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Why is Kevin Sheehan on ESPN980?


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He is not funny. He is longwinded. He talks too much. He is the only guy that can make Doc seem like he is not even the show. He has no expertise. He has never played sports. He is a nerd.

Is there someone i can complain too? He makes me want to just turn off the radio. He was bragging today how Collin Cowherd is the best thing on this station. I can see where he gets his style.He says the NFL is week 2 week every minute.

ESPN980 cut John Riggins role. A guy who knows the game. And put this guy on redskins pre gameand basically gave him his own show?

Is the station manager his brother? Get this boring guy off the lockeroom. And let his longwided gambling talking go to another station.

The 980 merger killed the station.

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He's the BIGEST 'Skins hater.

Sheehan needs to go! Put Riggins back on! I miss the old Sports Talk 980. It was such a better format.

He was saying how terrrible they were. And 7-9 is the best case scenario. Talking about how Zorn and Campbell are dumb and over whelmed.

Doc said have you played the game? What do you know?

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Maybe I'm in the minority, I don't know, but I like Sheehan. Kind of a steadying influence on whatever show he's on, which is good considering he has worked with some guys like Riggo who were funny but just winged it a lot. As far as being a Skins hater, I think that's far from the truth. He calls it how he sees it and I think he has some of the better opinions on the team that I've heard. When we're good he acknowledges it, but when we have rough patches and make questionable decisions, he's the first to call it out in a fair manner. I think it's refreshing that we have a team-owned station that actually remains objective to tell you the truth.

If you want a bright and sunny outlook all the time, listen to Larry Michael.

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him and chowherd are awful. i don't even like listening to the radio when their on. i do like when doc tools sheehan though.

He said Cowherd is his idol and he really respects him for saying these NFL players getting shot is because their lifestyle last week.

I lost all respect for him. A emailer called him out but hejust laughed.

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Sheehan is a complete dork in my book.

He talks SOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOW and when he talks its like he's straining while dropping a deuce.

He is the king of knee jerk reactions though...after the Skins win against INDY in the preseason this guy was drooling at the mouth now after last weeks Giants game he acts like we got beat by 40 by the 49ers or someone. The guy is ready to judge one way or the other after every game.

Just watch...after the Saints game...which we will win by 3....he will get on and talk about the Skins as a sleeper and getting our swagger back and renewed confidence...blahblahblah...i cant listen to him anymore. XM radio for me.

980 sucks....Czaban and that dope of his are worse which is sad.

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Sheehan is a complete dork in my book.

He talks SOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOW and when he talks its like he's straining while dropping a deuce.

He is the king of knee jerk reactions though...after the Skins win against INDY in the preseason this guy was drooling at the mouth now after last weeks Giants game he acts like we got beat by 40 by the 49ers or someone. The guy is ready to judge one way or the other after every game.

Just watch...after the Saints game...which we will win by 3....he will get on and talk about the Skins as a sleeper and getting our swagger back and renewed confidence...blahblahblah...i cant listen to him anymore. XM radio for me.

980 sucks....Czaban and that dope of his are worse which is sad.

He said the Redskins have been one of the worst franchises in sports over the past 15 years and said they only won 2 of the super bowls because they were in strike shorten seasons. He said it straight to Doc.

Doc said believe whatever you want. I don't care what you think. You won't take the super bowls from the fans.

I hate how he speaks with authroity when he is just a generic fan from Bethesda.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, I don't know, but I like Sheehan. Kind of a steadying influence on whatever show he's on, which is good considering he has worked with some guys like Riggo who were funny but just winged it a lot. As far as being a Skins hater, I think that's far from the truth. He calls it how he sees it and I think he has some of the better opinions on the team that I've heard. When we're good he acknowledges it, but when we have rough patches and make questionable decisions, he's the first to call it out in a fair manner. I think it's refreshing that we have a team-owned station that actually remains objective to tell you the truth.

If you want a bright and sunny outlook all the time, listen to Larry Michael.

Guess i'm in that minority too, shrugs.

Always kinda' liked Sheehan, who, like Cooley4Pres. said above, just calls it as he see's it in mho, and doesn't try to gain favour within anyone inside the organisation when it comes to the 'Skins. Similar to Bram's straight shooting when Larry used to go off a little too far down the "homer" road. He always seems totally fair to me. If and when the praise is warranted, he gives it, in the same way he's constructive in his criticism when it's needed. I MUCH prefer him doing the pre and post game shows with Joe Jacoby than Riggo and the dude who's name escapes me now. (And Riggo's my boyhead hero.). And his poignant work on the station in the aftermath of #21's tragic passing, will live with me for ever. The Cowheard thing? Kind of a standard thing for one show on a station to praise and promote another.

Guess it's all down to personal taste, shrugs.


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Guess i'm in that minority too, shrugs.

Always kinda' liked Sheehan, who, like Cooley4Pres. said above, just calls it as he see's it in mho, and doesn't try to gain favour within anyone inside the organisation when it comes to the 'Skins. Similar to Bram's straight shooting when Larry used to go off a little too far down the "homer" road. He always seems totally fair to me. If and when the praise is warranted, he gives it, in the same way he's constructive in his criticism when it's needed. I MUCH prefer him doing the pre and post game shows with Joe Jacoby than Riggo and the dude who's name escapes me now. (And Riggo's my boyhead hero.). And his poignant work on the station in the aftermath of #21's tragic passing, will live with me for ever. The Cowheard thing? Kind of a standard thing for one show on a station to praise and promote another.

Guess it's all down to personal taste, shrugs.


I guess the minority is the type of person who likes longwinded gas bags being critical over everything. I did not like Bram either. I think these guys want to become big stars and i do not blame them so they like to talk.But problem is their talking becomes obnoxious because they are so longwinded.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, I don't know, but I like Sheehan. Kind of a steadying influence on whatever show he's on, which is good considering he has worked with some guys like Riggo who were funny but just winged it a lot. As far as being a Skins hater, I think that's far from the truth. He calls it how he sees it and I think he has some of the better opinions on the team that I've heard. When we're good he acknowledges it, but when we have rough patches and make questionable decisions, he's the first to call it out in a fair manner. I think it's refreshing that we have a team-owned station that actually remains objective to tell you the truth.

If you want a bright and sunny outlook all the time, listen to Larry Michael.

yeah that's a pretty accurate assessment of K.S. I really think some people are doing him dirty alittle bit. I'm not saying he's always right, but he is surely not a hater. He comes across as one who genuinely loves the team, but as you stated "he calls it the way it is".

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I too must be in the minority. I think he completely pummels the alternative in Bram and Larry. I think he's knowledgeable, honest, and articulate. He brings up points that mainstream sports reporters would otherwise overlook.

I don't think he's funny or charismatic, but for just straight Redskins talk I think he fits the bill.

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Sheehan was a good, steadying straight man to Riggo's entertaining ramblings, IMO. Haven't heard him much lately though.

I think some of the posters here are oversimplifying or exaggerating some of his critical comments. Also, there are many on this board and in this thread who seem hypersensitive to any criticism of the Redskins by the media.

I agree with the poster who suggested turning the dial. If he gets you that riled up, maybe it's better to switch to a classic rock station or something.

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I thought Sheehan was OK when he was part of the Riggo show, but he has ABSOLUTELY no chemistry with Doc Walker. The Locker Room show was much much better without him. He has a tendency to come up with a marginally new idea (the skins will take a step back on D because Sean Taylor is dead) and then BEAT IT TO A BLOODY PULP. He said that before the last preseason game and then gloated for THREE DAYS after they got shredded in that game. Dude, its preseason. Dude, get an original idea. Trotting the same, tired crap out day after day is tiresome.

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I thought Sheehan was OK when he was part of the Riggo show, but he has ABSOLUTELY no chemistry with Doc Walker. The Locker Room show was much much better without him. He has a tendency to come up with a marginally new idea (the skins will take a step back on D because Sean Taylor is dead) and then BEAT IT TO A BLOODY PULP. He said that before the last preseason game and then gloated for THREE DAYS after they got shredded in that game. Dude, its preseason. Dude, get an original idea. Trotting the same, tired crap out day after day is tiresome.

Really though, that's the nature of sports radio. No sane person alive talks non-stop about sports for 3 hours a day. To do so is just insane, when you think about it. But these radio commentators have to say SOMETHING to fill the time, so who is surprised when a minor point gets beaten to death.

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Really though, that's the nature of sports radio. No sane person alive talks non-stop about sports for 3 hours a day. To do so is just insane, when you think about it. But these radio commentators have to say SOMETHING to fill the time, so who is surprised when a minor point gets beaten to death.

I think you have not heard on the show. Doc has to tell him to shut up half the time. For example. I agree with some of his points. But he has to break it down into a 10 step thing and say it with authority. He is just impossible to listen too.

He is not funny and he talks too much. Thats a bad mix. On the tailgate show he is fine because that show is designed for repititon. But he is the reasonthe lockeroom will fail and thr Riggins show did fail.

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