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Question about light in the sky


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I was out having a smoke on the back deck, and I always enjoy looking up at the night sky. I noticed a light moving and just figured it was an airplane way up high.... but then it stopped... and then reversed direction. Then it went a little left... then a little right... then "forward" again. It moved around for about 5 min and then stopped. For the past 10 min it has just been "hanging" in the same spot.

just curious as what the hell it is, that can move around like this...

Pez I've seen this too, and it most likely was a satelitte. Check this site, real time satelitte tracking. :geek: out...http://www.n2yo.com/

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What a bunch of skeptics....

Don't know what it was, but higher lifeforms often play pinball using metallic asteroids. Earth in reality is one giant bumper.

Weather balloon, satelite, spaceship all seem possible. Could also have just been a strange play of lights against clouds I suppose too. You didn't indicate that you saw any specific shape so it's hard to speculate. Could be that Alf and Mork are struggling for a comeback and are havingproblems with the re-entry.

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Yes you can definitely see satellites in low Earth orbit. Yes they can be controlled, but they don't stop and make sharp turns.

You get bright flashes from Iridium, and many others you will see moving quite quickly in a dark sky.

Given that Pez is in light-polluted Ashburn and what he saw wasn't moving continuously, it doesn't sound like a satellite.

And five miles away is a place where they launch large weather balloons twice a day.

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So as far as details... the problem is that I cannot estimate the object based upon how high it could be up or how large the object was... I can only judge that it WAS moving around in an odd fasion.

The reason I cannot estimate the object, is based upon how far it is from where I am... To me, it had the same similiar light consistency of either a bright star (no it was not the north star) or a plane that is very high up. Based upon that, if it was closer like a weather balloon would be, it would be larger to my eye (and I am not sure if a weather balloon would put off that much light... I could be wrong... I don't know that much about weather balloons).

In terms of the movement, I have to say...it looked deliberate it seemed to move forward... then stop..... then backward.... then stop..... then left...stop....right....stop...backward again... then forward... then it just stopped moving period. When the object would stop between movements, their was anywhere between 15 seconds to a minute before it would start movement again.

Like I said.. everything was all good when I initially looked at it and it was a standard forward motion like a plane, but when it stopped... I was like "What the ?" and then it reversed and that's when I started getting really confused.

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