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DMN: Dallas Cowboys need to show Ware the money


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Dallas Cowboys need to show Ware the money

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What's taking so long for the Cowboys to sign DeMarcus Ware?

It shouldn't be that complicated.

Ware is one of the top five defensive players in the league without doubt. He's one of the best pass rushers in the game without doubt.

His sack total has increased each of his first four seasons in the NFL, culminating with 20 last year. And did I mention that he's never had even a hint of trouble off the field?

Albert Haynesworth signed a seven-year, $100 million deal with $41 million guaranteed that made him the NFL's highest-paid player. Ware's deal will top Haynesworth's contract because he's younger and plays a more dynamic position.

The salary cap has increased by $12 million over last year, and the Cowboys will soon cut or trade Greg Ellis, freeing up even more cash.

Ware is not the kind of player on which the Cowboys need to use their usual negotiating ploys to get a deal done.

They don't need to mess with Ware. He deserves better. They just need to get the deal done before the start of training camp.


Q: I just think Jason Garrett is a bit too arrogant to admit that we have three starting-caliber tailbacks and the second heaviest offensive line in the league, and we should probably attempt in the neighborhood of 40 rushes per game. Do you think Garrett swallows his pride and turns the offense into run first (and second) offense? Or does he go Mike Martz 2.0 and try to prove that he in fact is the offensive genius he was anointed after the 13-3 season?

Atanna Essama

TAYLOR: Why can't Garrett try to incorporate both elements into the Cowboys' attack? There's some happy medium between running the ball 40 times a game and throwing it 40 times a game. Last year, the Cowboys ran 48 percent of the time on first down and 43 percent of the time on second down. The most important thing is for the Cowboys to establish their running game in the first quarter. When that happens, then everything else falls into line because the offense and Garrett is dictating the game – not the defense. Garrett is a smart guy. He's a good coach who had an average year. His job is to get the ball into the hands of his playmakers – runners or receivers – and put them in position to produce. It'll be a surprise if that doesn't happen.


Q: I think getting rid of Greg Ellis is more about money than attitude. I think money explains their moving down the draft board as well. They can't afford to pay a situational player like Ellis $5.1 million.

Albert Carwana

TAYLOR: You make a good point, but the salary cap has risen from $116 million to $128 million, so the Cowboys should have enough room to make whatever deals they need to make. Maybe cutting Ellis was simply about removing the safety net and letting Anthony Spencer know that the starting job opposite DeMarcus Ware is his. Dallas has no other options except fourth-round picks Victor Butler and Brandon Williams, who are making the transition from defensive end to outside linebacker. That said, I think the Cowboys are getting rid of everyone who's a distraction for whatever reason so they can develop a single-minded focus on winning.


Q: I keep reading about how Roy Williams, in his effort to be the best No. 1 receiver possible, is still trying to lose weight. Why is it taking him so long to do this? Has he been slowed by the foot injury? With as much criticism as he has taken over his performance and the high goals he has set for upcoming season, you would think he would have set his fitness goal to be in tip-top shape and at his "playing weight" even before the start of off-season workouts.

Ken Washington

TAYLOR: You have to keep it in perspective. It's not that Roy is fat. He's not. It's not that he's not in good shape. He is. But he played at about 220 pounds last year, and he wants to get back to 212 pounds. While that doesn't sound like much, it's important. He'll be a little quicker and able to get in and out of breaks a little better. When you don't have a whole lot of body fat, it takes a little while to lose it. More important, as long as he's 212 when training camp starts, it's all good.


Q: I think we lost something by not bringing back Keith Davis. He would have been a great field captain for Coach Joe D.

Ami Heda, Maplewood, N.J.

TAYLOR: I don't disagree with that, but when the Cowboys drafted DeAngelo Smith and Mike Hamlin in the fifth round, each of whom will play safety, it meant the Cowboys were cutting ties with Davis. Teams turn over at least 25 percent of their roster every year. When a club fails to make the playoffs, that number usually increases. Davis signing with the Raiders is simply part of that process. It's up to other guys to replace him, but it won't be easy. He was a leader and considered the toughest man pound-for-pound on the team.


Q: I would add another veteran like Chris McAllister, Deltha O´Neal or Ty Law, which can be difference in certain plays, and they may help the young guys in their development.

Antonio Trevino, Monterrey, Mexico

TAYLOR: I don't think that's going to happen unless there are some injuries. The Cowboys seem committed to a youth movement, and I don't see them altering that for McAllister or O'Neal.


Q: Sooner or later, the Cowboys will hire a new head coach. Has the team ever indicated that they have ruled out bringing in someone from the college ranks?

Shane Theriot, Inland Empire, Calif.

TAYLOR: I don't think so. There's such a difference these days between college football and pro football that I don't think Jerry would want to take a chance that a college coach could handle the learning curve. When Nick Saban quit the Dolphins, I think it drove home the point that there's a world of difference between the two jobs.


Q: You answered a question in your last Inside column that you thought Mike Holmgren or Mike Shanahan would be the next coach if the team fails again this year. How do you think Jerry and Holmgren would get along when Holmgren usually requires a lot of control and decision-making authority as coach/GM? Also, you have answered the next coach question several times but have not included Bill Cowher. He would be to me a perfect fit due to his 3-4 knowledge, and his personality I think would do wonders for a team looking for attitude and identity. Thoughts?

Eddie Arnold

TAYLOR: Holmgren and Jerry get along great, in part because of the years they spent together on the NFL Competition Committee. Holmgren would probably cede some control to work for Jerry because he knows Jerry would give him everything it takes to win. Jerry would also give Holmgren the leeway to run the team, as much as he's going to give it to anyone, because of his respect for Holmgren. Cowher would need considerably more authority and control than Holmgren, which is why that will never happen.


Q: Whether Tony Romo sits to pee wanted T.O. back or not should not be the issue. Romo sits to pee succeeding in 2009 is all about Romo sits to pee and his current teammates, nothing else.

Paul Hutson

TAYLOR: It's easy to say that, but you're not dealing in reality. It is an issue. And it will continue to be an issue until Romo sits to pee wins some important games in December and January. It's important because a chunk of his teammates think Romo sits to pee ran T.O. out of town and they're not happy about it. That's reality. If he succeeds this year, then it won't be much of an issue because winning cures a lot of ills. If they lose, then there will be problems because some of his teammates will think T.O. could have helped them win more games. Perception is reality. That never changes.


Q: Terrell Owens was the Cowboys' No. 1 receiver in 2008, catching 69 passes for 1,052 yards and 10 touchdowns. The top wide receiver for each NFL team averaged 74 receptions for 999 yards and five touchdowns.

Roy Williams has averaged 61 receptions for 913 yards and seven touchdowns during his career. Thus, it would seem that Williams can put up numbers indicative of a No.1 receiver. Thoughts?

Chuck Cypert, Plano, Texas

TAYLOR: If only it were that easy Chuck. It's not. Not even close. A No. 1 receiver isn't based on statistics. It's based on much more than that. A No. 1 receiver has the ability to take over a game on a consistent basis. He's a player who commands a double team, which means there are only seven guys in the box, which helps the running game. He's a guy who makes tough catches in the clutch, and he's the guy the quarterback looks for on third down because he knows he's going to catch the ball. None of that has to do with statistics. A No. 1 receiver doesn't believe he can be covered. We don't know if Williams can do that. We're about to find out.


Q: I don't know whether the Cowboys contacted Tony Romo sits to pee about releasing T.O., but if I was the coach I would not have needed to contact him to get rid of that liability. I think that is a reflection on Wade that he even considered asking Romo sits to pee.

Lyndon Bozeman

TAYLOR: I don't think so. The Cowboys talked to Troy Aikman before they signed Deion Sanders. The star quarterback is consulted on most high-level personnel moves, especially when they involve the offense. There's nothing unusual about that.

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Why is everyone is such a big rush to get Ware signed, its not like its free agency and other teams are bidding on him......Dallas should be banking the extra money right now in case a player gets hurt or some one comes available that can help the team.....Ware will get all the money he will ever need from JJ be it tomorrow or in 8 months

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Please, please, please...give this guy the bank.

It's worked out so well with other players on the pukes' team.


Relax, take a breath...dont stress out over one player so much.......Ware will get paid and then you can sit in front of your PC and talk for days about how Dallas over paid for him......we all know those post are coming from you........but you will just have to chill and wait with the rest of us................In fact I am sure you already have the post written and saved on your pc just waiting for the right time but sorry today is not the day.........

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Relax, take a breath...dont stress out over one player so much.......Ware will get paid and then you can sit in front of your PC and talk for days about how Dallas over paid for him......we all know those post are coming from you........but you will just have to chill and wait with the rest of us................In fact I am sure you already have the post written and saved on your pc just waiting for the right time but sorry today is not the day.........

It's too bad you won't be able to see the over-paid player...with those looming black-outs and all...

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Agree or disagree with the thread by providing your opinion with some facts to back it up if needed.

But, slandering other posters is just plain bad.

libel is written, slander is spoken. Not trying to be a douche, your point remains valid....

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if the only rebuttal you can provide is attacking tr1, then it's obvious no one can dispute his argument with logic or reason.

when you resort to childish insults, hang it up, you've already lost the "debate"

If only there were a debate at hand. There is no debate, Ware is a great player.

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If only there were a debate at hand. There is no debate, Ware is a great player.

Closed minds are so sad. If anyone could show me that Where is productive without Ellis or a-mid-season Ratliff in the line up, I could be persuaded to reconsider my beliefs about Where...but, no one is willing to give me any logic, especially that "beast" thing.


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