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Check out this letter

Skins PR

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I posted this a while back in a random thread but was just looking at it again and thought it was worthy of it's own thread.

I had two best friends during my freshman and sophomore year of high school but one of them moved to New York before our junior year. I went up to visit him one time and while I was there, he received a letter from our third friend... the one who isn't that bright and smokes a lot of pot. 12 years later I still have the letter. Here is the actual letter and a transcript since it may be difficult to read. The names have been changed to protect the not-so-bright.



Aug. 1 96

Dear Josh #79 sorry it has taken me so long to write

you back So you got to run alot up there in Football practice

I feel bad for you Coach Arnone said we are only going to do

Agilitys once a day And we won't run as much he said

so I am looking forward to football practice I talked to

Mr. Tom he said that you were proble mad At him be

care he hasn't Sent you your creatien I think he Sent it That

day tho. my plants are growing good dier Are

A problem but u as (X'ed out "smoking out") trying out some write know

Josh from now on the plant will be called corn because

in case someone reads this like you mom or some one because

don't won't to get anyone in trouble. the corn's about 6 1/2 feet tall

leaves About As big As your hand but no buddage yet

but the leaves Are holding us over Just fine I hope

you can read this cause I'm pretty good off write know

If I had money like Pat does I would come

see you but it doesn't look good for any time soon

Do you still like corn Pat does.

Well I gotta go sure do miss hangin out

with ya hopefully I will see ya soon


MATTHEW "The Man" Thomas #76

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Typewriters still existed back then.

Not worth the read sorry. Seems stupid.

You guys don't think his attempt at being covert regarding smoking weed was funny?

"From now on we will call the plant corn because in case someone reads this like you mom or some one because don't won't to get anyone in trouble."

It was epic to everyone in my high school. I guess it's not as funny to people outside of my friends.

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