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Our Offense vs Philly Defense


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Going into Philly, a lot of us have some reservations on how the defense will play us. I have been thinking about it and here is my analysis.

First here are Philly’s defensive stats for the year.

Well they are doing awesome, Ranked number 1 in the NFC with a league leading 53 rushing ypg and 223 ypg allowed. Also they have racked up an amazing 17 sacks already for an average of 4.25 per game.

So how do we attack this and do we match up well? I think we do match up well with Philly and here is my opinion on how we will. So take it for its worth. BTW we have faced the number 2, 5, 6, and 14th ranked defenses (ypg) so far this year.

Coaches – JJ is a complete genius for Philly. He loves the blitz and believes in the disruption of timing and pressure philosophy. His defense is fast and swarms to the ball. He plays a lot of man on man with very talented corners and he still has one of the best Safeties in Football to back it all up. Unfortunately for offenses his pass rush gets there too often to allow for the offenses to light up the weaknesses. Zorn has yet to install his entire playbook so I expect too see some new stuff for this game. He seems to adjust well and his confidence in our QB is key and refreshing. As his schemes continue to develop we are starting to confuse defenses (How long has it been since we have seen Redskins WR’s running free in the secondary consistently like we have the past couple of weeks, that is coaching folks).

Key Match up = OL vs Philly Front Seven – Our OL must read the blitzes correctly and hold their blocks for three seconds at a minimum. I believe our RB’s will stay in most of the game to help Pass Block and if we can give JC 3 seconds then our TE’s will be freed up for the passing game. Running the ball will tough as Philly lines up their LB’s on the ball a lot. Sometimes they blitz and sometimes they don’t, if we just put a player on each of theirs Sellers should be able to open some holes. If CP can get past the first wave we should see a lot of 5+ yard runs as their safeties do play bit deep. I however expect to see a lot of 1 yard runs in the beginning, until we can get their safeties and LB's off the LOS a bit more with the quick passing game.

WR’s vs Secondary – We match up very well here. Their CB’s are very good but they rely a ton on the pass rush allowing them to hold their man coverage. If we can get short routes the speed we have at WR should allow us some YAC’s.

Key Match up here = Santana vs Asante. If you remember the NE game last year, Asante was trying to jump the short pass to Santana. Hopefully Zorn tries to take advantage of this with pump fakes and double moves. If Asante is still biting this year Santana can have a big day again. We didn’t attack this last year because of the lack of confidence displayed by our coaches in their young QB.

This of course points to the line holding their blocks for three seconds.

RB’s – I expect a big day by CP if Sellers can open some holes. I don’t expect a lot of receiving yards, we have been keeping the back in for protection and I am hoping we see them sneak into the flat a bit this week. I am counting on this being a new wrinkle in the offense this week. The RB must spot the edge blitzes this game.

TE’s – If the line holds then these guys can have a huge game. It should be doable to see the TE in the flat and behind the LB’s with them being so close to the line. I also can see no production if the line falters and can’t hold their blocks or recognize the Blitzer.

QB – Just continue to progress on the reads and he should be fine. I expect a lot of quick throws, three step drops and fires, rollouts, and shotgun formations. Keeping JC in the pocket for 5 step drops could be disastrous against this team.

All in all I expect to see us keep the balance attack going, and the skins to try to control the TOP. I think this is a game that the pass opens up the run as their blitzing will plugging a lot of holes. We have to hold up on the OL to allow the TE’s to be in the passing game and control the clock later


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Nice analysis. I think, just like the Dallase game, the key is our Oline vs their Dline. Our Oline played surprisingly well IMO against Dallas.

Against the blitz, the 3 step Slants and quick flares to Moss, El and Cooley have worked very well against the Girls. Made even more deadly because of all 3 of those guys' ability to run after the catch.

I also look for some sluggo routes to Moss or El as well since we've been hitting on the slant pretty regularly and teams will naturally start to try to jump it.

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This analysis is awful. All that is pointed out is if's. If this happens then this will be the result. Can someone actually post some key reasons why one team has an advantage over the other in these respective areas. Thanks.

LOL, I did say my opinion pretty early. If you read the paragraphs those are key advantages that one team has over the other. If you lay it out like that then you would have 50 repetative responses about the OL not being able to protect Jason, Jason not being able to read fast enough, etc etc.

Basically this game and everything we do will be dependent on being able to stop the blitzes.

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I think we have to play to the blitz happy weakness. We must hold the LOS and do A LOT of WR screens, RB screens, Draws and End-arounds. We have to tire that defense out by keeping them running laterally.

Expect a huge doses of dink and dunk to set up the big run, or play action. I feel if we use some (Dallas) (yuck) game film... we can also see what Garret did to hang 40+ on them as well.

Just my 2 cents...

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this philly defense is something like we haven't faced all year. They are legit! With Brown, Sheperd, Samuel, Mikal and Dawkins in the secondary...they can hit and cover. Let's not forget about the D-line and the backers as well. We will need to convert 3 into 7 this week.....execution execution execution.......

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I worry we might see our first turnover from JC with all the crazy blitzing.

Look, the law of averages says that, at some point, the offense will turn the ball over. The key thing is, WHEN it does happen (and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happens against Philly), the team (players and coaches) just needs to forget about it and press ahead. I think if you let it become a guiding philosophy (avoiding the turnover first, run your offense second), then the offense will, at best, bog down. At worst, it could become a turnover frenzy. I think this was the major failing of Gibbs II - it seemed that his primary goal on offense was to avoid the big negative play.

Even Tom Brady and Peyton Manning throw picks. It happens. Stick to the game plan (with adjustments as necessary) and believe in what you're doing. The worst thing that can happen is to let it fester and completely take you out of your game, because then the defense wins.

D-Day, another strong bit of analysis. Keep 'em coming.


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Look, the law of averages says that, at some point, the offense will turn the ball over. The key thing is, WHEN it does happen (and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happens against Philly), the team (players and coaches) just needs to forget about it and press ahead. I think if you let it become a guiding philosophy (avoiding the turnover first, run your offense second), then the offense will, at best, bog down. At worst, it could become a turnover frenzy. I think this was the major failing of Gibbs II - it seemed that his primary goal on offense was to avoid the big negative play.

Even Tom Brady and Peyton Manning throw picks. It happens. Stick to the game plan (with adjustments as necessary) and believe in what you're doing. The worst thing that can happen is to let it fester and completely take you out of your game, because then the defense wins.

D-Day, another strong bit of analysis. Keep 'em coming.


Thank you Sonny,

I haven't been posting much lately due to my kids growing into Boys scouts, sports, and this damn POTUS election has most of spare time bottled up. Not a lot of time left for football and especially for studying other teams, See you guys around.

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The "great" Eagles secondary got overrun by Dallas and gave up 3 td's to Kyle Orton.

That said I think this is the first big week for Fred Davis.

Eagles LB's are big and very stout against the run. They also are young and inexperienced, and I don't think they can cover Cooley/Davis.

At his press conference, Zorn said offensively we need to focus on getting better and staying ahead of the curve as defenses get tape on us and try to catch up to what we're doing.

So you heard it here first, 5+ catches each for cooley and davis.

If I'm wrong, and we still win, I won't care.

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if the eagles secondary is so good why was it a shoot out with dallas?

If you look at the game stats, it was a long pass to TO but mostly it was Witten going wild (7 catches for 110 yards). Outside of those two the only impressive play was Barber for a 25 yarder.

What you do see (and Dallas is a good comparison for us) Romo sits to pee was 21/30. Dallas attacked Philly with the TE and short passing game. They where able to do this because they where protecting Romo sits to pee (0 sacks).

If you take a gander at my OP you will see that I stated the TE's could have a big game and this is my reasoning for it. Their Defensive scheme is going to leave the 10 yard area behind the LB's open.

It is also of note that the short passing game was there for Dallas as evidenced by a 10 yard average to Witten (when you remove his 42 yard catch) and Barbers 4 catches, and the relative low yardage average of most of the Dallas receivers. Curtis, Austin, Crayton, TO other two catches, and Bennett had 9 catches for 79 yards.

This is the type of D we can move on but we have to take the plays the D will give us early and try to fool them later after we lull them to sleep.

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We need a huge game from CP on Sunday to keep Jim Johnson honest.

I worry we might see our first turnover from JC with all the crazy blitzing. This game will be a test of his poise and ability to recover from his mistakes.

Absolutely. No doubt our offense won't be as effective as it was on Sunday vs. the girls. But as far as gameplan and stratgey goes I don't see much changing from the Dallas game.

Off the top of my head: protect JC and allow him to get rid of the ball quickly - allowing him to get in some sort of groove, once again give CP his carries (20-25 at least) regardless of how successful his early on, and most importantly CONTAIN WESTBROOK. The guy is coming off an injury so let's test him and knock him around as much as possible. Although Romo sits to pee was pressured a few times we need to attack more IMO. McNabb is also shaken up so we should put as much pressure on him as possible.

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We can break down the Chicago attack to show.....

CHI had virtually no rushing attack.

Orton was 18/34 with 199 yards, hardly a stellar performance.

The Chi wide receivers where still able to have a few long plays of 34,24, 20, and 23. If these guys can get open in the mid range passing attacks then we should be able to as well. I cannot speak intelligently on the Chi game as I didn't watch any of it. But it appears that Orton did not have a great day despite the three TD's.

On a side note the other two teams Philly has played have been less then offensive powerhouses in Pit and STL. Before you say Pit doesn't have a bad offense, I agree with you. However, their line is suspect so far this year which played right into Philly's strength which is the blitz.

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The Eagles D is good, but the only real potent offense they faced was Dallas, whom they gave up huge plays to. I believe that Dawkins although still great coming up to play the run, has def lost a step when it comes to covering downfield. However, Eagles have good cb's which have helped to hide this weakness thus far. The Eagles D-line has been getting great pressure, which means that a west coast offense is a perfect fit for beating their blitz happy persona. I think our advantage is our slot receiver and running backs vs Philly's linebackers. Look for Zorn to spread things out and use Philly's overagressive defense against them.Phili will pay close attention to Moss deep, so look for patterns across the middle of the field to open up. Antwan Randle El should have a big day with YAC. There is no way Phili's LB can cover our slot receivers man to man.

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