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Jason Campbell drinking game


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When I first saw this I thought it was going to have something to do with taking a shot every time he:

1.) Held on to the ball to long.

2.) Fumbled

3.) Starred his receiver down.

4.) Check directly down to Chris Cooley without looking at his options down the field

5.) Threw an interception at the end of a game in which the Redskins were about to come back in (2007 @ Dallas, Tampa Bay, etc.).

6.) Threw and interception.

7.) Starred aimlessly in the other when someone talks to him.

8.) etc ...

I am glad it wasn't like this though. :saintsuck


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;5521558']He also says' date=' "...but at the same time...." about thrice every interview.

Hopefully the game eventually progresses to the point where we will drink for every TD he throws in a game....[/quote']

You crazy, we will be so dam sober!!! We need to take a shot everytime he completes a 3rd down conversion; however, if you are still sober then we have to take a shot for every completed pass.

Or a shot for every point, 7 shots per tuhhhhhhchaacccccccccchhhhee daaawooon!!:cheers:

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  • 1 year later...

Had to bump this thread....

Found some hilarity on Hogs Haven



jsinger14 on Oct 27, 2009 12:17 PM EDT :hysterical::cheers:

If the team is gonna fall apart, might as well have something to help you forget the woes...

Redskins Drinking Game, feel free to add your own.

1 Second

- Running play to the left

- Randle El fair catch

- 5 yard penalty

- Opponent converts a third down

3 second

- Santana Moss First Down Motion

- 3rd Down pass play at 2 yds short of sticks

- Haynesworth out with a minor injury

- Blown secondary coverage

- Sack

- 10 yard penalty

5 second

-Blown challenge

-15 yard penalty

Finish Beer

- Turnover

- Burned Time Out

- Billick is announcing


- unforced Campbell fumble

- tv coverage black out

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