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FoxSports: Sources: Eagles give McNabb raise


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My roomate, who is a Steelers fan, and respects Mcnabb, thought those comment were way out of line and still does if it's brought up. Just throwing that in there.

I, who am an Eagles fan, cringed the moment he made the statement and turned off the television in disgust, which I hadn't even done after watching them get thoroughly outplayed that day.

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I dont like Donovan. He's a nice guy, but I don't like him. I felt like he made himself out to be a prima-donna ever since the Jeff Garcia situation 3 years ago in Philly. Heck he even got his mother involved on his behalf. Donovan knew that the eagles finally had a backup QB who could outplay him, so to avoid a controversy, he begs Reid and the FO to not resign Garcia.

Think about it. You are the Eagles, and you just lost your starting QB to another season ending injury. Jeff Garcia, your backup, saves the season, goes on a winning streak, and even into the playoffs. So to ensure that you have depth at the position next year, or in time for Donovan's next injury, you make sure to:

A) Resign Jeff Garcia (He wanted to stay in Philly for less money)

B) Soothe Donovan McInjury's hurt feelings by letting his capable and more talented backup walk.

I just hope that at the end of 2010, he's gone and Kolb or somebody is the new face of the eagles...

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A) Resign Jeff Garcia (He wanted to stay in Philly for less money)

He went on a media tour (including Letterman, I believe) to curry favor as free agency approached, but it quickly became clear that he had no interest in accepting less money to be a reserve in Philly. And who can blame him?

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I dont like Donovan. He's a nice guy, but I don't like him. I felt like he made himself out to be a prima-donna ever since the Jeff Garcia situation 3 years ago in Philly. Heck he even got his mother involved on his behalf. Donovan knew that the eagles finally had a backup QB who could outplay him, so to avoid a controversy, he begs Reid and the FO to not resign Garcia.

Think about it. You are the Eagles, and you just lost your starting QB to another season ending injury. Jeff Garcia, your backup, saves the season, goes on a winning streak, and even into the playoffs. So to ensure that you have depth at the position next year, or in time for Donovan's next injury, you make sure to:

A) Resign Jeff Garcia (He wanted to stay in Philly for less money)

B) Soothe Donovan McInjury's hurt feelings by letting his capable and more talented backup walk.

I just hope that at the end of 2010, he's gone and Kolb or somebody is the new face of the eagles...

Typical walking contradiction. In one breath you say why McNabb isn't good for the Eagles, in the next you are saying you hope he is gone at the end of 2010; obviously because you fear him on the football field.

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I dont understand the contradiction.

I like the eagles. Thats why I say McNabb isn't good for them. I hope he is gone at the end of 2010 so a new QB can get his shot. Jeff Garcia was the hottest QB in the NFL at the end of 2006. I went to that game against the Atlanta Falcons where Reid pulled all the starters when they found out they got in the playoffs. I had a Garcia jersey on...you should have seen all the #7's in the Linc. That was a guy who was good for the team.

Donovan will be like 35 or 36 by then....these people think that every QB can be like Brett Favre or Vinny and play until they are 40. Donovan has been way to beaten up to last that long. I hope he makes his money and retires.

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I don't understand why Birds fans are reluctant to admit that their FO came out like a real gold standard here. McNabb certainly didn't win.

What it boils down to is the Eagles FO did an amazing job at limiting, for whatever reason, their future financial and contractual obligation to McNabb with this resolution. And that says more than anything.

Sure McNabb has more financial security and the Eagles have a shorter commitment, as opposed to offering him a new deal in the form of an extension. From reports on 950 ESPN Philadelphia today, I was hearing that essentially $15 mil of McNabbs money is now guaranteed, versus the $9.2 or so that was his un-guaranteed 2009 base salary. If you compare that, sure, McNabbs on + side.

However, compare McNabbs raise, with no future committment from the team, with a deal like Jake Delhomme received. If the guaranteed money is correct, Jake at least gets about $5 mil more guaranteed and some terms laid out to go beyond that.

If McNabb wants to retire as an Eagle, yet he knows he wants to play beyond these 2 years, why didn't he force that deal now? Are the Eagles really giving McNabb any sort of confidence or committment by avoiding a deal that would extend his tenure as an Eagle?

I don't think so, and I believe the McNabb camp caved to an inferior compromise.

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I don't understand why Birds fans are reluctant to admit that their FO came out like a real gold standard here. McNabb certainly didn't win.

What it boils to is the Eagles FO did an amazing job at limiting, for whatever reason, their future financial and contractual obligation to McNabb with this resolution. And that says more than anything.

Sure McNabb has more financial security and the Eagles have a shorter commitment, as opposed to offering him a new deal in the form of an extension. From reports on 950 ESPN Philadelphia today, I was hearing that essentially $15 mil of McNabbs money is now guaranteed, versus the $9.2 or so that was his un-guaranteed 2009 base salary. If you compare that, sure, McNabbs on + side.

However, compare McNabbs raise, with no future committment from the team, with a deal like Jake Delhomme received. If the guaranteed money is correct, Jake at least gets about $5 mil more guaranteed and some terms laid out to go beyond that.

If McNabb wants to retire as an Eagle, yet he knows he wants to play beyond these 2 years, why didn't he force that deal now? Are the Eagles really giving McNabb any sort of confidence or committment by avoiding a deal that would extend his tenure as an Eagle?

I don't think so, and I believe the McNabb camp caved to an inferior compromise.

Well said. I think that this is a good deal for both parties.

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I don't understand why Birds fans are reluctant to admit that their FO came out like a real gold standard here. McNabb certainly didn't win.

What it boils down to is the Eagles FO did an amazing job at limiting, for whatever reason, their future financial and contractual obligation to McNabb with this resolution. And that says more than anything.

Sure McNabb has more financial security and the Eagles have a shorter commitment, as opposed to offering him a new deal in the form of an extension. From reports on 950 ESPN Philadelphia today, I was hearing that essentially $15 mil of McNabbs money is now guaranteed, versus the $9.2 or so that was his un-guaranteed 2009 base salary. If you compare that, sure, McNabbs on + side.

However, compare McNabbs raise, with no future committment from the team, with a deal like Jake Delhomme received. If the guaranteed money is correct, Jake at least gets about $5 mil more guaranteed and some terms laid out to go beyond that.

If McNabb wants to retire as an Eagle, yet he knows he wants to play beyond these 2 years, why didn't he force that deal now? Are the Eagles really giving McNabb any sort of confidence or committment by avoiding a deal that would extend his tenure as an Eagle?

I don't think so, and I believe the McNabb camp caved to an inferior compromise.

This is impossible. Why would the cheap Eagles FO give him a raise when they didn't have to?

but wait. Westy says McNabb didn't want an extension. Never mind he's been talking about it for like 2 years now.

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but wait. Westy says McNabb didn't want an extension. Never mind he's been talking about it for like 2 years now.

Find me ONE quote from McNabb where he says the word "extension" rather than "deal".

We are going to be waiting here a long time; we shouldn't, however, since you said he's been talking about it for 2 years.

Your next response is how we all know that he really meant extension when he said deal. Right?

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Find me ONE quote from McNabb where he says the word "extension" rather than "deal".

We are going to be waiting here a long time; we shouldn't, however, since you said he's been talking about it for 2 years.

Your next response is how we all know that he really meant extension when he said deal. Right?

You're right. Michael Smith and all the other ESPN analysts have it wrong. You are the only one that has it right.

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Why does McNabb continue to talk about retiring as an Eagle, as well as playing more than 2 seasons? If either were to happen, he would need one of those extension thingy's.

I think the Eagles FO made it very clear there will be no extension, and it only cost 'em $6 mil. I think Banner and Co. view that as a bargain for a top 5 QB.

The lame-duck status they now created for McNabb is another story I'll be happy to watch unfold. He will not retire an Eagle.

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No quotes? What a surprise. Hey, guys on Around the Horn speculated that he wanted an extension; good enough for you.

After the loss to the Cardinals, did McNabb call out the defense? Give me a quote. All he said was that the Cardinals were afraid of having the Eagles offense back on the field. All he said was that they were up 25-24. Isn’t that the truth? All he was speaking was the truth, he never specifically blamed the defense.

You obviously don’t speak McNabb. It’s all pussified innuendo and passive aggressive behavior.

Did McNabb complain that he needs upgrades in the offense? Give me a quote. Oh, you can’t? It must be false then. You see, he really meant playmakers in all phases. It’s not like he said Anquan would catch the pass that Curtis dropped against the Cardinals. He just wants upgrades.

Did McNabb say he wanted to retire an Eagle? Oh wait, that’s not the same as saying he wanted an extension. That’s just contract talk

Les Bowen: This won't end well for Eagles if reports on McNabb are true

Daily News Sports Columnist

MY KNEE-JERK reaction? This will not end well.

That is, assuming Michael Smith's ESPN.com report is accurate, that Donovan McNabb "may hold off on further extension talks until he sees how the Eagles improve themselves in the offseason via free agency and/or trades."


Get it through your thick skull, it’s all McNabb speak. He’s always going to tell goofy, unfunny jokes, hold a grudge, pout like a little girl, and throw worm burners at the start of the game. This is him. Everyone in the entire media was talking about his "extension talks" since Feb. I guess they were all making it up. Especially the Fletcher Smith quotes. All the journalists were lying, and they never knew his true intentions. Not like Westbrook36.

It is what I said it was. It made him happy enough to sign it, but it wasn't what he originally was asking for. I'm not sure why you have your panties in a twist over this.

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It’s all pussified innuendo and passive aggressive behavior.

So true.

Oh, and WB knows he's wrong, but just can't admit it...a simple character flaw.

I'm sure it bothers him that Skins fans know more about his team than he does...he is back to rooting for the Eagles, isn't he?

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He says he wants to retire an Eagle and he recently talked of retiring soon:

"I got to take my kids to school," McNabb said. "I got to watch them play soccer, and baseball and basketball and everything else they want to do. I'm sort of a soccer dad right now. You can't play football all of your life. At some point, you've got to be able to walk away from the game and hopefully have your health behind you, as well."

But dock knows how to decifer McNabb-speak. Coincidently, his translations are always the worst possible scenario for the Philadelphia Eagles.

When no quotes are available, don't worry, dock will tell you how this is going to be bad for the Eagles.

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When every sports reporter that dedicates their life to their craft says one thing, Westbrook will claim that they are all wrong.

Well I'm sure he thinks he knows better anyway. It's good to have confidence in yourself, even idiots think they are doing the right thing.

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When every sports reporter that dedicates their life to their craft says one thing, Westbrook will claim that they are all wrong.

Well I'm sure he thinks he knows better anyway. It's good to have confidence in yourself, even idiots think they are doing the right thing.

dock, I don't know if he wants an extension. Neither do you. I'm sure he is happy to get 5 million for nothing.

You hinge your wagon to ESPN talking heads who get paid to speculate. Michael Smith, who McNabb's people have publicly said was WRONG about other speculation in recent months? Come on.

If I were him, I'd rather have free money now without any further obligation and the opportunity to sign another deal in 2 years. I don't know what he wants, neither do you; unless you think the Around the Horn guys who try to read between the lines are correct with their guess.

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I can't believe how the standards have dropped. No quote, no claimed conversation with McNabb.......just a belief that this is what McNabb believes from ESPN analysts and you have dock running drooling behind like it is gospel. Too funny.

Can you give me a quote saying he wanted upgrades for the offense?

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