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Is Tampa that good?


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I've watched all of their games because my friend is a huge Bucs fan. Well, except for when the Skins played at the same time..

They will win easily tonight. They are a tough team. No superstars and as long as Griese isn't there to throw interceptions, then they will be in it. As of right now, I would say they are a playoff team.

However, they do not have any game breakers. They do not have offensive players that take over the game. Graham has had a couple of good runs this season, but that is about it.

They rely on their defense. As their defense goes, so doe the Bucs!

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I think they are going to win that division and they are definitely for real.

They've got one of the best coaches out there imo.

A good veteran qb who always seems to find a way.

A good running game.

A young oline that looks pretty solid.

And the defense always gets it done.

I hate the Bucs, largely because of the Alstott "his elbow was down!" incident in 05. But they are a team we should expect to see in the playoffs. And hopefully the result will be the same as last time!


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Garcia is the truth. Why that guy gets tossed around the league like he does amazes me. He's made teams look good practically everywhere he goes (with the exception of possibly the browns & lions). He put the eagles on his back a couple years ago into the playoffs then promptly got jettisoned.

Think of how good the eagles could have been last year if garcia picked up the reins from mcnabb when he went down.

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