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PFT: Irvin Gets Sued For Stealing “Fourth And Long” Idea


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Wow, this piece of trash has no scruples? I am SHOCKED. SHOCKED, I say! I'm still furious he made the HOF before Monk. What a joke.


Hall of Famer Michael Irvin is riding a new kind of fame, as the Donald Trump-style boss of a reality show consisting of downtrodden and overlooked football players trying to win a spot on the Cowboys’ preseason squad.

(Of course, it will inevitably end in the guy not making the 53-man roster. But why completely kill a dream when it can be prolonged before it’s finally put out of its misery?)

Irvin, however, could be learning the hard way that non-football fame has a price. In the form of a lawsuit.

Three men from Dallas — Jordan Bealmear, Shannon Clark, and Christopher N. Harding — claim that they pitched the concept of a reality show for a roster spot in 2007, and that Irvin stole the idea.

Irvin’s lawyer, Larry Friedman, claims that Irvin conceived the idea upon watching the first episode of American Idol. [Editor’s note: If defending this case involves trumpeting the fact that Irvin watched the very first episode of American Idol, then maybe Mike should settle the case. Now.]


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Why doesn't that surprise me? I knew Irvin couldn't be that smart to think up an idea like that. Jerry Jones could have thought that up possibly but Irvin? And the defense is he came up with the idea watching American Idol, right!

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