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Deion to sign with Toronto


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-- Deion to Sign with Blue Jays --

CBS Sportsline reports sources have confirmed Washington Redskins CB Deion Sanders has agreed in principle to a contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. While there is still some fine-tuning to be completed, neither side expects any snags, the deal should be consummated early this week. The long-term ramifications of the contract are that it could provide Sanders a vehicle for missing all of training camp and the first month of the regular season with the Redskins and perhaps precipitate his release by the NFL club. "Maybe this will still turn out the Redskins' way, and he'll be forced to report to camp, but they are finding out at least for now that you don't easily paint Deion into a corner," a source close to Sanders said. "He's always going to look for a way to have the upper hand." In short, while Sanders is headed north, he hopes his brief tenure with the Redskins is going south.


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Apparently slimetime has a friend, Dave Steward, in toronto pushing this. The deal is to put him back inthe same minor league where slimetime was looking like willie mays earlier in the year.

Toronto has a loaded outfield and atleast one good prospect to play in the outfield so this is an obvious favor from Steward.

I would still keep slimetime and just restructure Shade's contract



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Reading that just makes my blood boil! What the hell does Toronto need with a 34 year old ball player who has proven he can't hit in the majors, that he's lost a step on the base paths, and is a liablity in the field. Just who does PineTime know up north who would give him this type of deal? And....does this place him directly on the big club... or in their minor system?

I hope when all this is done, and down the road a couple of years, that the majority of people and sports writers look back at Peon and totally slam him as being a "me" player, and consider him responsible for the gradual decline in sports. Today's player doesn't care about championships, the team or organization, or his/her fellow players. They care only about the Lincoln Navigators (with five DVD players and ten screens), Playstation "likenesses" of themselves, and their big houses. Movie deals, shoe contracts, and sports drink endorsements. It's no longer about competing, being the best you can be at your position, and leading your team to success. I'm sickened by today's sports athlete, almost to the point where I could disassociate myself from sports and concentrate on more "wholesome" things.

And you wonder why we hold players such as Art Monk, Darrell Green, Monte Coleman in such high regard. Not only are (were) they exceptional athletes, but they were driven by the success of the team. It wasn't about how much money you made then, it was about how many division..conference.. and league championships you had. Take Art Monk for example, can anyone remember a time when he "celebrated" like today's athlete after scoring a touchdown? No..he acted like he'd been there before, gave the ball to the ref, and celebrated with his teamates on the sideline.. and low key at that. Today's athlete makes a play..a shot..a goal...and it'a all about "Did you see that..did you see what I just did?". Depressing..

Back to Deon, let's say he's given a contract there and is sent to their minor organization. If he misses even one day of training camp, can we then proceed with arbitration to recover 6/8ths of the bonus money? Or..does he have to be absent for all of training camp, preseason, or actual games?

******Attention Cap Guru's********

Is there anyway possible that we can afford to keep Deion on the roster the entire year, without him playing a down, and still afford our draft picks? I'm to the point where, if he's going to play the Redskins like this, that we just shelve his A** for the whole year, prevent him from playing on any team.....and then cut him June 1st (12:00:01) of 2002 for a better cap relief.

I hope this tarnishes his career, that many make note that he conspired to "steal" money from a team and then not fullfill his obligations. And...if the sports writers had any guts, they'd prevent someone like him of entering the Hall of Fame. Of course, if they'll let Lawrence Taylor in, with all his demons, than Peon is a shoe in. Although, at least most of L.T.'s problems occured after football, an he didn't make a mockery of the salary cap.

If you haven't noticed by the tone of this "novel"... I'm pissed!

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If he's in the minors, then he still has to report to camp. In order for this to be a real favor, he needs to be on the major league roster come training camp.

The Sportsline article is here: http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/ce/multi/0,1329,4030980_52,00.html

However, as I write this, it's 11:40 EST.

It's interesting that the official Blue Jays website says nothing about this: http://bluejays.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/tor/homepage/tor_homepage.jsp

Same with ESPN: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/index

And CNN: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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The Toronto Sun is quoting GM Gord Ash (Blue Jays) as saying that they will only sign Sanders to a minor league deal and does not foresee any changes to his outfield. The TO sports station (CHUM1050)was all over Sanders about not being good enough to start in the Syracuse outfield despite his "Willie Mays" like numbers in triple AAA earlier. Personally, like many other Blue Jay fans, he would be a waste of a roster spot and delay the arrival of Vernon Wells to the big team.

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As some of you may know, I'm a huge Reds fan and I've obviously followed Deion's baseball exploits very closely-- I probably saw just about every at bat he had with in the majors during his recent stint. And let me say that he must have a good friend in Toronto, because no one in their right mind could actually see anythig positive in his game right now.

His one attribute is speed, and he can never use it because he simply can't get on base. His plate approach his horrible, his has a crater sized hole in his swing, he can't hit a breaking pitch if my Grandma threw it, he s a horrible defensive outfielder, and he has trouble on the basepaths (the few times he gets there) despite his speed. Quite simply, he is a bad major league baseball player going absolutely nowhere. The Blue Jays must be hoping he can sell a few more tickets.

I have been a major Deion supporter throughout the years-- I had many a battle with people around here defending him--even when he was a Cowboy. But my tune has changed-- he has treated the Redskins very poorly, and I have lost a lot of respect for Deion.

I still think we can use him here-- I'm not thrilled aboutt he prospect of Smoot or Green starting, but with Champ, he certainly isn't a NECESSITY. He is a solid CB at this point, nothing more, nothing less-- he's not worth all the trouble.

I am still hoping he gives Marty a call before camp starts and tells him he wants to play-- I think that he could still help this team, but I wouldn't be upset at all if we cut him loose.

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Hate to tell you guys I told you so, I knew it was going to happen for quite sometime now I wasnt just talking out of my @ss...I'll be very surprised if Deion is signed to anything more than a minor league deal, that way he has to go back to triple A and "earn" a trip up north to Toronto by the end of July!! So basically, nothing has really changed unless he tears up AAA ball again and is called up before training camp!

I'm telling you nothing is easy with Deion, everything is an adventure, either good or bad!!



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I watched Sportscenter this morning and nothing was said about Deion and the Blue Jays.....BULLSHIZNIT

just because Len Pasquarelli says that's going to happen and nobody else is reporting it doesn't make it so quite yet.

and even if he does sign and plays for that syracuse team, he'll be in and out of the majors before the middle of August. I say Marty doesn't release him to prove who's boss.


Pootie Tang whoop your *** so bad, you can write it off on your taxes!

[<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/edited.gif" border=0> by Bufford on June 24, 2001.]

[edited.gif by Bufford on June 24, 2001.]

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Even if it's true, it doesn't change a thing. The Skins' position will continue to be "We'll see in camp", and "No comment".

All it would mean, if true, is that Deion will have A CHANCE to eran a roster spot. (Sort of like with us).

I do think that this behavior pretty much GUARANTEES that he won't ever get a contract with a signing bonus again. (Bear in mind, even if he didn't have a baseball escape clause in his contract, he'd still be trying to get fired. He'd just be using other methods). But I'd thought that after the first two times he signed a contract (in Altanta) saying he would report on a certain day, and then decided not to, because his baseball team had a World Series shot. He said back then that it doesn't bother him to reneg on a written contract if he thinks he has a shot at some glory.

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I think it is really a shame what Deion is doing to his career and his legacy. He had a chance to go out with style like Darrell but instead everyone's last memory of Deion will be that of a slimeball.

PrimeTime21, you may think that Deion is slick. He is slick like a used car salesman who resets odometers is slick. There are a couple of ways to conduct business. One is to screw everyone you can and the other is to give good honest value for the money you receive. I guess Deion's philosophy is obvious.

And Larry, I hate to disagree with you, but I'm sure Deion will get another signing bonus, for cap reasons only. Let's say it takes $3 million to get Deion to play for a year. Some team will want to pay him a $2.5 million bonus and a vet minimum salary to spread the cap hit out over two or three years.

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according to that article,to earn his inevitable promotion,deion merely needs to hit well at a level he's already proven able..so in a month of AAA deion will be a legit major leaguer again?... to pull these kinds of strings,i believe only proves that deion is far from the real deal. eventually,people that have strong reservations with respect to his ability as a baseball player,may start questioning how credible his ability is, as that of a football player too!

it's a different deal w/deion. when he isn't being respected,deion is afforded alot of latitude when it comes to what & when contact is acceptable. or the execution level of the opposition is pathetic. how many big plays from deion come to mind from last yr? folk that believe he iced games vs big blue and tampa had to of seen those plays once or are completely unobjective. or worse,believe everything positive they read that's free. this guy's a poison and i see no reasonable way of managing his presence on the team. hail D-day!!

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All of this makes for interesting conversation and speculation but the fact remains with one of the four or five best corners in the league in Champ Bailey and the best cover corner from this year's draft Fred Smoot on tap the Redskins really don't need Deion Sanders to play here in 2001.

The Redskins are not a 14-2 team that has one hole at cornerback with Deion knowing there is no one to fill the void.

The team is looking to improve on an 8-8 mark where the team quit at the end of the year, and prove again that it is worthy of respect in the NFL.

There are about 25 or 26 teams in the NFL that would love to have Bailey and rookie Smoot on tap for 2001 as their starting corners.

Will Smoot get beaten early as part of his learning process? Of course. That is where Darrell Green comes in as an experienced hand to ease his transition into the starting role. That is an asset/luxury no other team has.

But there will be rookie starting cornerbacks on quite a few teams including contenders like the Giants, Broncos and Buffalo Bills.

Is it being described as a calamity in those places? No.

Yet here I read some posts that if we don't have two absolutely lockdown veteran corners the defense will completely disintegrate.

Hate to tell you that in today's NFL rookies and younger players starting is a reality even the best teams have to deal with each season.

The Redskins didn't give up many deep balls last year, but that was in part because of the style of defense played. Rhodes protected Deion with deep help in a lot of games and that is why you didn't see him beat for long touchdowns.

He was behind receivers on a number of those throws and during the year he was also vulnerable to the slants and crossing patterns over the middle where his cutting speed is now suspect.

At 34, would Deion be better or worse in 2001 than in 2000? Father time says a bit worse. Perhaps he wouldn't play 16 games again as he did last year, either?

I think as a team we have moved beyond Deion and I don't want to see him back. It is time to go with the players we have that are here and working. No player is irreplaceable on a football team outside of some rare athletes like a Jerry Rice or Walter Payton in their primes.

Deoin is no longer in his prime and for the most part is now just wasting our time.

Let him sweat over his future until late July or August and then use his cap money to get some depth on the defensive line.

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Hopefully minor league pitchers read their scouting reports on Deion and just throw him everything but fastballs. Deion can't hit a curve ball and he's kown to swing at anything. Minor leagues ain't the bigs so Deion's going to have to report or face arbitration with the Redskins. I say let him twist in the wind for now. Snyder and Marty will show Deion what hardball is really like come the end of July.


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