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Why is Kevin Sheehan on ESPN980?


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The Sports Reporters are by far and away the best show on 980. The John Thompson show is probably the worst of the local programs because a) they talk about basketball too much and B) Brian Mitchell in hindsight now believes he was a 2,000 yard a year running back. Seriously B-Mitch cannot bring himself to say anything positive about the Skins, apparently because he isn't STILL on the team.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, I don't know, but I like Sheehan. Kind of a steadying influence on whatever show he's on, which is good considering he has worked with some guys like Riggo who were funny but just winged it a lot. As far as being a Skins hater, I think that's far from the truth. He calls it how he sees it and I think he has some of the better opinions on the team that I've heard. When we're good he acknowledges it, but when we have rough patches and make questionable decisions, he's the first to call it out in a fair manner. I think it's refreshing that we have a team-owned station that actually remains objective to tell you the truth.

If you want a bright and sunny outlook all the time, listen to Larry Michael.

I'm with you.

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I guess the minority is the type of person who likes longwinded gas bags being critical over everything. I did not like Bram either. I think these guys want to become big stars and i do not blame them so they like to talk.But problem is their talking becomes obnoxious because they are so longwinded.

Not like Bram? Wow. He was the guy. I used to be a Sheehan hater as well, mostly because of his overdone, shout-speak radio voice. But I have come to appreciate his outlook, especially when he uses his normal voice. Yes, he can get a little on the nerves of his co-hosts at times but his contrarian outlook is helpful, especially in the face of the crowd of 19 year olds (who seem to make up half of the fan base) who think that the Skins will go to the super bowl every year. Kev is a local guy who has some good knowledge of what's important to us DC natives. The comparison to Cowherd is off the mark in my eyes. Cowherd strives to be controversial in order to build an audience. Sheehan seems like he could care less. To each his own.

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The guy is very boring. 980 has gone downnnnhill fast.

Doc ran a wild show. Talked trash with Cowboys and Eagles callers. Had callers come in the show and just talk trash. He really repped the Redskins. It was a fun show, John Thompson and athletes wold just call randomly.

Now Sheehan is there to make it" professonal and boring"

That is why sports radio in this town is so bad. They feel to have generic radio. Sports reporters are ok and JT show is boring besides when they talk race.

Sheehan is the typical lets start a QB controversey guy. He is just boring and longwinded.

If he had his own show at night i could stand him because you need to fill time. But he should of not ruined Docs show.

I find it amazing they reduced Riggins role, fired Gary Braun who was funny and knew more about football and theykept the mosting boring guy out of the trio.

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How can anyone who loves Redskins Football defend this guy? He has ruined Doc's show and DOC KNOWS IT! Listen carefully to what Docs says sometimes:

Doc: Oh, so you are a Latte Mocha Coffee type of guy?!

Kevin: I enjoy a nice cup of java in the morning. I go to Starbucks, read the newspaper, check the sports news - blah blah blah blah blah - (like nobody f**** cares how you drink your freakin coffee!)

Doc: I just like my coffee black. That's the difference between you and me!

Doc is to the point, insightful, funny, and humble around the Burgundy and Gold. Kevin is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE plus annoying.

Believe me, deep down inside Kevin would make a great Cowboy's fan!

I just hope Doc is figuring out how to either dump this guy or move to another radio show.

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Oh I forgot. He has a slight lisp if you listen carefully to his voice - his Ss are SHs

Ladyshsh and gentlemen. Welcome to the Washington Redskinshsh pre-game blah blah blah blah blah boring boring boring boring (you must be either a Dallas fan deep down inside, wear girlie clothes, or was picked on too much in grade school)

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How can anyone who loves Redskins Football defend this guy? He has ruined Doc's show and DOC KNOWS IT! Listen carefully to what Docs says sometimes:

Doc: Oh, so you are a Latte Mocha Coffee type of guy?!

Kevin: I enjoy a nice cup of java in the morning. I go to Starbucks, read the newspaper, check the sports news - blah blah blah blah blah - (like nobody f**** cares how you drink your freakin coffee!)

Doc: I just like my coffee black. That's the difference between you and me!

Doc is to the point, insightful, funny, and humble around the Burgundy and Gold. Kevin is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE plus annoying.

Believe me, deep down inside Kevin would make a great Cowboy's fan!

I just hope Doc is figuring out how to either dump this guy or move to another radio show.

Kevin said he respects the Cowboys super bowls because they were not in strike shorten seasons.

You could just feel through the radio Doc wanted to punch him out.

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Love him or hate him, you better get used to him because they seem to be determined to keep him on the airwaves through all of the changeover.

Nobody is ever going to love all Sports Talk radio guys. Nature of the business. If they were universally loved they wouldn't be successful. And I'm not just talking about shock jocks or guys like Cowherd. Each radio station has to have a mix of former players, analysts, and in the case of Sheehan, guys who just know how to run a radio show. They may not be the most interesting to some people, but each show needs guys who know how to keep them on track. Riggins used to ramble on and tell great stories, b ut somebody needed to be there to steer him back and make sure they actually got to commercial so the station could make some money. Some guys wanna hear the former players for nostalgia and love to hear some slurping of their favorite teams, while some people want to hear a host confirm their feelings on what's wrong with their favorite teams. Just the nature of the beast.

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Love him or hate him, you better get used to him because they seem to be determined to keep him on the airwaves through all of the changeover.

Nobody is ever going to love all Sports Talk radio guys. Nature of the business. If they were universally loved they wouldn't be successful. And I'm not just talking about shock jocks or guys like Cowherd. Each radio station has to have a mix of former players, analysts, and in the case of Sheehan, guys who just know how to run a radio show. They may not be the most interesting to some people, but each show needs guys who know how to keep them on track. Riggins used to ramble on and tell great stories, b ut somebody needed to be there to steer him back and make sure they actually got to commercial so the station could make some money. Some guys wanna hear the former players for nostalgia and love to hear some slurping of their favorite teams, while some people want to hear a host confirm their feelings on what's wrong with their favorite teams. Just the nature of the beast.


Kevin did not steer anyone. He is one of those guys who thinks he is smart and intellegent that he can talk for 10 minutes and say something so stupid. He said it does not matter if the redskins lose vs the Saints because Marty went 0-5 and they almost made the playoffs.He forgot to mention thatonly 6 teams out of the last 62 made the playoffs 0-2. Then to make matters worse he tried to argue with Doc and saying it does not matter if they go 0-3. I just concluded he is simply an idiot.

Even Al Kokin on another show asked what alcoholic bervage was he sipping on.

Its the reason WTEM ratings are so bad. They have guys like Kevin and less guys like Kornhiser. " Run a radio show ' means be professional boring and over critical.

My thing is if you are going to be critical at least be funny. He seems like he belongs on cspan.

He bashes everything about the redksins in a boring way. He is the boring Czaben.

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I wonder why they got rid of his show. Why would they not put Sheehan inthe 7oclock time slot if they love him so much.

Doc and Dan Patrick were great to listen to. Now Sheehan and Cowherd:(

I've never been a big DP fan (too slow of a show, too much baseball, too much dead air), but Doc's old show was classic. The chemistry with his crew was money. Not to mention it's just a better overall show when Doc is pushing it's direction, not Sheehan. Doc's neanderthal approach to radio > Sheehan's metrosexual approach to radio.

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I think any one of us could do what he is doing. He brings no insight to the game, and I don't think he's ever said something where I learned anything. Most of it is rehashed opinions, and to make it worse he articulates his thoughts terribly.

Today he just talked about how the redskins franchise is terrible and went over past decesions saying Portis is overrated. Same old.:doh:

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$1.53 Billion = "....terrible franchise..." Right! shows what an idiot he is.

I am keeping my fingers cross that WTEM pairs Larry Michaels up with Kevin Sheehan. They could talk for hours without saying anything. Better yet they invite B-Mich in as a guest and he whips their butts!

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$1.53 Billion = "....terrible franchise..." Right! shows what an idiot he is.

I am keeping my fingers cross that WTEM pairs Larry Michaels up with Kevin Sheehan. They could talk for hours without saying anything. Better yet they invite B-Mich in as a guest and he whips their butts!

At least Larry Micheal knows he is limited. You would think Sheehan runs Vegas.

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