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I think what has happened is that as in the case of Dan Wilkinson there are restructurings of deals that may not have been made public and so fans are questioning the numbers.<br /><br />Once the team restructures LaVar, Champ and perhaps Davis as well the Redskins may indeed be several million dollars further under the cap than what the figures show now.<br /><br />For all we know those deals may have already been redone but just not yet announced. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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I've just decided the cap is very strange! What's not reported are things like players signed, future liabilities and strange contract machinations. So 4 million under at this point seems to be either a good thing or a bad thing depending upon unreported and unresolve issues. Just take two asprin and call me in the morning <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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As to the murkiness of these numbers: Let's face it, none of the teams wants anybody to know how much room they've got right now. <br /><br />The poker game starts Friday. Do you think Dan is going to tell everybody exactly how many chips he's got? Steve Spurrier's pretty good at "no comment", too.

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one thing is for certain. With the apparent contract demands of Mssrs. Lang, Barber and Westbrook all three players are going to be long gone.<br /><br />the unreasonable stance taken by Lang's agent really has to rankle the Redskins who spent the better part of 5 years patiently waiting for this guy to show SOMETHING.<br /><br />I think the first major signing after we get the Florida Gator quarterbacks out of the way is going to be on the defensive line.<br /><br />If Lang had been more reasonable, perhaps we would have waited around awhile to see what we could work out.<br /><br />But that doesn't make sense if teams like Baltimore and others are cutting serviceable players on the DL that constitute upgrades over what we have out there now. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Everybody has to know his own limitations.<br /><br />For Lang and Barber the poker face doesn't work because we know from experience that neither has a royal flush hand to bring to bear.<br /><br />These guys are okay players, decent players that have been smelling their own *****.<br /><br />Let them sit out there in free agency and then have to sign on late for $850,000 with a good club or for more money with a club like the Bengals or Cardinals.<br /><br />Nice to have known you guys......don't let the door hit your *** on the way out.

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