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Clinton III: Monica's Revenge


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You see, I have this friend who's a relatively young former Chief Executive, and this person is interested in serving for more that just two terms. Do you have anything for that? ;)

Clinton Wants Change in Presidential Term Limits

Wed May 28, 8:03 PM ET Add Politics to My Yahoo!

BOSTON (Reuters) - Former President Bill Clinton (news - web sites) said on Wednesday Congress should change the rule that barred him from seeking a third term in the White House, but stopped short of saying he wants to return as commander-in-chief.

Speaking at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum here, Clinton questioned certain aspects of the 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prevents a person from being elected president more than twice.

Clinton said the amendment, passed after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to a record fourth term, should be changed simply to keep a person from being elected to more than two consecutive terms as president.

"I think since people are living much longer ... the 22nd Amendment should probably be modified to say two consecutive terms instead of two terms for a lifetime," Clinton said.

The former president said such a change probably wouldn't apply to him but would benefit future generations.

"There may come a time when we elect a president at age 45 or 50, and then 20 years later the country comes up against the same kind of problems the president faced before," he said. "People would like to bring that man or woman back but they would have no way to do so."

Clinton, who left office in 2001, said he had "loved" his time as president but was also enjoying life outside the White House.

"I was surprised at how happy I was to have my life back," he said during a question-and-answer session with presidential historian Michael Beschloss.

Clinton said he was writing his memoirs, which were due to be published in the autumn of 2004, although he said they may be out before then.

LOFL at "people are living much longer"! WTF does that have to do with anything? :laugh:
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I hope we never see the term limits change...

Look what happens in Star Wars EP II... Palpatine get emergency powers and eventually becomes the Evil Emperor... IF THEY had term limits and stuck to it, maybe the Original Trillogy would have never been made..:silly:

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Bill Shatner at a trekkie convention flips out and starts demeaning the trekkies.

Quotes like "Get a life" "You've turned something that was a lark, a short job, into a colossall waste of time" and the aforementioned "Have you ever kissed a girl" directed at Jon Lovitz wearing Spock Ears.

Of course my knowledge of this skit may call my own geekness into question........

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Bill Shatner at a trekkie convention flips out and starts demeaning the trekkies.

Quotes like "Get a life" "You've turned something that was a lark, a short job, into a colossall waste of time" and the aforementioned "Have you ever kissed a girl" directed at Jon Lovitz wearing Spock Ears.

Of course my knowledge of this skit may call my own geekness into question........

Was Shatner the host, I will look out for it on reruns.. That sounds funny as crap..:laugh:

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Code, yes he was the host.

Jack, I agree with you on congressional term limits. But the POTUS needs them. And as much as a 3rd term for Bush is enticing, I can see the inherent problems of allowing 1 man to stay in the top office too long.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Code, yes he was the host.

Jack, I agree with you on congressional term limits. But the POTUS needs them. And as much as a 3rd term for Bush is enticing, I can see the inherent problems of allowing 1 man to stay in the top office too long.

If Bush Jr. gets re-elected....then Sr. will get a 3rd term!


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William Shatner has regretted those comments many, many times over... in public at least. Us Trekkers made him pay for his insolence. But he has gone beyond our wildest dreams and written terrific Trek novels (another comes out soon!) and best of all, filmed FREE ENTERPRISE, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

At the end, he raps. Check out the hilarious trailer at imdb.com if you are interested.

In any case, you can definitely see the Captain Kirk in the man. He's just greatness. A lot like SOS.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Code, yes he was the host.

Jack, I agree with you on congressional term limits. But the POTUS needs them. And as much as a 3rd term for Bush is enticing, I can see the inherent problems of allowing 1 man to stay in the top office too long.

I say let them be elected 100 times. Maybe they will learn what their doing.

As for Dubya you might want to win that 2nd term before you start talking about a third.

Why hasn't the administration planted the WOMD yet? I guess stupid is as stupid does! :)

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Originally posted by AdmiralWaugh

William Shatner has regretted those comments many, many times over... in public at least. Us Trekkers made him pay for his insolence. But he has gone beyond our wildest dreams and written terrific Trek novels (another comes out soon!) and best of all, filmed FREE ENTERPRISE, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

At the end, he raps. Check out the hilarious trailer at imdb.com if you are interested.

In any case, you can definitely see the Captain Kirk in the man. He's just greatness. A lot like SOS.

You frighten me . . .
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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by JackC

As for Dubya you might want to win that 2nd term before you start talking about a third.

Does the word LOCK mean anything to you?

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