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I have followed auburn for some time they are 4-5 and have a friend is a grad from Auburn and says that Tubberville might get fired. I think he made a mistake going to the spread but next year he will have a great season. Also they had two qbs finally found a starter. He does not have the arm as jason but is a better runner in my opinion and time will get him better. So do yall think he should be fired? He wants Muschamp an old DC now a Texas DC. says Clemson is after him also.

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I have followed auburn for some time they are 4-5 and have a friend is a grad from Auburn and says that Tubberville might get fired. I think he made a mistake going to the spread but next year he will have a great season. Also they had two qbs finally found a starter. He does not have the arm as jason but is a better runner in my opinion and time will get him better. So do yall think he should be fired? He wants Muschamp an old DC now a Texas DC. says Clemson is after him also.

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This is unreadable.

That might be the reason why you don't have many responses.


agreed. Skinsfan911, you wanted to make a reasonable post, but you just did not write descriptively. Also, this should be in the NCAA forum.

As for your thoughts, big time Auburn enthusiast here. They are pretty much my 2nd team just barely behind the Vols. Tubberville made a mistake of firing that offensive coordinator. Then again, Auburn has made plenty of mistakes in always trying to get rid of Tubberville. Either way, they didn't have the personnel to run the spread offense. A mobile QB in Kodi Burns, yes. Solid RB's in Brad Lester and Ben Tate, yes. But WR's...nope.

When Campbell was there, he had Aromashodu, Mix, Obomanu, Courtney Taylor, and COoper Wallace. All solid receivers/TE's for the college level. Shoot, Obomanu, Taylor, and Aromashodu still have jobs in the NFL.

Auburns defense is still solid. Just when your offense isn't doing crap, your defense will eventually make mistakes. Case in point, Redskins 2004. Strong defense, horrible offense, 6-10 record. I do hope the Redskins can draft Sen'Derrick Marks,, the DT from Auburn. That kid seems like a very underrated DT, especially since Glenn Dorsey got enough hype last year.

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I do hope the Redskins can draft Sen'Derrick Marks,, the DT from Auburn. That kid seems like a very underrated DT, especially since Glenn Dorsey got enough hype last year.

Sen'Derrick is getting a lot of attention for the 2010 draft. This site has him rated 2nd. Just a few weeks ago he was rated 1st. Maybe Auburn's season has caused him to drop. I've heard he plans to test the draft in 2009. Not sure what round he would be this year. Maybe 3rd. I would love to see him in burgundy and gold.


I'm just a loss for words concerning Auburn's problems this year. Tub might have made a mistake in firing Franklin but he made a bigger mistake hiring him in the first place. Auburn ranked 109 in offense last year and I think Tub got desparate looking for answers, but made the situation even worse. Part of me wants Tub and his BBQ gang gone now and the other side of me thinks he has built enough credit to be given another year. It's been a long time since Auburn needed to win 2 of the last 3 games just to be bowl eligible. And I don't see that happening with Ga. and Bama being two of those teams.

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