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Uncapped 2010


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I'm not sure if I really think that a new CBA will not be negotiated before 2010, but right now we are on course for a 2010 uncapped season, and a 2011 potential lockout.

So, as I think about spending - I have to wonder if the Redskins are planning on an uncapped season next year, or not?

I'm sure there are many ways this would impact team building, BUT, the biggest thing that I was considering was the ability to drop the high priced contracts with no salary cap strings attached.

If you are the Redskins, and you are in an uncapped 2010, and there is a chance that after a lockout and bargaining that the salary cap comes back, would you take the chance to cut guys in 2010 on the chance that it will really help your cap position in 2011 (after a new CBA)?

Below are some guys I would consider cutting in 2010, with their associated 2011 cap numbers:

Portis: Clear 12.1M for 2011

Thomas: Clear 5.6M for 2011

Jansen: Clear 8.0M for 2011

Randle El: Clear 6.3M for 2011

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I have wondered what the impact of a Cap free year would be.

Would it be like the NBA's 1 time get out of cap hell card?

The main thing that will determine the owners ability to survive a work stoppage in the economy is if they are insured. I know it allowed them to play hard ball in a previous strike.

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Bro, please use the search function: http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=281130

There's another uncapped thread on the front page. I sense a merge coming.

The point of the OP was to ask about the ability to cut players with no strings attached in an uncapped year, not in our ability to sign new expensive players.

IMO - this question posed in the "Uncapped year - Hall & Haynesworth" would have been glossed over because it was a different topic....

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I love Portis to death man but I'm starting to wonder these days if we would be better putting him on the trading block and grabbing a few picks for him and replacing him with someone younger as well as adding some more youth to the team with the picks we get.

It just seems these days that you don't have to have that franchise star back anymore.

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Here's my question...supposing 2010 is uncapped, and Snyder turns into footballs version of Steinbrenner, goes nuts, throws money at everyone, assembles an all-star team, and we have a 2010 salary of $180 million or something ridiculous.

Then they negotiate a CBA for 2011 to avoid a lockout.

What happens? Do we suddenly have to cut everyone, or are salaries negotiated during a time where there were no restrictions not subject to those restrictions when a new deal is reached?

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Here's my question...supposing 2010 is uncapped, and Snyder turns into footballs version of Steinbrenner, goes nuts, throws money at everyone, assembles an all-star team, and we have a 2010 salary of $180 million or something ridiculous.

Then they negotiate a CBA for 2011 to avoid a lockout.

What happens? Do we suddenly have to cut everyone, or are salaries negotiated during a time where there were no restrictions not subject to those restrictions when a new deal is reached?

If Snyder was smart he would renegotiate everyone's salaries and instead of having, let's say, a guy who's going to get 16/17/18/18.75 million per season... His contract would be 69m/250k/250k/250k... Therefore he will basically be able to sign anyone... The cap hit would be UBER high next year, but will have one of the lowest "cap" figures in the league...

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I wonder where Snyder's "real ceiling" is for a season $250,000,000? $400,000,000? a Billion dollars? We know it'd be higher than $115,000,000 so where?

I'm guessing around $200,000,000 or a little less... One thing I can say about Danny is that he definitely WANTS to win, and would be willing to spend quite a bit to do so. The problem is he usually doesn't know what to spend on.

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Why would you just cut? Wouldn't you "restructure" contracts to give a bulk right then in 2010, but own the rights to that player for a few years?

I've got no qualms with that.

The one Risk is the players getting all their money in year 1, and then pissing and moaning their way out of the deal in year 2 or 3. The team gives away all of it's leverage when a guy like CP is playing for 750K in a given year. Players quickly forget how much they were given up front a year or two later....

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I've got no qualms with that.

The one Risk is the players getting all their money in year 1, and then pissing and moaning their way out of the deal in year 2 or 3. The team gives away all of it's leverage when a guy like CP is playing for 750K in a given year. Players quickly forget how much they were given up front a year or two later....

Good point. And, unfortunately, I can easily see this happening with some of the players we have on this team. Hell, we've had enough players come here making twice as much as they should and they still ****ed and moaned and didn't play close to their deal.

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