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Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow

Chump Bailey

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Wow, I thought the Stadium was the place for stupidity here.

Who told you all the stimulus package was quick fix?

This was going to get better before it got worse whether McCain or Obama were president. Next year, we'll start blaming policy. Let's not pretend like policy has an instant impact on the market - it doesn't. Look it up in your history books.

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Well, that makes both of us stupid...

Nice signature. I know people hated on Bush, but now you've sunk to their level and proven yourself no better. Calling it "hypocritical" would be an understatement.

I wish people on this board would realize that liberals and conservatives are two factions on the SAME TEAM.

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Nice signature. I know people hated on Bush, but now you've sunk to their level and proven yourself no better. Calling it "hypocritical" would be an understatement.

I wish people on this board would realize that liberals and conservatives are two factions on the SAME TEAM.

I don't think that "I'd like to think I'm pretty dope" and "Snob" come even CLOSE to the level of insult and ridicule people threw at Bush.

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Conservatives have no solutions. Feel free to name one. Let them fail and go into a depression isn't a solution.

I'm not sure if I count as a conservative or not, and I'm not going to tell you that I have a solution (I would tell you anybody that tells you that they have a solution is lying to you. They MIGHT have something they THINK will work).

Anyway, I say quit throwing billions of dollars at companies w/o first doing a good auditing of them, and then give them what they REALLY need (assuming they can be bailed out). This is important to reasons IMO,

1. If the can't be bailed out, and you've already thrown billions of dollars at them, you've just wasted a bunch of money. People talk about bailing AIG out. That assumes AIG can be bailed out (same for GM, Ford, Chrysler, BoA, etc.)

2. I truly believe it hurts confidence when the press keeps reporting company X has come back for another Y billion dollars. It makes the news and makes people wonder when it is going to end. That hurts consumer spending, the market, and I'd say even probably hiring.

If it is going to take $500 billion to bailout AIG, and that's a reasonable thing to do, give them $500 billion and get it over with so next month we don't hear 'AIG needs another $50 billion dollars.' in the news every other month for the next 20 months. Get done, let it go through the news cycle, and then let the news move on.

If AIG can't practically be bailed out the sooner you let them go under and move on STILL the better it will be.

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Do you honestly think they would be sold back?


And if we were to really try to go Socialist, I bet many Democrats would pull back and side with the GOP.

Yes I think they would be sold back.

Obama isn't a communist, despite what the nutters like to say.

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He sure as hell was when it comes to bank regulation.

Well, a major one and the one that gets the most blame that stands out is the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act. That happened in 1999. Anyway, I would argue that wasn't a deregulator act at all. Ron Paul actually had a pretty damn good argument on why he voted against the repeal. It is why I have grown suspicious of republicans arguging for deregulation. They have corrupted the word.

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