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DJs Suspended for Playing Dixie Chicks

The Evil Genius

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Yet another Dixie Chicks thread :laugh:

Sorry, I can't help it - this story keeps getting funnier and funnier...or is it sadder and sadder?

Anyways, looks like the brouhaha (sp?) is starting to wane...can't lose ratings by not playing whats popular!


DJs Suspended for Playing Dixie Chicks

Tue May 6,12:10 PM ET

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Country-music station KKCS has suspended two disc jockeys for playing songs by the Dixie Chicks (news - web sites) in violation of a ban imposed after one group member criticized President Bush (news - web sites).

Station manager Jerry Grant said he banned the music after lead singer Natalie Maines (news) told a London audience on March 10: "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."

The comment was made as war was looming with Iraq (news - web sites), and Maines later apologized. But her remark brought the group a flood of criticism and media attention.

"We pulled their music two months ago, and it's been a difficult decision because how can you ignore the hottest group in country music," Grant said.

He said there has been discussion about whether to reinstate the music, but DJs Dave Moore and Jeff Singer became impatient.

"They made it very clear that they support wholeheartedly the president of the United States. They support wholeheartedly the troops, the military. But they also support the right of free speech," Grant said.

The station has received a couple of hundred calls and 75 percent favored playing the music.

Grant said Moore and Singer will be out for a couple of days.

"I gave them an alternative: stop it now and they'll be on suspension, or they can continue playing them and when they come out of the studio they won't have a job."

The station plans to play the group's music eventually.

"Most stations are starting to play them again anyhow a song here, a song there. I just have a problem with the way this was done. We would have put them in anyhow. But we'd like to do it on our terms," he said.

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

The new Political Correctness. But without the oceans of conservative tears.

NO doubt.

What I find more disturbing is Kilmer's assertion that somehow one sentence from a band about being ashamed that Bush is from Texas relates the same as a band whose sole purpose is to promote racial hate.

I have heard worse (than what Maines said) from Leno and Letterman, and yet they aren't boycotted.

Makes me :rolleyes: wonder sometimes.

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That's not what I said at all.

If the station has a policy that a DJ cannot play a certain artist, and a DJ violates that policy, they should face the consequences. My comparison was simply pointing out an extreme style of music that would probably get a DJ suspended.

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My wife and I went out Friday night to a Karoke bar because she loves to sing. She wanted to sing a Chix w/Dix song because she likes them but she was afraid to because she thought someone might boo. Our group finally convinced her to do it and not worry about it, we would cheer if it happend.

Not one person booed. No one really cared. My wife and her friends love country.... I hate it, but their radio station had banned playing the Chix w/Dix but a bunch of people kept calling in to complain. The station finally caved and started playing them again.

This whole story was pretty stupid. My wife could care less about politics... the singer could have said she was satan's bitc! and my wife wouldn't have cared.

Just like I wouln't have cared if Tool came out and said Dubya was their best buddy. Who cares.. Tool rocks.:D

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I'll give you this much...it is rather meaningless....no one is going to give a flying *uck about any of these bands in 25 years. they are just temporary stops along the way......nobodies who occupy the public stage for a short period of time.......

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Originally posted by fansince62

I'll give you this much...it is rather meaningless....no one is going to give a flying *uck about any of these bands in 25 years. they are just temporary stops along the way......nobodies who occupy the public stage for a short period of time.......

Totally agree... Chix w/Dix are no Led Zeppelin...:notworthy

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