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Broncos cut Bly and Dewayne Robertson


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If we let Rogers go via trade. We should try and lock up Bly for a vet minimum. Also, is the Dewayne Robertson the broncos let go the same that the Jets drafted in the top ten a few years ago? Is he injured or something? I dont know how well he has done in the NFL but he might be a nice cheap vet to add depth to our line. Just a thought

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these players both have their own threads on here, you should really try to look over the first 2 pages of the stadium before posting a new thread, especially when it is the offseason and the thread talks about free agents. The basic rule on ES is any name that becomes a free agent gets his own thread within 20 minutes of his release being announced, so if it's been longer than that, the thread has been made.

And no to Robertson, health and age concerns. Bly has never caught on anywhere, and I wouldn; want him playing anything other than nickle for us. I'd rather us stay in house and see what we have in Tryon. And those of you willing to write him off already, spare me. You all cry and moan the whole time about how we need to draft more players and keep them, but when that happens you all berate them unless they look like all stars from day 1. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want young players to come in here and do well you have to give them time, it's simple as that.

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I'm convinced that if Peyton Manning were cut tomorrow, someone on ES would believe that the Redskins could give him Vet Minimum.

Why in the world would Dre Bly come to the Redskins for such a small amount of money?

Its a ludicrous idea that the Redskins are somehow going to steal these players from other interested teams by offering them this mystical VM + I.

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I'm convinced that if Peyton Manning were cut tomorrow, someone on ES would believe that the Redskins could give him Vet Minimum.

Why in the world would Dre Bly come to the Redskins for such a small amount of money?

Its a ludicrous idea that the Redskins are somehow going to steal these players from other interested teams by offering them this mystical VM + I.

Depends what the "incentives" are.;)

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Funny, both Bly and Hall are from Chesapeake, VA.

Yeah, Hall is from Deep Creek and Bly is from Western Branch (my school); however, Hall is a must re-sign...where I would love to see Bly in a Skins jersey, I do not want to overpay to get him. At this point he is nothing more than great depth and an upgrade over Smoot.

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I don't think we trade Rogers, for one. Secondly, we better not touch a DL that came from Denver's sad sap of a unit.

I agree with you there. There is no way that I would want a sieve of a DT that played on that defensive line. No possible good could ever come from it.

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I'm convinced that if Peyton Manning were cut tomorrow, someone on ES would believe that the Redskins could give him Vet Minimum.

Why in the world would Dre Bly come to the Redskins for such a small amount of money?

Its a ludicrous idea that the Redskins are somehow going to steal these players from other interested teams by offering them this mystical VM + I.

They should just put an ESPN ticker on the ES website and for every player that is cut people can just put up, should we sign player X who was just cut from such and such team. It would save people all the trouble of starting threads. They should just have should we sign this guy official thread and then be done with it so I don't have to hear about Amani Toomer, should we sign him?

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They should just put an ESPN ticker on the ES website and for every player that is cut people can just put up, should we sign player X who was just cut from such and such team. It would save people all the trouble of starting threads. They should just have should we sign this guy official thread and then be done with it so I don't have to hear about Amani Toomer, should we sign him?

I agree. There should be ONE thread, or maybe one per position, to discuss the cluster**** of guys who are going to be cut in the next few weeks.

And, of course, you can just add ". . . and trade Rogers" to every thread title :doh:

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