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Redskins @ Cincy Send Off in Ashburn VA (update with photos, superhero style)


Should we start over? (O and D coaches)  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we start over? (O and D coaches)

    • Yes, change is good
    • No, we need consistency
    • Just the offense needs change

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Come see your favorite Redskins Superhero!

If you do not understand

this statement now you will on Saturday!

Huly is in Filthy Philly for work, and asked me to post this thread.

If you have any questions you can PM me or Huly.

Bring your signs!

Wear your Bugundy and Gold!

It's times like these when they need us the most!

Date: Saturday, December 13th

Time: meet at noon, team leaves around 1:15

Place: Redskins Park, Ashburn, VA



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I'm working on a new sign, and I can't wait to encourage them. Thanks for the information about the time. :applause:

no problem!!

we def. need as many out as possible to show our support for the team. it's times like these when they need us the most.

can't wait to see you saturday!

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I'm going to try and be there also. House if you go can I get the weights for the tents from Baltimore

Teddy ... absolutely. They are still in the car, seven if I remember correctly.

Thanks for the assist with those in Baltimore. I need to get those in the off-season should I end up with no access to pavement again.


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I know you guys represent us well. Being in West Va for the away games makes me sad in a way because I miss the sendoffs and welcome homes.

I WILL be at the sendoff and welcome home for the 49ers. Well.. Sendoff depends on time as I may still be driving... but no doubts on the return home.

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