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There are still plenty of doubters out there on us skins.


Do you think the NFC East will send three teams into the playoffs?

- Dave Grambino, Philly

"Well, the Cowboys and Giants are both obviously making it, but the Redskins and Eagles are less bankable choices. In fact, I'm going to say that neither makes the playoffs.

The Redskins look fantastic now, but I'm not fooled by their recent hot spell. I just don't think that the team has the talent to compete in the winter, especially with an ancient front seven and a quarterback that rides peaks and valleys."

Lets prove em wrong.

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i just thought it was ridiculous how he said, 'we cant play in the winter'.

when thats where we allways play our best football

that's a good point. in both of our last 2 playoff appearances we won a string of 4-5 games in a row late in the season. so its kind of funny to say we can't play in the winter but w/e. i have faith in the redskins, i don't care what some idiot says.

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I mean, it's like this joker just came from the moon.

What the hell is he talking about? It's comical. An absolutely horrible reason not to pick us to make the playoffs. You could have come up with something better then not talented and not tough enough to win in December. We've had 2 undefeated Decembers in the last 3 years. :doh:

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I mean, it's like this joker just came from the moon.

What the hell is he talking about? It's comical. An absolutely horrible reason not to pick us to make the playoffs. You could have come up with something better then not talented and not tough enough to win in December. We've had 2 undefeated Decembers in the last 3 years. :doh:

Considering last year was one of them, and we have 20 of 22 starters on this team that are the same from last year. One of the two being Jason Taylor. So....what now?

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Who the f*ck qualified him to be an analyst or specialist when it comes to the NFL. Im really tired of these dumb ***** "sports analyst" posting articles and writing blogs not knowing what the h#ll they're talkin bout!! "Dont hav the talent to compete in the winter..." R u f*ckin kiddin me?!! Giv me a break. We go on winnig streaks in December for playoff spots in-case he's been on mars lately. I wont argue his logic about the Cowgirls but to say that the Giants are "obviously gonna make the playoffs" is ridiculous. They barely beat the d@mn Bengals at home. THE BENGALS!! The Giants are very over-rated and that's jus my opinion but I'd argue that with any NFL analyst and back it up w/ solid facts. And how would he have the nerve to even mention the 2008 Washington Redskins being an 8-8 team?? Barring any type of catastrophic losses or injuries, I'm looking @ our remaining schedule and struggling to find us havin less than 12 wins. This guy is a f*cking joke and he needs a new hobby cuz he sucks @ this one.

"You've got questions. I've got answers. If not, I'll make them up."

That quote right there says everything...

I'm not mad jus cuz im a loyal skins fan but bcuz im tired of the media puttin out bullsh*t like this. I mean seriously, there's very few sports analyst that i even pay any attention to and he d@mn sure aint 1 of em

But i hav to admit, I love when they doubt us and IMO the team plays better when they do

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This guy is so out of touch. We play very well in the winter. And if we beat the Eagles, we are 4-1 and have finished our road-division games. IMO, the percentage of us making the playoffs increases. Even if we end up 3-2 after this week, we have the following four games to look forward to before our bye:





We could easily go 3-1. So let's say we are 3-2 after the Philthy game. Before our bye week we may potentially be 6-3. That's still a damn good start with a brand new coach.

This tool hasn't taken into consideration that we beat Dallas and kept it close with the Giants. I really think we have a great chance to beat Philthy, but I'm only giving us a 50% chance, because we're playing in their turf against a team that always seems to have our number.

I'll take 6-3 after 9 games! HTTR!

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Any columnist, analyst, or media person that thinks this is a fluke should have their job taken from them. :laugh: [j/k]

Campbell has never been a streaky QB. He's never been good enough in the past to have a streak of any kind. Prior to this year, Campbell was average or just plain ol' bad against good defenses, and he shined against the worse defenses in the league.

Oddly enough (since we play Philly on Sunday), the only exception to my aforementioned statement about Jason's play had to do with his performance against Philly last year (both @ Philly and at home). He beat a good defense last year but played pretty poorly by the numbers, in their first meeting, and the second time around he torched the Eagles in Fed Ex. But, the Philly game in Philly was probably Jason's claim to fame at that point in his career. He had gone on the road under the Monday Night lights and beat a division rival. One game wonder. That was it if we're being honest Campbell fans.

Jason is better this year, not all of a sudden starting to get hot again. He was never hot in the first place, until now. Jason has played well once or twice against legitimately good defenses his entire career prior to 2008. To suggest that it's some fluke that the offense is clicking b/c of Campbell riding "peaks and valleys" is laughably inaccurate. Jason is just becoming a good pro quarterback. In fact, most people would argue that he IS a good quarterback. He has arrived, and I told everyone on this board that once he drove the team down the field for a win in the fourth, he'd be a beast. [as I pat myself on the back...thank you very much] Little did I know that Jason would beat Dallas in Dallas this year. Wow! He's got my support for the next few years. It's not like he hasn't had my support, as well as many other diehard's support, all along.

*Note: I also predicted that we'd lose last Sunday with Jon Jansen at RT. :doh: Woops! Sorry Jansen :D*

I digress. Now, let me get back to this columnist's comments. This team, at least under Gibbs, was strongest in the latter part of the season. So his comment about the Skins petering out in December or "late in the season" or whatever is also pretty funny considering this team's history under Gibbs II. We are talking about the same group of players that reached the 2005 and 2007 playoffs? Hello! And the team appears to be worse than they were in 2005 and 2007? .....Rahhhhhhhight

I was going to make a bold statement about how I really feel about this team (in a good way of course) to end my post. But, I think I'll just "stay medium" and enjoy watching my team play. It's been fun so far hasn't it boys and girls? :point2sky


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