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I have been a Redskins fan my entire life. As a child I followed the Over-the-Hill gang and their leader George Allen. Back then -- outside of their first Super Bowl appearance -- it seemed like virtually every year they would fall short of the Big Show with a loss to the Vikings in the playoffs. I think I may have hated the Purple People Eaters and Co. more than the Cowboys in those days. For a while that is.

I remember playing Pop Warner football at that time as well. My first two years were unremarkable. Then, however, in my 3rd year of organized ball, I joined the Jr. Midget Santa Ana Redskins. My breakout season. Playing both ways, tight end and defensive end, I was -- if I may sound my own horn -- one of the key components of a team that narrowly missed winning the league title. In fact, our game against the Roadrunners (the eventual champion) was one of the finest I have had at any level; in addition to 3 catches I recorded two sacks and a number of tackles even though we lost a slugfest.

I was hooked. Bound forever to the Burgundy and Gold.

Shortly thereafter I began a scrapbook. I got my hands on one of my Grandmother's best unused albums -- you remember the ones with the filigree gold accents on the outside and the matching outside stripe on each plastic page overlay? -- and began cutting out newspaper articles, magazine photos, anything I found that featured Redskins. Living on the other side of the country in the days before the Internet, that wasn't always easy. Undeterred, I doggedly scoured every media outlet I could get my hands on for new additions to my slowly growing baby.

When the immortal Joe Jackson Gibbs came to D.C. I didn't know what to think. After starting with five consecutive losses in his rookie year I was definitely forming an opinion, however. One that I happily admit now was very wrong. We all know what happened next. The Legend turned things around, the players bought into his "win the right way" philosophy...and the 'Skins freight train of a dynasty slowly started to pull out of the station. In just his second season -- the first strike year -- my team found itself facing the Dolphins in Super Bowl 17 with a chance for payback.

One they didn't pass up.

I will never forget jumping off the carpet and screaming like a banshee as the Diesel took the handoff from Joey T., ran left and pulled free of Don McNeal to rumble into the endzone for the touchdown that would ultimately be the difference in the first of three Lombardi's won under Gibbs. Even now, typing this, the hair is standing up on my arms and the back of my neck as if I'd just seen a ghost. Ahh, memories.

That amazing season at last put the Redskins on the nation's radar. During their playoff run the articles were everywhere; almost overnight my underfed scrapbook began to grow by leaps and bounds. I found myself calculating the odds of obtaining one or perhaps even two more such books from my Grandma. Pictures of the Hogs, Theismann, Riggo and others -- even Sports Illustrated covers! -- were carefully cut out and lovingly placed on fresh page after fresh page. Whenever things seemed a little bleak to my young mind, I would pull that book out and instantly feel better.

Click link for rest of story.


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I think everybdy has that feelin. Despite that fact that we're still pullin out our narrow, last-second, touchdown-or-less wins,, sumthin is def different. The feelin is different, the players attitudes are different; everything seems to hav changed for the better. In the past, during the week leading up 2 every game, i would feel so nervous about sunday; never knowin what to expect. But now all week im confident and eager to talk about my team. I feel proud to tell everybdy im a Redskins Fan!!

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Somewhere in my storage room in old briefcase are some yellowed, fading Washington Post sports sections from 1982, 1983 and 1991. Think I may have to dig them out and take a look. :)

Like the style, hermano.

Most kind, my friend. I think we have some of the same fishwrap...with different by-lines, of course. ;)


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Your writing stirred some memories of my own, dating back to the same era. I proudly wore Hanburgers 55 (maroon not quite burgundy) eagerly awaiting every Saturday morning football contest. I congratulate you for holding on to your clippings, as that must be quite a memory to revisit. Very well written, and I look forward to reading more of your posts. ThankYou.

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Your writing stirred some memories of my own, dating back to the same era. I proudly wore Hanburgers 55 (maroon not quite burgundy) eagerly awaiting every Saturday morning football contest. I congratulate you for holding on to your clippings, as that must be quite a memory to revisit. Very well written, and I look forward to reading more of your posts. ThankYou.

You are welcome, my friend. Thank YOU for the very kind words. :)

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