, it's not a matter of belief. If he could get the job done, then he would have been allowed that opportunity. The fact that he has not been allowed that opportunity says, in effect, that he cannot get the job done. The coaches know more than you or I, or even Rock for that matter.

I think post #59 illustruates my feelings on whether he can get the job done.

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I like rock.. a lot. and from what i read, he's frustrated, but accepting. Look at some of the characters playing the game. Too many times you hear about guys holding out, or causing problems because they are "miffed." He stepped up, said his peice, vented, and said he's Loyal to the team, and he hasnt done anything to make me believe otherwise. People get frustrated in their role, but the difference is, he's got his heart in the right place. Do it to the press? No. Maybe this would have been better to approach the coach with... but i cant blame him. Fact is, he's never got a REAL shot to step into the role. I dont care what anyone says, you cant judge a guy on 30 reps over 3 years.

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It appears with Rock and Anthony Montgomery we have two unhappy campers that can't wait to spill their guts to the press with the opener a week away.

Either player could have demanded a trade, but who would be interested in giving up anything of value for Rock, who is 30 years old and a career special teamer?

Montgomery at 6'5 and 315 might garner more interest on the market, but he still failed to advance past Kedric Golston in camp and will be a free agent in the offseason.

So, these guys are temporarily stuck with Washington making good money for playing limited reps.

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I'm surprised Skins kept Rock ... he should be too! I want DT to return kicks!

Me too. I don't think it will be long before DT takes over full time.

Then we'll see how happy Rock is when he never get to even touch a football. Just blocking and tackling in his future.

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Me too. I don't think it will be long before DT takes over full time.

Then we'll see how happy Rock is when he never get to even touch a football. Just blocking and tackling in his future.

i think if STs could have shown better in the preseason then we would have cut him.

Zorn and Cerrato kept on talking about surprise cuts, but in reality there weren't any surprise cuts.

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I think post #59 illustruates my feelings on whether he can get the job done.

Right, but your opinion is based on sparse action from 4-6 years ago. In that time, several different coaches and staffs have had the opportunity to evaluate him on a day to day basis. None of those coaches or staffs ever felt inclined to promote Rock to any consistent duties at RB. Neither did any team see potential based on those game day performances when Rock touched his toe into the free agency waters. If at any point in time anyone thought he could do it based on day to day evaluations, then he would have been given an opportunity.

Keep in mind that other running backs have shown flashes on game days, then turned out to be duds. Trung comes to mind:

On 10/21/01 he rushed for 195 yards on 23 carries (8.5 avg) and 2 TDs. On 11/11/01 he rushed for 145 yards on 16 carries (9.1 avg) and 1 TD. Does this mean that Trung was a good running back? No. Just like your stats do not prove that Rock is a good running back. Flashes in the pan, my man.

That being said: Did we make the right moves with Alexander and Duckett? Absolutely not. But hindsight is 20/20. Each of the those moves could have gone either of two ways, unfortunately they went the wrong way for us. That still doesn't mean that Rock could have done better.

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