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WHY Dan can pay Big Al, but Jerrah can't afford to renew Ware


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The most valuable team for the third straight year is the Dallas Cowboys, owned for 20 years by Texas entrepreneur Jerry Jones.

The most profitable team -- and the second-most valuable in the Forbes ranking -- is the Washington Redskins. It earned 10 times more than the Cowboys, or $90.3 million last year, with a value of $1.55 billion, up 1 percent from a year ago.

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they have their fair-weather fans. It's a large fanbase, but they're mostly fairweather. We have that large fairweather fanbase too, but you also throw in waaay more die-hard fans than they have.

A lot of their fans when they were "America's Team" in the early 90s and before have all left to cheer for other teams.

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I don't know why fans tout their teams "profitability" as a great thing. They get that profit from you and me. We are being robbed, yet we're going to bump our chests because our owner is 10 times more profitable than the next? When I hear that I think "my owner is robbing me 10x more than the fans of other teams".

Regardless.......profitability for the skins and cowboys shouldn't be close right now. The skins have a big stadium last year. The cowboys played in a dump. NEXT year, when the totals come out, and Jerry has banked the profits from the new stadium, these numbers will DRASTICALLY change. I expect the cowboys to be head and shoulders above the rest of the league in profitability. When you charge those ridiculous prices for seats, PSL's, $60 vodka's, and $9 hotdogs, you're profitability will skyrocket.

None of those things were on the cowboys books from last year, because they were still in Texas Stadium. Next year it will be dallas fans doing the chest bumping because of how profitable the team is. Then they can take glee from being robbed more than the next closest team.

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You know whats sad? The team brings in $90 million per year, far more than any other team, and yet Snyder STILL milks every dollar out of fans, instead of focusing more on giving them a good gameday experience. Why are beer prices as high as they are if the team is raking in cash? Because of the man who owns the team who is a slave to the almighty dollar.

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None of those things were on the cowboys books from last year, because they were still in Texas Stadium. Next year it will be dallas fans doing the chest bumping because of how profitable the team is. Then they can take glee from being robbed more than the next closest team.

hardly, with no naming rights, and the amount of loans, operating costs,....etc.... it will be years before it will start showing a profit.

and while TX stadium was a dump, it was paid for, meaning most ticket sells were profit. The profit potential in the new stadium will be far greater once Jerrah gets in the black... but until then.. TX stadium was more profitable

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hardly, with no naming rights, and the amount of loans, operating costs,....etc.... it will be years before it will start showing a profit.

and while TX stadium was a dump, it was paid for, meaning most ticket sells were profit. The profit potential in the new stadium will be far greater once Jerrah gets in the black... but until then.. TX stadium was more profitable

but 30-40 thousand extra tickets and parking and food/drinks for 10 games at home!!!! Thats alot of cash.......thats 300,000-400,000 ticket sales more then last season....and dont under estimate the amount of profit each person gives a team in ticket cost/drinks/food/gear...etc...

Im not saying your wrong, just saying that there will be alllllooot of $ coming in for those extra 40k seats!

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hardly, with no naming rights, and the amount of loans, operating costs,....etc.... it will be years before it will start showing a profit.

and while TX stadium was a dump, it was paid for, meaning most ticket sells were profit. The profit potential in the new stadium will be far greater once Jerrah gets in the black... but until then.. TX stadium was more profitable

You could not be more wrong. Wait till next year and look at the numbers. They'll be mind boggling.

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I guess there's one way to keep up your profitability.... sue your own fans if they can't afford to pay for season ticket contracts.


Since 1962, Pat Hill has been a Redskins fan. She still is even though they sued her and won when she couldn't make payments on a 10-yr contract for Redskins season tickets. She's a 73-year-old realtor and making $400 a month in social security after the housing crash. Hill on her couch, among a small sampling of her memorabilia, uses tissues to wipe the tears while she recalls the lawsuit. She's hoping Dan Snyder will listen to her story and her willingness to pay when the recession has passed.

Way to go lil Danny!

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I guess there's one way to keep up your profitability.... sue your own fans if they can't afford to pay for season ticket contracts.


Way to go lil Danny!

my company is (was in this position) we own season tickets, club level to the Redskins and we just cant really afford it now...we are a small business...and it doesn't make since for us anymore....Well we went to get out last year with 2 years left on the contract and were told we would be sued for the remaining years and lose our tickets....thats over 12k.......

HORRIBLE deal.........to do this, and for the individuals that cant afford them to be sued. i read the front page of the Post today it blew me away!!!!!

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You could not be more wrong. Wait till next year and look at the numbers. They'll be mind boggling.


the stadium cost a billion dollars to build.... and Jerrah is on the hook for a huge chunk of it, that is still owed.... in a sagging economy and no huge naming rights deal it is gonna take time to go into the black

when he does sure he will make big bucks.... but not until

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but 30-40 thousand extra tickets and parking and food/drinks for 10 games at home!!!! Thats alot of cash.......thats 300,000-400,000 ticket sales more then last season....and dont under estimate the amount of profit each person gives a team in ticket cost/drinks/food/gear...etc...

Im not saying your wrong, just saying that there will be alllllooot of $ coming in for those extra 40k seats!

which is why I said

The profit potential in the new stadium will be far greater once Jerrah gets in the black.

BTW, Jerrah will not sell 100,000 tickets a game.... in fact he lists only 70 some thousand as capacity for regular season games (for blackout rules)..... they didn't always sell out the 65,000 seat TX stadium.... so saying 40,000 extra seats is a stretch... more like 10,000

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I guess there's one way to keep up your profitability.... sue your own fans if they can't afford to pay for season ticket contracts.


Way to go lil Danny!

always try to change the subject when you can debate the topic..... :nono:

:secret: if you think Jerrah or any other owner does business differently.... guess again

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always try to change the subject when you can debate the topic..... :nono:

:secret: if you think Jerrah or any other owner does business differently.... guess again

I think something like a dozen teams came out and said they wouldn't sue their fans. Not to say a lot of others wouldn't either. But not ANY other owner would apparently.

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You know whats sad? The team brings in $90 million per year, far more than any other team, and yet Snyder STILL milks every dollar out of fans, instead of focusing more on giving them a good gameday experience. Why are beer prices as high as they are if the team is raking in cash? Because of the man who owns the team who is a slave to the almighty dollar.

It is sad but he's been getting away with it for years thats why he has 90 mill.

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It is sad but he's been getting away with it for years thats why he has 90 mill.

im not a big Jerry Jones fan, but its easier to take when he has 3 SB trophy's...no one would care about Snyder's greed if he could just bring home what the great fans of washington want and thats a SB TITLE....

Yes i call you all great fans, cause the skins do have a good fanbase......(regardless of the TR1's of the world.....:laugh:

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None of those things were on the cowboys books from last year, because they were still in Texas Stadium. Next year it will be dallas fans doing the chest bumping because of how profitable the team is.

Well, if Jerruh continues to ignore free agency and let his team flounder, then, yes, he may have some 'profit.'

Unfortunately, Jerruh is up to his eyeballs in debt, and when the pukes start out badly, there will be less and less fans in the seats...and less 'profit.'

Jerruh NEEDS the pukes to win this year...a losing record will kill him financially.

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Well, if Jerruh continues to ignore free agency and let his team flounder, then, yes, he may have some 'profit.'

Unfortunately, Jerruh is up to his eyeballs in debt, and when the pukes start out badly, there will be less and less fans in the seats...and less 'profit.'

Jerruh NEEDS the pukes to win this year...a losing record will kill him financially.

So who was out there in free agency this year that Dallas just had to have TR1?

what cracks me up is when people on this board talk about fair weather fans and bandwagon fans.....but those are fans that only like a team that is winning at the moment......Dallas has always had a very strong fan base winning or losing so that theory does not fly either......

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