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Neighbor murdered, Suspects arrested! (updated)


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My neighbor was found murdered yesterday morning, and they still have not found the person who did it. Her house was broken into and he/she/they took her car. 1998 Chevy Malibu, dark green, VA license plate YZR-1900. I know this probably won't help anything, but if you are in Central VA you should especially keep your eyes open. I hope they find whoever did it fast.



Update: They found the car abandoned, but the suspect(s) are still out there.


Update 2: 5/12

So they arrested two guys and charged them with the murder. And I went to school with both of them.:doh:


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wow man, sorry about your neighbor, you must be devasted and probably in fear, yourself....so all they took was the car, and nothing else ? Sounds like the murder motive was beyond just robbery. Do you have any theory on the motive ?

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wow man, sorry about your neighbor, you must be devasted and probably in fear, yourself....so all they took was the car, and nothing else ? Sounds like the murder motive was beyond just robbery. Do you have any theory on the motive ?

I didn't really know her that well but my mom had known her all her live. And I don't know any details beyond the fact that her car was taken. There could have been more stuff taken. It does really freak me out that this would happen so close to my house... It's a quiet, rural area where nothing ever happens. So you would never expect something like this. It's quite a shock to the entire community.

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Sorry to hear it... there is a lot of scum out there.

Spreading the word on the plate ect can't hurt

Yeah that's what I figured. If there is even a one in a million chance that someone on ES would read this and then see the car, then it's worth it for me to take the 2 minutes to make the thread.

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Thats a shame and I am sorry to hear that. I always thought they stopped production of the Impala in 96 and then brought it back in 01 or so.

Yeah I was wrong, it was a Malibu. Anyway, they found the car abandoned in Waynesboro, VA, about 20 minutes away. So they still don't have a suspect, and apparently no real leads in the case. Frustrating.:mad:

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Yeah I was wrong, it was a Malibu. Anyway, they found the car abandoned in Waynesboro, VA, about 20 minutes away. So they still don't have a suspect, and apparently no real leads in the case. Frustrating.:mad:

Well, now that they found the car, it's time for the Forensics team to pick that thing apart, and find hair samples, saliva samples on the suspect's cigarettes, carpet fibers, fingerprints, footprints from their sneakers, notes with their handwriting to send to the handwriting analysts, possible murder weapon, receipts from the store where he bought murder paraphernalia......damn, can you tell I watch enough crime shows ? :paranoid:

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Says page not found but good, hope its the right people!

Weird, but here's the link to the front page.


This type of crime is very rare in Nelson County.

Yeah, very small, rural area. Almost 500 square mile county, and only like 12,000 people in it. One high school for the whole county, and my graduating class was about 150 students. You get the picture, everyone knows everyone else kind of thing.

Actually the house that I live in was originally built and then sold to us by the son of the victim. I forgot to mention that earlier.

The sheriff has said that they have overwhelming evidence against these two, and that he is 100% sure they have the right guys. So the community is sleeping easier now. I still can't believe Austin did that though... He definitely was a ****-up in school. Got into drugs, lost a track scholarship, dropped out of school I think. And he started getting into trouble, thefts and stuff. But nothing violent.

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