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Thanksgiving Links


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Figured I would start a thread where people could post some good stuff they have seen online for Thanksgiving. What better way to waste the hours until you get to leave work for a long weekend?

I'll start with a couple of my own (yes, it is my site, don't click if you don't like it). These are PG-13, even though the titles may not seem that way.

Sexy Thanksgiving Dinner


Turkey Porn

A video compilation of Turkey Porn, seriously.


Beer on the Thanksgiving Table

We help you make the case for Beer on the Thanksgiving Dinner Table. No wine for you this year buddy!

also saw these on some other sites :

The Turbaconducken


Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (I will definitely be watching this on Wednesday)

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloons

Seen anything else good?

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More spam, thanks. I should have known.

Seriously, this again? If the moderators have a problem with the thread, please send me a message, and feel free to delete it. Starting a conversation with some content I created isn't exactly the same thing as spam in my opinion. Yes, I am sharing my site with people, but I don't think that is the same as advertising. I didn't ask people to come buy diet pills from me. I posted some links that I thought people here would enjoy before Thanksgiving.


Spam is the posting of advertisements, abusive, or unneeded messages on Internet forums. It is generally posted by automated spambots.

This forum definition doesn't seem to exclude this type of post either from what I can tell.

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Damn is that Rachel Ray?

Yeah Rachel Ray cooking your Thanksgiving Turkey baby. Not sure how many years ago that was. She has definitely looked better and worse depending on when yah catch her. Either way, she can cook me a meal anytime.

As for the Turbaconducken. I think they took it to a different level by adding the Bacon. It was an all bird thing, with the chicken, duck, turkey. I guess you could stuff a cornish game hen in the chicken, to keep the bird thing going. Heck stuff the Turkey in an Ostrich (is that a bird?).

However, since they added pig, I think you would really need to add Cow to one up it. It really needs a Roast inside, or steak or ground beef or something. And of course you could batter the entire thing and deep fry it for extra nutrition.

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