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OT:History of this board


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I'm a relative newbie who happened to stumble onto this board while surfing for Redskins info one day. It is clearly the best discusion board on any subject that I've seen. It occurs to me that while I post here I know next to nothing about the history of Extremeskins.<br /><br />I wonder if someone might not be willing to relate how this great place came to be. I'm sure their are many folks like myself who would like to know.<br /><br />Among the facts I'm interested in are the following questions:<br /><br />How did this board get started? Who were the original people that came up with the idea? Why did you start it? Did it take it a long time to flourish or was it a hit from the begining. Who was the first poster to get 1,ooo posts? Heck and just about anything else you can think of concerning the history of Extremeskins.

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I met most of the original Extremeskins posters on The Sporting News messageboards back in 99. Those boards were wide open, no registration required, and very loosely moderated. There was loads of trash talking and spam over there, and I think this board came to be orginally as a way for those posters to exchange info in a more civilized environment. (Not that TSN wasn't fun, just different fun)<br /><br />Bulldog and ND have always been the top posters. Bulldog actually gets top prize because he posted his first 1100 or so under a different ID. I don't know how those guys find the time. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Anyway, that's how I saw things develop over here. Im sure others can add a lot more to the story.

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In the beginning, there was Chaos. Out of the primordial cybersoup emerged the TSN boards...wild, unruly, unmoderated, prone to drive-by smacking. <br /><br /> The Bleachers board emerged and grew. But there was need for more Redskin talk. Out of nothingness, Blade created Extremeskins. A few hardy souls ventured over and began posting. A great tale grew in the telling....<br /><br /> Or at least that's my version.

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by TennesseeCarl:<br /><strong>Blade created Extremeskins</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually, I believe Diehard created, and later sold it to Blade for an undisclosed amount

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TC is that from the new testament version of the beginning? <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />BullDog is/was also known as the Reaper; his quality posts were reasons to visit TSN. <br /><br />My alter ego was Da Dude back then<br /><br />But the BS from cough cough the heckler and old cards fan to name a few helped make extremeskins a site for sore eyes.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: NavyDave ]</small>

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I was also a TSN refugee. I did enjoy the occasional "intelligent war" on those boards. Art, Reaper and in the end, Henry were our top soldiers. Alas, it degenerated quickly into mostly trash spewed forth by the uneducated. <br /><br />I first heard about this board over there ... a couple of weeks after it formed. Joined immediately. Haven't looked back since.

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That TSN site has to be after Art single-handedly (well, he had a little help) <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> drove the old Washington Post site admin insane... she subsequently shut it down without warning. That must've been at least 5 years ago... maybe more.<br /><br />I think some guys ended up at TSN and others at the Bleachers (CPND). <br /><br />I'm not sure exactly who was who back then because many handles have changed and many have disappeared.

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yah--another TSN immigrant here. whatever happened to EJ? what about the artist?<br /><br />again--props to blade, diehard, art, etc for taking the time to set up and constantly improve the site. <br /><br />how many weeks till training camp? while olympics, march madness, and NBA/NHL playoffs are nice, there is truely only one sport that really matters to me.

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The TSN board was fun for a while but Art having to continously spank the trash talkers got old quick. I've never been back there since.<br /><br />It's amazing how Art has mellowed since the Mrs. made an honest man of him. Incidently, Art and I attended the same high school, albeit a good ten years apart. I'm older, believe it or not. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <br /><br />Another former Edison Eagle, and alas, former Dallas Cowboy is now an author and writes occasionally for ESPN Page2. His name is Pat Toomay. Check out some of his work on Page2 when you get a chance. He was part of the original Tampa Bay Bucs team that went 0-26. I told him that was his pennance for leaving Redskins country to play for Dallas. <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" />

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YEah, I made it over to TSN, but I made it there from the CNNSI skins pages. When I couldn't take the trash anymore, I found the Bleachers. When that went down a year or two ago, this web page was posted. I was surprised to find so many familiar posters from my days at TSN.

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This was actually a feature I intended on adding to the site <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> Oh well... here goes:<br /><br />I accidentally stumbled into the The Sporting News Redskin board by accident within weeks of gaining my first internet access about 3.5 years ago; I originally started with the Redskins usenet group but quickly found the flaming unbearable. Over time I got to know guys like Art, Blade, Buddha, Brave, Jimbo, Joe, Henry, Mick, KevinthePRF, Matt Kyraciou, Bulldog (aka Reaper), NavyDave (aka Da Dude) and many others. Over the course of 1.2 years we developed a strong community. Unfortunately and inevitably, the place became overrun by trolls. While Art and others battled courageously... I decided perhaps a new home would be in order. I was always in a constant state of creating a Redskin website anyways and this was the perfect opportunity. I recruited some of the guys (ie. Art, Trevor, ShonyX, Buddha and KevinthePRF) to help out.<br /><br />I started by purchasing some proprietary message board software that was similar in style to The Sporting News to make the transition easier. I named it Capitol Offense. It achieved moderate success but not as well as I had hoped. <br /><br />Many people don't know this... but I nearly merged with Webskins before Chris Suh and I finally decided to go our own ways since we disagreed on some fundamental principles. Quite accientally, I stumbled into UBB when the software was relatively unheard of and very different in design and concept. I made the choice and never looked back.<br /><br />I agonized over the new name and theme. I decided to go with 'black' to be different plus I found it's easier on the eyes <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> And the name 'Extremeskins' just came to me when I was working on the UBB so I registered it on May 13, 2000.<br /><br />While I was having the UBB softare customized... I met Blade. In speaking with him I found he had skills that I required (ie. graphics and programming) and he offered to help out so I accepted. He modified my original Extremeskins logo - as well as other functions - and it's remained for nearly 2 years now.<br /><br />Suprisingly, the site grew more quickly than I anticipated. Especially since I hadn't advertised and basically relied on word of mouth. Things were going smoothly. In fact, ExtremeSkins had been mentioned on television and since the Washington Post. However, after 1 year... my webhost closed down. I didn't have the time/energy or skills to make the move to a new webhost and I was prepared to let the site close down. Heroicly, Blade offered to move the site and resume payment of expenses. He's been co-owner ever since (hence I have the rank of "The Squire" and Blade has a icon of the new owner Dan Snyder). <br /><br />We had another incident with our webhost this part January which caused me to rethink things. Ultimately, I decided to rededicate myself to the site. Hence the upgrade to the new software and the construction of the new site. I had always wanted to build a site to complement the message board and the fact that I hadn't has always a sore spot with me. Hopefully I can have it complete in 2 weeks.<br /><br />Blade and I are the site owners. We pay the bills and make the final decisions on things. Art is and always has been our moderator. He also recently contributed very generously in cash donation. We are independently owned and operated and non-profit. All expenses are paid out of pocket. We don't generate a single dime. And we've mandated a no-advertising policy.<br /><br />Bulldog (aka Reaper) is our most prolific post as far as quantity of posts.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Die Hard ]</small>

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Interesting stuff, Die-Hard. Thanks for the history. I've been around since nearly the beginning but never knew how the board came to be. You've created something really special here ... a part of our lives, really. <br /><br />Your post should be archived so those interested in the future can get the scoop.<br /><br />Sounds like you were flying by the seat of your pants and somehow made the right decision at every intersection. I'm glad you've made the effort to keep the board alive. Now, if you can just find a way to generate just a little income so the financial burden could be more evenly spread amongst the rest of us. I'm sure you'd find a large part of us willing and able to help out.

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" This was actually a feature I intended on adding to the site Oh well... here goes:"<br />---------<br />Uh, if your referring to Bufords comment IMMEDIATELY above your statement:<br /><br />"I saw this place listed on a gay porno site next to the "Eskimo love slave" option.". <br />---------<br /><br />No thanks. Please keep it to yourself.<br /><br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> : <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Montilar ]</small>

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Count me in as a TSN refugee also. I had seen Die Hard on TSN a bit, and thanks to Buddha posting on TSN that Die Hard had just opened up the best Skins board to be found, I stumbled in, and don't intend to leave. He was so right. The first few weeks were a bit slow, but it didn't take long for TSN to empty out. The guys who make this place work are second to none. With all they have to do to keep this site going, they never fail to make time to address a members problem. <br />It was rare at first to have fans from other teams come in. Tom the giants fan was one of our first fans from another team to become a regular poster, and he's also TSN refugee. This season, we had a good number of visitors, and I expect next to be even better. Flamers have always been delt with fast here, yet it's rare that Art or others have to step in. Some are held in such high esteam, they have special icons thanks to Blade. I, like many, have little time to surf for info, and this board has been the best single source for info from day one.<br /><br />EXTREMESKINS.com......you've reached EXCELSIOR!

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Pete - I actually sent Tom (Giant Fan) and Dale (the Cowboy fan) personnel invitations to join up here within a few weeks of joining myself. Both showed up within a few days. I had gotten to know them at TSN and knew them both to be worthy, intelligent, knowledgable and loyal to their respective teams. Rivals' opinions was the ONLY thing I felt lacking with the board. IMHO those type of folks (Tom and Dale) are always welcome, no matter who they root for. It's good to get the opposing view sometimes ... especially when you can get it without all the garbage.<br /><br />I will have to say that worthy fans of opposing teams have been scarce around here. I have liked a few: One Dollar is the rare sane Buc fan. Taco John (Bronco fan)was pretty cool. I recall a friendly Seahawk fan and Brown fan who stopped by briefly this past season but neither stuck around. Perhaps the addition of the website will draw more decent rival fans, though I hope it doesn't open up the idiot floodgates.

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You know, I'm not exactly sure how I found this place. I think I was running a search for mail-order brides and "extremeskins" came up. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> (I don't know how Bufford found this place looking for what HE was looking for. <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> ) <br /><br />Anyway, I used to post years ago on WP.com back in the days of Kozmo Kramer (aka Sam Therte), Eric Tuininga (one really funny SOB), Rugby Man (John Stevens, aka our own CT), Terry, Art, Kay-Why, George L. (Rat-Fellow) and a host of other like-minded Skins fans/crazies. I do vaguely remember Art and the Admins over there having some sort of "philosophical" differences. <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />Anyway, I really like this place. I can think of no regulars here that are difficult to get along with and the quality of Redskins info. is simply the best. Also, we keep getting solid new memebers every day. Now don't go getting get a big head ace, inmate, coach or you others. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />CPND is a good site, too, you guys who are so inclined (when this one is down, that is <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> )<br /><br />Now, back to the show.

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"Rugby Man (John Stevens, aka our own CT),"<br /><br />I was around back in those days as well and the old WP forum is where I met Terry and the crew from CPND(where I along with a few other migrated from).<br /><br />But Rugby man wasn't me, so I have to assume you have another CT in mind? I do believe I had some lame handle like OHSkinsfan or something original like that.<br /><br />Whatever happened to Kozmo and Tuninga? For a puke fan Eric was pretty funny and fairly astute. Kozmo while the ultimate browbeater was also pretty sharp and had a rapier like whit.

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