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Sigh...The 333,000,000 Mega Mill Jackpot has been won.

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Well, looks like my school debt won't be paid off anytime soon. My foolproof plan failed...yet again. Oh well.

You know, I actually read a "People" magazine article about winners of the lotto and how their lives were impacted...for the worse...following their lotto win. I can kind of see how that happens too, you get money, then everyone who ever was involved in your life in some minute way, and even those who weren't, start coming out of the woodwork and harrassing you. So hey, at least you get to go another lotto cycle without having to worry about that crap.

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Well, looks like my school debt won't be paid off anytime soon. My foolproof plan failed...yet again. Oh well.

You know, I actually read a "People" magazine article about winners of the lotto and how their lives were impacted...for the worse...following their lotto win. I can kind of see how that happens too, you get money, then everyone who ever was involved in your life in some minute way, and even those who weren't, start coming out of the woodwork and harrassing you. So hey, at least you get to go another lotto cycle without having to worry about that crap.

I'll take those chances

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Well, looks like my school debt won't be paid off anytime soon. My foolproof plan failed...yet again. Oh well.

You know, I actually read a "People" magazine article about winners of the lotto and how their lives were impacted...for the worse...following their lotto win. I can kind of see how that happens too, you get money, then everyone who ever was involved in your life in some minute way, and even those who weren't, start coming out of the woodwork and harrassing you. So hey, at least you get to go another lotto cycle without having to worry about that crap.

I wonder if there was any way you could win remain anonymous, of course I'd probably tell my family, and then they would probably tell everyone else...

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I very rarely play the lottery no matter the jackpost size but I've never quite understood the people that only play the lotto win it get's "big." Like $20 million is chump change and wouldn't be life changing :whoknows:

I think it is more along the lines of not wanting to get addicted to shelling out $20 twice a week for something you are almost guaranteed to not win. 12 mil (7 after taxes) is definitely not chump change, but I would rather just play when the pot was astronomically huge as opposed to its regular amounts.

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I think it is more along the lines of not wanting to get addicted to shelling out $20 twice a week for something you are almost guaranteed to not win. 12 mil (7 after taxes) is definitely not chump change, but I would rather just play when the pot was astronomically huge as opposed to its regular amounts.

Lotto is a tax on poor people.

I only play 3-4 times a year.. throwing 40 bucks in the garbage..

I won 10$ once and told my boss thats it! I'm outta here..

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The lotto is a tax on people who can't do math. If your odds of winning a million are 1-100000000000, who thinks "Wow if I put down $20 a week, in a few years I'll break even! :silly:

Kinda fitting in NC, that the money was supposed to go to education. IE: As long as people are stupid enough to think they can realistically win, we need more money for education.*

You like to gamble a little for fun, like a co-worker of mine, fine. But then there are those who are compulsive gamblers.....

*Of course, now they're saying the money isn't reserved for education, just gets put in the general pot for whatever the politicians deem is "most important". :doh: :mad:

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