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Anyone ever had problems with registering to vote?


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My girlfriend recently moved to VA and registered to vote in the state the last week before the cutoff at the DMV when she was getting her new license. Today she called because she hadn't received word about her voting location and they told her that she's not showing up in the system and that they've been having problems with the new voter registrations adn that she would need to bring the receipt she got from the DMV to some elections place in Fairfax tomorrow around 5:00 am and wait in line and they would try to work things out.

Has anyone ever had issues like this or any suggestions? She's not even sure if she can find the receipt in time.

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If she just registered last week then she isn't eligible to vote in VA


Registration Deadlines

Election Types Registration Deadlines

Code of Virginia §§ 24.2-416

General 29 Days before election

Primary 29 Days before election

Special 13 Days before election

Special (Called by the Governor) 7 Days before election

Same thing happened to me in 2006

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Not me but my younger sister registered to vote for the first time 4 months ago..........................she just got here voter card on Saturday. She had to register 3 times before they got it right.:doh:

Great. Looks like that will be one less vote - what a joke, unbelieveable that she won't be able to vote even thoughs he followed all the rules.

Thanks for the info.

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Warning,, corny and easy joke to follow. If you feel this joke is beneath you or me, please move to the next post.

These ACORN fellas helped me register a few dozen times. Wasn't very hard at all. You should call them.

This concludes the test of the easy corny joke warning system.


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I registered at the DMV as well, but nearly a year ago. I never received a polling place notification either (which I thought was odd), but learned thru a Obama volunteer going door to door where it was.

I checked through the website that I am registered, but going to try and find the receipt anyway.

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