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Is Jeff Garcia just a jackhole?


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Garcia tends to do well wherever he plays (with some minor exceptions with bad teams) and yet he is constantly needing to look over his shoulder.

SF sent him packing for no particular on the field reason.

Cleveland and Detroit didn't seem to have any trouble letting him go.

Philly didn't even appear to entertain keeping him despite him playing terrifically with them.

Ever since he's been in TB it seems that Gruden has done his best to replace Garcia.

So, I have to assume he is just a real lousy human being off the field. Right?

(BTW, I'm not saying he's awesome and irreplaceable, but the guy can play and has proven to be very accurate and productive in his career)

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Garcia is better than Campbell and they send him out as soon as they can.

I think the problem is Garcia can play pretty well but he's not consistently "VERY GOOD" enough to rely on as your QB option and while he can take you to the playoffs, he's most likely not going to win you a Super Bowl.

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He had a huge contract in San Fran and that team was looking to rebuild. He was way past 30 with a huge cap number on a team looking to rebuild.

He played really, really bad football for both Cleveland and Detroit. When he signed with Philly after this two-team stint the Eagles were ridiculed mercilessly for signing someone who had played so horribly, even though he was only signed as a backup.

Conflicting rumors on Garcia's exit from Philly. They said they would have been willing to resign him as a backup. He said he never got an offer, but still managed to sign on as a starter for another team.

I think the common factor is that he is so completely and totally limited phsyically. Yeah, his little dip and dunk, scramble for a first on 3rd and 3 game can get you to 10-6 and a playoff birth. But he's never going to make you a strong contender, which is really what teams want out of their QB.

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lol@ his beard.

definite coverup. real men have ugly wives. i'm a real man.

but at least garcia is flamboyant with his homotheckshuality.

campbell is one of those 'quiet leader' gaylords. all shy and ****. meek. a whisper mouth, tippy toe, flower sniffing, pillow biter.

he's got great lips though, you gotta give him that.

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i hope i can clear up some of the questions about JG:

San Francisco: The team asked Garcia to take WAY less money than he was originally signed for. Negotiations broke down and Garcia was released.

Cleveland: Scrapyard team here as normal, Garcia had nothing to work with. Waived after 1st year of a three year contract.

Detroit: Terrible team as usual, but Garcia broke his freaking leg and didn't resign with the team.

Philly: Outplayed Donovan McInjury for sure. After winning streak and playoff berth, The Eagles made no-attempt to resign him, even though Garcia and his agent publicly said that Jeff wanted to stay in philly, even for less money. There was widespread speculation that Andy Reid let him go as to not have a quarterback controversy.

Tampa: Best QB Tampa has had in recent years since Brad Johnson. He is in the final year of a contract year, and at 38, this will be interesting to see where he ends up. Numerous teams will want him as a starter if he becomes a Free Agent after this year...

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I'm not related to him lol. i've offered wondered myself why Jeff doesnt stick around anywhere. With the exception of cleveland and detroit, all the man's ever done is win.

I think it's had something to do with his age. i'm not sure. I do think if he wants to keep playing, Tampa should resign him...the fact that he only got 2 million this year to be a starter, is really insulting.

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lol@ his beard.

definite coverup. real men have ugly wives. i'm a real man.

Interesting theory. I don't know if I'd want a butt ugly wife, just cute will do fine for me.

I agree that a hot wife is not as great as most guys think. I got married way too young to a really hot woman, and she was impossible to please, greedy as hell and eventually became a stripper in Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas. Oh yeah, and just because a woman is hot doesn't mean that you won't get bored of sex with her for by the 300th time.

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