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Anybody else see the typo?

Khlav Kalash

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Here is a quiz for all the hardcore/ truly geeky (I am including myself in this group, seeing as I spotted it) Redskins fans, can you spot the typo on this banner from the Pro Football Hall of Fame shop?


Khlav Kalash

P.S. I have sent an e-mail to the HOF; I'll let you know how they respond.

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There is an 'enlarge' button to click on to make it easier to make out; but no, Monk is spelled correctly. I will point out that it is not the layout mistake - with Marshall listed between Gibbs and Flaherty, seeing as all the other Redskins seem to go left to right based on the year inducted, but I did find that a tad strange.

Khlav Kalash

P.S. I am not saying you aren't a true 'hardcore' fan if you can't find the typo, I was identifying myself with the 'truly geeky' fans who would; but I am still pissed that the HOF would sell Redskins fans a banner with such a ridiculous error on it.

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Hopefully, I'll be able to let you know tomorrow what the HOF says about this stupid mistake. I found it when I was trying to find an answer to a question that came up when I watched that 'The Legacy: Washington Redskins Hall of Fame' show on NBC last weekend. In it, they said that only two members of the HOF Charter Class of 1963 were unanimously elected for the HOF, one of which was 'Slinging' Sammy Baugh (the other was George 'Papa Bear' Halas). How many others have been unanimously elected (or has there ever been another)?

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I was looking for a name typo. Not a true type in the sense. They just gave him the wrong number.

So, what would you call it if you typed the wrong number other than a typographical error, a.k.a. a typo? Which is worse, listing John Elway as John Elmay or listing him as #8? To me, one clearly demonstrates that you probably just pressed the wrong key, whereas the other MIGHT be an indicator that you may not know what it is you are talking about, although the error is exactly the same. Either way the error occured, I think it is disrespectful to Redskins fans to sell them a banner with an error on it, even if the error is unintentional and/or it is an error that not every fan would pick up on.

Khlav Kalash

P.S. The HOF has yet to respond to my e-mail.

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The HOF did respond to the e-mail (at least they acknowledged the error, not that they said the would do anything about it):

Thank you for contacting us. The voting for the selection process is handled by an

independent auditor and the final vote tally is kept secret, even to the Pro Football

Hall of Fame.

As such, we have no way of knowing whether an enshrinee is voted in unanimously.

Thank you for pointing out the discrepancy on Wayne Millner. You are correct in that he

wore #40.


Pro Football Hall of Fame

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