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OT The worst dynasty in the history of sports is over!!!!!!


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Finally LA goes down!!! Hard at that!! I loved watching Kobe look like a little b@tch crying his eyes out. Shaq is no longer what he used to be, Horry is probably leaving and Jackson may no longer coach because of sickness. This is for the Lakers :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

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The Sick Lion

A Lion had come to the end of his days and lay sick unto death

at the mouth of his cave, gasping for breath. The animals, his

subjects, came round him and drew nearer as he grew more and more helpless.

When they saw him on the point of death they thought to

themselves: "Now is the time to pay off old grudges." So the Boar

came up and drove at him with his tusks; then a Bull gored him

with his horns; still the Lion lay helpless before them: so the

Ass, feeling quite safe from danger, came up, and turning his tail

to the Lion kicked up his heels into his face. "This is a double

death," growled the Lion.

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Originally posted by BallCoachSpurrier

They laughed at me when I was drafted and called me hamsamich, but soon they will all bow down and worship me or risk my wrath. I AM GIBRAM HAMDAN, POSSESSOR OF THE STRONGEST ARM IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! I am a god amongst insects! Hey Smoot don't hog the bong bro, this is some real good sh1t."

BCS, is this your flavor of the week again ? Gibran Ham & Cheese ? What happened to your previous flavor of the week, Sage the Rage ??? :laugh:

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Great team performance by the Spurs. You can expect Duncan to perform well in every game. But when Parker and Genobli play as well as they did tonight, its pretty much over. The Spurs are now the obvious favorite for the title, but don't count out the Mav's or Kings.

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Originally posted by escholz

Finally LA goes down!!! Hard at that!! I loved watching Kobe look like a little b@tch crying his eyes out. Shaq is no longer what he used to be, Horry is probably leaving and Jackson may no longer coach because of sickness. This is for the Lakers :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

I thought you where going to say the Wahingtion Forskins.

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As a Lakers fan I'm a little disappointed, but SA was clearly the better team this year. All I can hope for now is that the Kings beat Dallas and then lose in the Western Conference finals to the Spurs. That would be almost as good as the Lakers winning it again for the fourth time in a row.

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Originally posted by f1car

I thought you where going to say the Wahingtion Forskins.

First of all, it's spelled F-o-r-e-s-k-i-n-s with an "E."

Secondly, if you can't be more creative than that in your attempt to attack the Skins ... don't even try. You're just showing your (lack of) intelligence.

Maybe next time you could think up a REAL good one to get back at us. Hey, I know. How about "Deadskins!" Brilliant! :rolleyes:

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The moment Horry's three bounced in and then out of the basket at the end of regulation in Game 5, I knew the Lakers were going to lose this series. Even if L.A. had won tonight, I had a feeling that the Spurs would've gone back to San Antonio and simply gutted out a victory there. The lucky breaks that tend to fall in favor of "the team of destiny" du jour simply weren't falling the Lakers' way this series (the normally money Horry going 2-for-32 from 3-point range this postseason; who could've predicted that?!), and you could just feel history was not on their side this go 'round.

Which is too bad. After spending my college years in the City of Angels, I've come to quite like the Lakeshow and have enjoyed their back-to-back-to-back run as NBA champs.

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While San Antonio is the favorite, if they dont make it out of the semis there is a very good chance that the Nets could win.

I'm already looking at next year with David Robinson retiring can you imagine Jermaine O'Neal and J Kidd on the Spurs?

They have the cap money and its a tax free state and an owner who isnt afraid of the luxury tax

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Originally posted by NavyDave

While San Antonio is the favorite, if they dont make it out of the semis there is a very good chance that the Nets could win.

I'm already looking at next year with David Robinson retiring can you imagine Jermaine O'Neal and J Kidd on the Spurs?

They have the cap money and its a tax free state and an owner who isnt afraid of the luxury tax

They boys in black could be the reigning "dynasty" for the next few years. Texas is stealing California's crown as America's home for pro basketball. However, if I were the Spurs I don't know if I would go for Jason Kidd. Tony Parker is a PLAYER and he is only 20, I say go for O'Neal to replace Robinson and stay pat with Parker. They could do some serious damage over the next few years.

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O neal in San Antonio would keep them in contention for the next 3 to 4 years and addin Kidd would allow them to continue being a running team with increased team defense and parker is still better off the bench.

Plus it would keep both players away from LA. O'neal squared would really suck

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I gotta say this.

I hate the Lakers because of mostly last year against the Kings and those bogus calls to keep LA in it.

After the game last night....one of the most overrated Players in my head (because to me he's behind the KG's, T-Mac's, A.I.'s of the league).....Kobe...in an interview was nothing by pure class.

He didn't make excuses, he didn't whine....you could tell he was hurt. He just said the offseason is now....he's pushing himself to Limit and gave props to the Spurs.

That's classy.

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Great run Lakers. It's hard defending a title 4 times in a row. Everything took it's toll, from injuries, to other teams getting deeper benches in hopes of dethroning them.

This may be a blessing in disguise though. Phil, who's been a little too loyal to the older players on the roster, will now be forced along with the GM to bring in some fresh faces (PF, PG) to add scoring and defense in the post.

Congratulations to the Spurs, they played a great series.

As far as the crying at the end of the game. Everyone does it. Iverson cried when he lost in the finals. Many players cry when they win the title. Players cry after losing in the NCAA tournament. The Lakers will come back stronger.

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Originally posted by Bush League Bufford

I gotta say this.

I hate the Lakers because of mostly last year against the Kings and those bogus calls to keep LA in it.

After the game last night....one of the most overrated Players in my head (because to me he's behind the KG's, T-Mac's, A.I.'s of the league).....Kobe...in an interview was nothing by pure class.

He didn't make excuses, he didn't whine....you could tell he was hurt. He just said the offseason is now....he's pushing himself to Limit and gave props to the Spurs.

That's classy.

Does anyone remember who had more fouls as a team in last years Kings/Lakers series. I thought I remembered it being the Lakers...I could be wrong on that though.

Have you been watching this years Mavs/Kings series? The exact opposite is occurring in it - and yet I have yet to hear a Mavs fan (wait, are their any?) complain.

It will be interesting to see Game 7.

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I think that the Lake Show is on its way down, and I for one am overjoyed to see it. Usually I hate all things Texas, (Cowfarts, Mavericks, Astros, Rangers, etc.), but I was glad to see San Antonio take LA out, and am actually happy to see SA moving on. I lived in the same area as David Robinson's family and met him once while he was at the Naval Academy. He's a really nice guy with arms the size of both of my legs put together. I'm rooting for him and the Spurs to take it all. Would like to see Robinson get a ring without the dreaded "*" next to it, like when they won it all during the strike shortened season, I'd like to see him go out on top.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but GO SPURS!:cheers:

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The spurs proved to be the better team this year, without question. However, I think its a bit premature to start making claims that the Lakers are done with. As long as they have Shaq and Kobe that instantly makes them a contender. I think what Shaq needs to do is to lose some weight to take some of that added weight off, which is part of the reason why he has problems with tendinitis and his toes. Kobe is still just 24 or 25 so he still hasnt reached his prime yet. The team obviously has to bring in some more talent to supplement its 2 star players and with about half the team being free agents as well as the possibility of Horry's option for the following season not being picked up, you will probably see a different look to the Lakers next season.

Should be an interesting off-season for them and despite their departure from the playoffs, the race to win the NBA Title is still going to be fun to watch.

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