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We saw the difference between a good team and us


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Good teams wr's actually catch balls. Good teams don't throw 3 yard passes on 3 and 5. Good teams bother to rush the extra point. Good teams don't sabotage clear interceptions from their teammates. Good teams can throw the ball down field. Good teams can down a punt when it bounces at the 10. Good teams can get pressure on the Qb. Good teams don't get blown out at home, again, good teams make 42 yd fieldgoals when it's needed. When is everyone going to realize,good teams beat other good teams, WE ARE NOT A GOOD TEAM, right now. We saw what a good team is, the giants are a good team and playing them only highlights in my mind all the things we are not.

We have neglected the core of our team in drafts and free agency (the lines) and spent all our time getting skill postion players and look where it has gotten us. We can't get pressure on the qb, we are not a team built for west coast football or passing at all, we are built for power running, you take that away from us and we can't do anything. Outside of Moss we have the worst receiving core in the league. Double team Moss and put a saftey on Cooley and you pretty much stop our passing game. It's not Zorn's fault, it's just the team wasn't built for what he wants to do. Just hurts when you finaly look at it objectivly and realize your team isn't good.

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I was writing this back in August when the homers are predicting 10-6.

Danny and Vincy will never learn. They are too deep in salsry cap debt to start properly building the team. They will continue with the quick fix free-agent patches and the homers will continue to predict superbowl.

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Its time to start palying the young players, even if the skins could crawl into the playoffs it would be one and done so lets get thge young players playing time.

Al Fincher should replace Washington(beast in pre season)

heyer back in for old washed up Jensen

Rienhardt for kendall

Jason taylor should never see the field again

Kelly and Davis full time no more trash and randle el

no way this team could win in playoffs so lets look to build a team and stop playing with the same old has beens

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I was writing this back in August when the homers are predicting 10-6.

Danny and Vincy will never learn. They are too deep in salsry cap debt to start properly building the team. They will continue with the quick fix free-agent patches and the homers will continue to predict superbowl.

There is a big difference between the OP's sentiment and your doom and gloom blame it all on Vinny & Dan they stink and we'll never win woe is me pass me the gun BS. Everything you doom & gloom guys spout is such an exaggeration - really, what % of the fanbase thought superbowl.

I agree, yesterday we confirmed, we are a slightly above average team. 8-8 would be a minor disappointment, 9-7 would be on target, 10-6 would be good. We were just playing above our level in the beginning of the year and now we are back down to earth.

Lets just hope for the best, there are a lot worse situations to be in.

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Al Fincher should replace Washington(beast in pre season)

heyer back in for old washed up Jensen

Rienhardt for kendall

Jason taylor should never see the field again

Kelly and Davis full time no more trash and randle el

I agree with these things to a point. No more Thrash, that's for sure.

Let Washington play less, get healthy for the playoffs and see what the young guys have.

Definitely agree with JJ and Kendall sitting.

JT is worthless.

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As I said in an earlier thread. The Giants who were out of the game were on the sideline watching the game. The Skins who were out of the game had their coats on and were sitting on the heated bench. Basically the Skins offense spent 36 minutes on the bench with their coats on. Spoke volumes of the Skin's desire to play football. All they had to do was look across the field at a team who acted like a champion.

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I think the reason you guys have a mediocre record is a product of the division we all play in. If you played in any other division instead of the toughest division in football (6 games against us, Eagles and Cowboys) then you'd have a much better record.

As a Giants fan I would rather see some of those old school Giants / Redskins matchups though where you guys had a great O-line and both teams would try and run it down each others throat. Throw in some mud...and there was a football game.

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Its time to start palying the young players, even if the skins could crawl into the playoffs it would be one and done so lets get thge young players playing time.

Al Fincher should replace Washington(beast in pre season)

heyer back in for old washed up Jensen

Rienhardt for kendall

Jason taylor should never see the field again

Kelly and Davis full time no more trash and randle el

no way this team could win in playoffs so lets look to build a team and stop playing with the same old has beens

dude did you just call espn 980? someone just called in and said this exact same thing, sounded like an older dude with a southern accent.

dig your sentiment but kendall is one of the guys playing WELL on our OL.

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As I said in an earlier thread. The Giants who were out of the game were on the sideline watching the game. The Skins who were out of the game had their coats on and were sitting on the heated bench. Basically the Skins offense spent 36 minutes on the bench with their coats on. Spoke volumes of the Skin's desire to play football. All they had to do was look across the field at a team who acted like a champion.

I noticed that too and it really bugged me. On TV they showed Giants on the sideline watching the game or studying/meeting with their coaches on what they would do next.

Then I saw the Skins sitting on the bench, trying to stay warm, Hmmm!

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Its time to start palying the young players, even if the skins could crawl into the playoffs it would be one and done so lets get thge young players playing time.

Al Fincher should replace Washington(beast in pre season)

heyer back in for old washed up Jensen

Rienhardt for kendall

Jason taylor should never see the field again

Kelly and Davis full time no more trash and randle el

no way this team could win in playoffs so lets look to build a team and stop playing with the same old has beens

I totally agree that we need to put the young guys in there. I don't see a need to replace Kendall this season, but by next year I'd like to have Rinehart (sp?) in there for him.

Jason Taylor, while he's not the pass-rusher he was in Miami, is actually stopping the run and helping to collapse the pocket a little but is no way living up to the expectations/$$$ we put out there for him.

Hell yes, no more James Thrash for the love of god. And Randle-El has no business being the #2 receiver on this team.

We need to spend some dough on Jordan Gross and have him be our RT for the next 10 years and draft a center with our 3rd round pick.

We can take our 1st rounder and spend it on a DE or LB that will be able to make an impact immediately.

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Give the guys a break, they probably are all getting crushed in the stock market, football is far less important than them making their yacht payment for November. New York is focused on silly things like winning football games because their contracts aren't guaranteed like the Redskins' are.

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After watchin yesterday. Let Malcolm K and Devin T go out and do work.. Thrash done, Jansen done get them out of there... I mean we can say JT is worthless but he has stopped run well and as a skins team, when was the last time we had a good pass rush??? last 2 seasons i feel we havnt at all, alot of coverage sacks.

AND CAN WE GET A NEW KICKER... missed 43 yarder vs Seattle that they say was tipped but i dont see it.. a 42 yarder missed way right... terrible... bring in anyone Justin Medlock... hell ill take Cundiff for now or even Nick Novak... atleast he won a game for us vs Dallas with a 50 yarder...

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Jason Taylor, while he's not the pass-rusher he was in Miami, is actually stopping the run and helping to collapse the pocket a little but is no way living up to the expectations/$$$ we put out there for him.

He's just one in a long line of players in their waning years that come through here for an outrageous payday before they retire.

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