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Is there a legit way to make money online?


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I keep seeing these ads on how people make thousands a month with this...does it really work or is it a scam? I don't see how a big company like google would scam people...

There's a thing called Google Adsense. You can put it on your website and Google gives you a percentage of that. At least I think thats what they mean.


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No but I can help you make money on ES just send me your


Date of Birth

Bank Account Information


Telephone number

and Social Security Number

And I will personally transfer 500 dollars to your account just for your interest :)

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The adsense ads give you something like 1/100th of a cent every time one of their ads appear on your site. You theoretically COULD make thousands of dollars, but figure at that rate how many hits you'd need to make it, and you see why it's bull****.

Yahoo could make it, or google itself, but if you get that many hits you can sell REAL advertising and make some real money without them.

My site does decent traffic, and the adsense that I have plastered all over the site (up to 3 times on a single page) brings me about $100 every other month. It covers expenses, that's nice. Because of them I don't take anything out of pocket for hosting or domain fees.


There are others like Tribal Fusion that have tier systems and pay more based on the numbers of traffic you get. (the higher numbers, the better class of ad they will cycle through your site. Some of them pay up to $10 per impression, but you've got to REALLY be cranking some numbers to even get close to that tier.


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With what? If you are going to start a thread, you need to provide more info to get things started unless you want someone to hijack it.

Like this....

So, speaking of Google... anyone have experience with the Google Maps API's?


I'm trying to do something using the Maps app to navigate a website I'm developing by using markers to note locations that you can click on and go to the next page with VR's and photos of that location. Something like this...


I already have a test version with the marker links but when I put it into my page layout its giving me fits. I'm not really a code writer as much as a cut and paste hacker so figuring our what is wrong takes me forever. If anyone has any tips I would be appreciate it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programing.... :D

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