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"The Minnesota Recount Was Unconstitutional"


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I'm curious how the evil Dems managed to steal the election from a current Senator in a state with a GOP Governor.

Because they are eeeevul! Actually, the state voting commission is bipartisan, and pretty evenly split.

Fivethirtyeight.com predicted that Frankin would win (legitimately) as soon as the recount began because most of the ballots that had been uncounted in the initial tally were from areas expected to favor Franken.

To put it in partisan terms :D Coleman was the one trying to steal the election, and he was doomed to fail as soon as more scruitiny was placed on the votes. :)

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I thought they had a bipartisan electoral board that unanimously endorsed the results.

They have that too. I was just pointing out that the SC of Minnesota is conservative leaning as well. So, they have the governor and the SC (i.e. 2/3's of the state government) and the democrats are still controlling the situation.

but yea, they also have the electoral board, which if you do the math is republican leaning also.

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If there are counties that are showing 177 more votes than people that voted, Id say there is a problem.

Franken may have won. But at this point, Coleman won on election day, he won the recount. And only once certain ballots (both absentee and contested) were either accepted or rejected did Franken take a lead and then all counting was halted.

There are still irregularities and inconsistencies that need to be addressed and dealt with.

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2/3's of the Government - that is, the executive branch and the judiciary branch.

I could've been more clear. But that's what I meant.

No, my bad. I just misread it.

Pawlenty is staying the hell out of it all because he has higher aspirations and doesnt want the "Katherine Harris" treatment.

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Every vote should count that wasn't "found" in a car trunk or the chain of evidence broken for a week..

It's funny how stories that were discredited in early November still have legs in 2009. I wonder if you guys actually look at what's going on instead of reading talking points. Coleman lost the election and will lose the lawsuits. Right now he's just delaying Franken being sworn in.

Franken may have won. But at this point, Coleman won on election day, he won the recount. And only once certain ballots (both absentee and contested) were either accepted or rejected did Franken take a lead and then all counting was halted.

There are still irregularities and inconsistencies that need to be addressed and dealt with.

You act like absentee and contested ballots shouldn't be counted. It's not like Coleman was shut out of the process. I say lets count all the legal ballots and see who wins. You probably wouldn't like the answer.

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Um, I'm not sure what a "loral" is (did you mean "laurel"?) and you definitely did misspell the word "moot."

Actually moot or mute are both correct given that context.

More to the point, Franken is a complete and utter joke. He's a failed comedian (but that's another point altogether) The article by WSJ just points out that the voting process itself, when you look at the Florida presidential election, is quite flawed. You have a system where the folks doing the recount process don't even have a clear directive as to what counts and what is discredited. I don't see how that falls along any party lines.

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