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Pro - Jason Campbell won't ever get it done in Washington


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Wrong. Jason Campbell came into the league in 2005. Jason Campbell started in his sophomore year. Jay Cutler started in his rookie year.

Wrong. Jason Campbell did not have a three digit QB rating in the first year he started.

Wrong. In 2008, at least, Brandon Marshall had more total drops and a higher percentage of drops than Santana Moss. The Denver Broncos ranked #5 in total drops. The Redskins were in a three-way tie for drops at #13.

The stats might not lie, but either you are lying about the stats or you're not very accurate.

No need for me to lie, especially when the stats are on the Internet for all to see. If there is an inaccuracy, it would be on behalf of the sites that I used to compile the information. I don't claim that these stats are perfect, I only claim to have READ them. In this case, I'm just the messenger, not the author, and I quoted the authors precisely.

As for your contention that I am either a liar or that I'm inaccurate, all I will say is that I'm glad that I don't seek your opinion to determine my self worth.

Have a blessed day!

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Sure, the O line was in shambles last season, and the WR's didn't give him much help either, but do you think Jason even has the tools to be a HOF QB in this league?

Of course we want our JC to be a hall of fame QB but thats just not realistic...I would say that of the 32 teams, 2 are HOF locks and 1 (Big Ben) is almost a lock...

To ask JC to be a HOF QB isnt reasonable...we won the Superbowl 3 times of which non of the QB's will ever be in the same sentence as HOF...if this is how you feel...I think you are setting un-realistic expectations...

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I haven't seen anything from Campbell to indicate that he can be successful at the QB position during his time in the league.

Of course, there's always the guys that seem to 'get it' magically later in their careers. Holding out hope that this will happen to Campbell is the only thing keeping me going.

And no, it's not the Oline. He can't even make plays when he does have protection. QB Pressure is part of the game of football. Good QB's perform with their backs against the wall. Bad QB's fold. Which has Campbell been?

He has shown an inability to read a defense. An inability to get rid of the ball quickly. And an inability to see the play before it develops. He's tentative and he's run out of excuses.

Though legions of Redskins fans continue to make them for him. "It's a new system!" "He doesn't have time" "he doesn't have any weapons" :blahblah:

None of that seemed to bother Drew Brees when he showed up in NO. But Brees is a good QB.

Agree 100% on Campbell and I'll add that my confidence in him was shot after watching him TWICE last year run out of the pocket to the sidelines and take terrible sacks when he could have thrown the ball into the stands. I mean, you cant get much more basic than that. There is no easier throw a QB can make. He was already near the sidelines, just chuck it to the stands. I honestly cant think of another QB I've seen do that as often in all the years I have been a fan of the game.

Sucks because I like the guy too. He's been a class act. I just don't think he's a very good QB. I hope he proves me wrong. :(

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Well, I am not sure what you were seeing, but fumbling the ball all the time? JC lost one fumble all year. Pretty good considering the number of times he was sacked. In fact, that's amazing.

Now JC has a good bit of work to do, but I don't know who these open receivers are you are referring to, because no one, outside of some anti-JC Skins fans seem to have seen them last year.

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JC had some good passes dropped, every QB does during the year. He also had way to much pressure at times, but other QB's do as well. Whats alarming about JC is he misses wide open guys deep and very short way to often to be considered a great QB. How many times last year did you see Santana Moss jump up and down last year knowing that JC missed a big one? Portis and Cooley reaching at their feet for a pass?

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