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Am I getting old? is this **** stupid?


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Oh my gosh MissU, your TV schedule cracks me up! It sounds like my roommates' TV schedules...they love all that MTV reality stuff.

I can understand though, sometimes after a long day at school and work I just want to sit at home a veg out to something brainless...any and every reality show fits that bill.

I usually start out by having the TV on and flipping through news channels for an hour or two when I get home and am making dinner or whatever. Other than that, my schedule is as follows:


The Bachelor - Yes, it's totally idiotic, but it's pretty entertaining to sit there with my roommates and watch these desperate trainwrecks fight over a guy and think they've fallen in love after a few dates. We've got the contestant bashing down to a science.

Intervention - I'm intrigued by addiction and it's interesting (and really sad) to see the triggers and enabling factors of certain behaviors.


If the ultimate fighter is on, I'll watch that. I'll watch DVR the Law & Orders too.


TV night with friends. I don't give a crap about the shows on TV (unless it's a new episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia in which case I definitely watch).

I just hang out with my girlfriends and get a kick out of pissing them off during their stupid hospital shows like Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and ER by interjecting sarcastic remarks every other minute about how unrealistic and idiotic these shows are.

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If you find anything on MTV palatable, you're not young, you're simply retarded.

If it means one becomes old to realize the putrescence of MTV, then so be it. Hopefully lots more people will become that kind of old at a young age.

MTV has sucked for years and years now. It's truly amazing it's still on the air. Even young people I know don't care about it. It's mindless tripe for the vacuous.


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their ratings have been getting weaker and weaker for the past few years. Our generation is looking at the end of MTV. It was really created by the Gen X and that's when it was thriving.

No. It was changed to a soap channel by Gen X.

Sing along, "Video killed the Radio star, but now the producers went much too far."


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MTV is crap besides Rob & Big, Viva La Bam, and Jackass. They should change their name to RTV for RealityTV, since that's all they show. The only time they play music videos is early in the morning when everyone is still asleep. The Real World is getting old because it has the same types of people on it every season. They usually consist of a gay dude, a random black guy, the party dude, a jacked up meathead, a douche, slutty girl, girl in a relationship that ultimately hooks up with one of the guys, and a preppy girl. It's just not entertaining anymore!!!

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Oh it is horrible all right. I remember watching the first 4-5 seasons of the Real World (they were always on TV). They were alright then and I enjoyed them, mostly because it was so NEW. Reality TV did not exist, so everyone watched it.

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