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WEx: The future of coach Zorn rests in Campbell's hands


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For me, this thread's main focus is whether Zorn's fate should rely on Campbell having a great 2009 season, and the Redskins making the playoffs. I don't think this is fair to Zorn. Most coaches get at least 3 years and a chance to get 'their' players plugged into the system that the coach developed

As I said earlier, the premise that Zorn's fate is tied to Campbell's 2009 performance is false. It's based on the notion that Dan Snyder is still an impatient owner who can't resist the lure of a big name coach.

Dan Snyder has patiently waited 4 years plus Campbell. He should give Zorn the same kind of consideration. I think Zorn will turn out to be one of the better coaches in the league. I earnestly believe that --given time and owner support in managing the players --Zorn will be better than either Cowher or Shanahan.

I think so too. I also think that Snyder has a plan now and, barring a very bad performance, Zorn is part of it.

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I do think Zorn is part of the future for the Redskins. Would Zorn accept the Offensive Coordinator job with the Skins? Sure. If he really is grooming Brennan, that would make a lot of sense for 2010.

To tie Campbell's performance to Zorn only applies if Campbell excels, or if Campbell goes into the tank and Zorn sticks with him.

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Its a given that Campbell will fold like a bad Poker hand. The question is when not if. If "when" is during the pre-season ... it will be interesting to see if Zorn has the balls to make a switch sooner rather than later given JC's lame duck status. This is the most interesting season in years.

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Its a given that Campbell will fold like a bad Poker hand. The question is when not if. If "when" is during the pre-season ... it will be interesting to see if Zorn has the balls to make a switch sooner rather than later given JC's lame duck status. This is the most interesting season in years.

Couldn't agree more and just hope he doesn't wait so long that it throws the season away.

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