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FoxSports: Sources: Eagles give McNabb raise


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I think Westbrook is still looking for a quote that says McNabb wanted upgrades for the offense.

I guess if he can't find the quote all those articles written about it were completely baseless.


WB, naked, cold, speechless.


And I ask again, is he back rooting for the Eagles...or does he have a new team?

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I can't wait till the eagles don't have McNabb anymore, most of there fans act like the eagles have been great their entire history. I have to remind them that they were horrible before 2000 but they don't listen....they never listen

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I think Westbrook is still looking for a quote that says McNabb wanted upgrades for the offense.

I guess if he can't find the quote all those articles written about it were completely baseless.

Actually I was eating lunch on a beautiful day in SoCal.

Now, unlike you, I look at news with a more critical eye. A basic rule of journalism is to at least have a source before speculating. So to answer your question, many surmised based off of one report that the McNabb camp DENIED by Michael Smith that they wouldn't negotiate an EXTENSION until the Eagles got playmakers on offense. Isn't that kind of ironic, the one report of an extension that had been addressed by McNabb's camp was to say it was untrue.

Anyway, who did McNabb tell that he wanted offensive upgrades? I don't know. Did he say it? I'm sure you believe he did. You have already established your criteria for believing something reported.

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Hey, dock, did you hear that Kolb is going to be the starter after this year? Yeah, Cataldi said so based off of what he is hearing. Let's just bury our heads and believe him.


By the end of the 2009 season, Kevin Kolb will be the Eagles starting quarterback, and Donovan McNabb will be filling out change-of-address forms. That's right. You read it here first.

The Kevin Kolb era is about to begin.

I feel qualified to offer this radical opinion because I have spoken one-on-one with coach Andy Reid and Kolb in the past few weeks, and I can sense a seismic shift in the atmosphere surrounding the most important position on the Eagles. Something is happening. Something big.

The first hint came when Reid benched a healthy McNabb at halftime of an eventual loss in Baltimore. Last month, I asked the coach what he would have done if Kolb had won that game, and he said McNabb would have been back the next week.

I don't believe him, and neither should you. With that move, Reid was saying that he thinks Kolb is getting closer to taking over. The coach wouldn't have rocked McNabb's already jittery world if he didn't think the kid might be ready.

When McNabb rallied in the weeks after the benching, he made a major, public display of his desire for a contract extension. Have you heard anything about that situation since then? No, because the Eagles have no intention of guaranteeing him any more high-priced time here.

Kolb's aggressive words this spring are yet another hint of what's coming. I spoke with him for 10 minutes on my WIP radio show last Friday, and he is no longer deferential to McNabb. When I asked him if he's ready to be a No. 1 quarterback, he said: "Yes. Absolutely."

It is also no secret that the Eagles have been adding young players more suited to Kolb's precision throwing than McNabb's erratic, bazooka arm. Does anyone really believe McNabb is going to exploit top draft pick Jeremy Maclin's quick feet better than a quarterback who can actually hit a receiver in stride, a quarterback like Kolb?

I know. So far Kolb hasn't proven he can play in the NFL. He may be nothing more than another Bobby Hoying. Sometimes, you've got to go with your gut, and my gut tells me this is McNabb's last season here.

So here's what will happen between now and Christmas: McNabb will lose his job (by injury or poor play)� and this time he won't get it back. Kolb will prove he's a better option for the Eagles, a better passer in the West Coast offense and a better overall leader. We're on the brink of a year of major changes. You read it here first.

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WB, naked, cold, speechless.


And I ask again, is he back rooting for the Eagles...or does he have a new team?

You admitted on this forum that you didn't think the Skins were going to make the playoffs even though they weren't mathematically eliminated. You gave up on your team as much as any Eagles fan on here gave up on theirs. Hypocrite.

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You admitted on this forum that you didn't think the Skins were going to make the playoffs even though they weren't mathematically eliminated. You gave up on your team as much as any Eagles fan on here gave up on theirs. Hypocrite.

Keep trying, WB. The theatrics are comical.

You started a thread saying you'd given up on your team MID-WAY THROUGH THE SEASON where they ended up GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS DEEP!

Frankly, any post you have about the Eagles really makes me question if you're sincere...you know, since your allegiance seems to change with their W/L record.

If I'm wrong, please explain.

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You started a thread saying you'd given up on your team MID-WAY THROUGH THE SEASON where they ended up GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS DEEP!

That is simply not true.

I did, however, start a thread where I referenced that I had earlier thought they wouldn't make the playoffs and how I was pleasently surprised that they were back in the hunt. That is the truth, no matter how you try to spin it now.

Later, I asked you point blank if you had any epiphany during the season where you didn't think the Skins would make the playoffs before they were mathematically eliminated and you admitted you did.

Same exact situation, however, you will just repeat your claim ad naseum without addressing that you did the same exact thing. Everyone around here is used to your techniques, however.

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He says he wants to retire an Eagle and he recently talked of retiring soonQUOTE]

Does this mean you think he only wants to play these 2 years and then retire?

He talked even more recently about NOT retiring soon....with quotes:

McNabb on whether he plans on playing for more than two years: "Absolutely. And I've always said that I would like to retire here, but that's not going to be in two years. Again, like I said, my main focus, as well as Coach's, is to focus in on what we have to do in these next two years and we feel like with the guys we have in this locker room, we can get this job done."

McNabb at the least wanted more guaranteed money. The way a player typically gets that money is through an extension of some sort. The Eagles, on the flip side, didn't want to be committed to him any longer than they already are. As a result, this is the compromise we get.

What they're not telling you is McNabb likely accepted this deal so he can finally get a FA deal in 2 years and get outta Philly. He doesn't want to retire in Philly. He hates playing here. He probably just thought he was going to have to get an extension in order to get more guaranteed money. This kind of deal is pretty rare. It goes to show you how important it was to the Eagles that they don't commit themselves to McNabb beyond his current contract. That I find strange.

The Eagles likely proposed this deal because they viewed a modest raise in the short term as more fiscally responsible than a longer-term extension that could possibly entail cap hit ramifications for a player they feel will only decline.

They just want their fans to focus on the next 2 years and not look at what this really means. Which is fine, but why do they have to be so secretive about their intentions?

Basically, I think McNabb didn't get as much guaranteed money or the deal that he would've liked, but he got some, and if that also means he'll still likely have a chance to sign one more deal, plus play in another city, that was enough for him to accept it.


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Quoting Angelo Cataldi. Cute.

Think there's a reason no one in Washington knows who he is?

Now Michael Smith, who is on TV all the time, who was quoting Fletcher Smith. I guess he just made stuff up. Cataldi senses something is up and writes a piece. Smith quotes Fletcher Smith. Same thing, right?

I can see why you would equate the local radio guy who wanted us to Honk for Herschel with the national TV guy who works for ESPN who also used to cover the Pats for the Boston Globe for like three years.

Totally the same. I know a kid that writes for his school paper too. I guess they're the same in Westbrooks mind.

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dock, why do you continually try to skew the facts and get things completely wrong? Michael Smith never quoted Fletcher Smith. If you believe he did, find me one quote. You won't. He did, however, claim he had sources "close" to Fletcher Smith.

Here is a story from last year that is eerily similar.


Check out this quote from Fletcher Smith. Hmmm, this sounds familiar.

"None of these stories quoted him," Smith said. "They're all quoting sources close to Donovan. They claim to know what he thinks and what he's feeling. Who are these people? I don't know. I think there should be some level of responsibility in getting his side of the story before printing some of this stuff. It's sensationalism, and I guess it sells newspapers."

"None of it is true"

Smith said he believed that McNabb would share his thoughts with reporters before or during the Super Bowl. McNabb is expected to attend the Super Bowl as part of a Campbell's Soup promotion. Smith said he hadn't spoken to McNabb since flying to Mobile, but he insisted that nothing that had been written was a true reflection of his client's feelings.

"I'm absolutely comfortable saying that," Smith said.

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The truth, as illustrated in the above quote, is that the media seems to want to guess what McNabb is feeling or should be feeling. The guesses might be right. They might be wrong. I don't know. You don't either.

The problem is when guys like dock state them like they are a material fact.

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The funny thing is, I think you really are this dense.

After all the posturing by McNabb, all the innuendo that he wanted an extension, all the backhand comments about retiring an eagle, Michael Smith quoting unnamed sources, you still argue.

Looking for that quote.

That should go on your head stone.

ANd I can't believe you actually have the balls to say you didn't give up on the Eagles. People who post here certainly know just how full of shat you are in that respect to completely deny doing that. You had every right to be frustrated. Deny deny deny, I guess is your motto.

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dock has a usual pattern just as tr1 has a usual pattern that I described in a different thread.

1. Make statement based off of his opinion.

2. Ask to prove his opinion is based off of fact.

3. Tells you that you are a homer or stupid for not knowing the "truth".

4. Gets pushed to post something of substance.

5. Calls you a name and then changes subject saying you quit on your team.

6. Rinse, wash, repeat.

You sum up your position with one quote, dock:

After all the posturing by McNabb, all the innuendo that he wanted an extension, all the backhand comments about retiring an eagle, Michael Smith quoting unnamed sources, you still argue.

You say it yourself. Posturing. Innuendo. Unnamed sources.

Was this supposed to show me how wrong I was? Again, I don't know if he did or didn't want an extension. You don't either. You are just willing to rely on posturing, innuendos and unnamed sources. You just said so yourself.

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You probably get in a lot of trouble with your wife for always wanting to get the last word.

Those statements weren't my opinion. It was the opinion of the journalistic community.

If you have a problem with them, write the editors. You're as bad as a 2 year old.

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