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Question About Larry Michael's Redskin's Nation


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Ok, let me start by saying I love this show and watch it every day. His weekly meetings with zorn are insightful and really lend themselves to the honest and open atmosphere that I believe is making this season such a success.

That being said, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell the source meter is. every day i spend 2 minutes being confused out of my mind wondering what the hell it is and why its been on "off the chart" for the whole season. I know this is going to be one of those smack myself in the face moments when I finally do figure it out, but please, someone help me out. The best i can figure is he's looking for unnamed sources regarding the team? and who the hell is the sourceror?

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Ok, let me start by saying I love this show and watch it every day. His weekly meetings with zorn are insightful and really lend themselves to the honest and open atmosphere that I believe is making this season such a success.

That being said, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell the source meter is. every day i spend 2 minutes being confused out of my mind wondering what the hell it is and why its been on "off the chart" for the whole season. I know this is going to be one of those smack myself in the face moments when I finally do figure it out, but please, someone help me out. The best i can figure is he's looking for unnamed sources regarding the team? and who the hell is the sourceror?

you've got me. I'm glad you asked. I didn't want to look like a :silly: for not knowing

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The show is ok...I enjoy listening to Zorn and the players, but this source meter may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. We should bombard LM with requests to remove it. I think it has to do with some gripe that he has with local media (WP). Some of the fan questions that he reads out loud are also beyond stupid.

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It's Snyders (and therefore Larrys) personal vendetta with JLC . . . Unfortunately, it started off as a joke in a way, but has evolved into an annoying and petty segment, as Larry has taken it way too far. I will try my hardest not to bash Larry (just because I can do that in all the other threads we have had devoted to his ineptitude . . . damn . . . couldn't resist), but he really needs to grow up on this one. The fact that Larry chooses to devote the time EVERY day to JLC shows that he is quite obsessed with him . . . Moreover, he needs to realize that his segment is 1. Ineffective in "protecting the team from sources.", 2. Downright stupid, 3. NOT enjoyed by the viewers.

Let it go Larry . . . I know you read these messages. Let it go. I have made myself more than clear on my feelings towards you . . . but I'll put those aside for now and try to help you here - You continuing to do this foolishness makes people like you less and less . . . You are a grown man . . . And the fact that you sit there and act like a juvenile girl upset about a guy who has dumped her is more than odd. Realize that it WILL NOT stop JLC from writing his articles . . . You are not that important.

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I have never understood what the source meter is about and my big question is WHY?

Saying and showing a graphic that has the source meter at some color (seems only Red or Yellow) has NO meaning whatsoever to me. Should I be alarmed when it is Red? Does it affect the Redskins team?

So, the sourcer is JLC (whoever he is). I assume he is some media person. It sounds like he is someone who repeats (or makes up) some rumor about our Redskins organization. So I guess that he writes a gossip column or a tabloid piece.

So, now that I know something about what it is, I still have the question of Why does Larry Michael care what he says? For me, I do not care. So I conclude that I think it is the stupidest part of the show.

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It's Snyders (and therefore Larrys) personal vendetta with JLC . . . Unfortunately, it started off as a joke in a way, but has evolved into an annoying and petty segment, as Larry has taken it way too far. I will try my hardest not to bash Larry (just because I can do that in all the other threads we have had devoted to his ineptitude . . . damn . . . couldn't resist), but he really needs to grow up on this one. The fact that Larry chooses to devote the time EVERY day to JLC shows that he is quite obsessed with him . . . Moreover, he needs to realize that his segment is 1. Ineffective in "protecting the team from sources.", 2. Downright stupid, 3. NOT enjoyed by the viewers.

Let it go Larry . . . I know you read these messages. Let it go. I have made myself more than clear on my feelings towards you . . . but I'll put those aside for now and try to help you here - You continuing to do this foolishness makes people like you less and less . . . You are a grown man . . . And the fact that you sit there and act like a juvenile girl upset about a guy who has dumped her is more than odd. Realize that it WILL NOT stop JLC from writing his articles . . . You are not that important.

Honestly, I couldnt have said it any better. Well done RCR26.

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So, the sourcer is JLC (whoever he is). I assume he is some media person. It sounds like he is someone who repeats (or makes up) some rumor about our Redskins organization. So I guess that he writes a gossip column or a tabloid piece.

JLC is actually the Washington Post's main Redskins beat reporter.

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