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This team will finish 2-14


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I've been a Redskin fan for a long time. In 1981 this guy named Joe Gibbs got hired to be the new head coach. "Who in the hell is Joe Gibbs?" That is what many people thought. He brought the one back offense with him and started out 0-5. Folks were calling for his head. They finished 8-8. One year later, they won the Super Bowl.

Now the Redskins looked pretty bad the other night vs the Giants. But they looked no worse than in their 2001 opener when Marty Schottenheimer was the coach. They got whipped badly by San Diego (then not even a mediocre team). Jeff George looked lost at qb, and the whole team was out of sync. They finished that year 8-8, beating some good teams on the way to doing so. They were winning games with Tony Banks as the starting qb.

It is very possible Jim Zorn's philosophy/system won't catch on and the team will finish 2-14. But, it is also possible that as the season progresses, players will understand the system more and execute better. No one was more pissed and displeased than I was the other night. But, I'm not throwing in the towel after one game.

The Giants aren't a great team. They are physical, well coached, and just happen to get hot in January last year. We are almost the same team than ran through their D last December. The gap between us and them is not as large as it appeared the other night. And as one poster said, the game was not as close as the final score would indicate. But, we did have a few chances to swing the momentum and this could have made the game much closer. I saw at least 3 interceptions that hit our db's right in the hands that were dropped. Rogers had a sure touchdown with one, which would have cut the lead down to 2. One big play in the NFL can make a huge difference. The playoff loss to Seattle last year should remind us. We clearly took the momentum going in to the 4th quarter of that game and then totally lost it when Suisham missed a 30 yard chip shot.

Not wanting to sound like the complete optimist here, but I'm not going to be pessimistic because we're 0-1.

2-14? I'm still a fan.

Go Skins

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Our defense still held the Super Bowl champs to 16 points(one TD), gave up only one sack, got two sacks, and a an interception.

The offense just needs to come together. This analysis about a 2 win season is just ridiculous based on one game and is a freak out thread. Where are the infractions for these threads?

Edit: I just realized a 17 year old wrote this...that is all

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Our defense still held the Super Bowl champs to 16 points(one TD), gave up only one sack, got two sacks, and a an interception.

The offense just needs to come together. This analysis about a 2 win season is just ridiculous based on one game and is a freak out thread. Where are the infractions for these threads?

Edit: I just realized a 17 year old wrote this...that is all

HEY! I'm 18, and I'm not nearly as retarded. I take offense to that.

I'm actually fairly satisfied after analyzing the game a bit more. We were thrown a huge game on the opener. We held our own, now we just need our DBs to catch the ball when they make a great play on it. I did not think Smoot and Landry would have such butter hands. Roger, sure, but Smoot?

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;5504092']How many different systems has Campbell played with now? They have a new defensive coordinator and a new head coach. New systems and new coaches equals you have to have patience. By week 4 the improvements will be evident. If they can go 2-2 in that time frame the playoffs are very much a reality. This post is quite the knee jerk reaction over one game.

Don't you dare bring logic and reason into this thread, you Giants fan.

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Jason Campbell will find his rhythm and the offense will pick up. That will take some of the pressure off the defense and the team will start to look like a contender. My biggest concern is Jason Campbells decision making. I dont know if he is just unsure about the system or if he really cannot read NFL defenses.I still prefer to give him this season and then if he does not improve, we can start looking to replace. Either way we get between 7 and 9 wins this year with a chance to sneak into the playoffs.

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];5506012']HEY! I'm 18' date=' and I'm not nearly as retarded. I take offense to that.


Sorry Ghost! I like your posts. That wasn't fair. There are plenty of idiots on here despite age. I was just looking for something that made sense why anyone would say this team would go 2-14 after we held the Super Bowl champs to 16 points and we have only played one game.

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I could see us at worst with 5 wins, and that's at worst. Look the offense clearly has issues just like it does every year, but the defense will be good enough to keep us in games. If we reached a point where we were something like 0-6 Zorn would be forced to make a change at quarterback, and I figure a vet like Collins could get us at least 3 wins. Obviously anything's possible, but if this nightmare scenario did happen Dan would be forced to fire Vinny and Zorn, and then would throw as much money as he had at Cowher or Holmgren to come coach. Those guys would demand total control, so Vinny would be gone for sure. You could even see Dan desperate enough to bring GW back to coach the defense. I really don't understand the point though in jumping off the cliff after the first week, I mean there will be 15 other teams in the NFL who will be 0-1 after this week.

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2-14...nah. I think we'll finish 4-12 or at best, 5-11.

Gameplanning against the Redskins is easy:

On defense

- Stack 8 in the box and blitz while doubling the #1 receiver (i.e., Moss). JC has proven his inability to quickly make his reads on the #2 and #3 receivers (and Zorn has admitted to as much).

On offense

- Run off-tackle, straight at JT, which sets up the play action pass for a nice gain on 3rd and short.

That's the season, and there's little the Redskins can do about it b/c of serious weak spots at key positions, QB and DE. The Giants gameplan will be the blueprint just as play action, deep pass was the MO when Archuleta was here on defense in 2006 and just as stack 8 in the box was the MO when Brunnel was QB.

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What a flawed post. Anyone who knows football knows that game wasn't as close as the final score indicated. We were thoroughly dominated and at no point did it ever look like we had a realistic chance of winning.

Yeah, our defense clamping down and holding them scoreless in the second half was a mirage. Clearly Coughlin wanted to work on their punting. I'm glad his kicker needed work in the ther first half so they deliberately failed so they could go for FGs. And clearly the one int (and 4 dropped ints) was Eli just toying with because he secretly knew that they could have beaten us by 50 if they wanted to...

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2-14...nah. I think we'll finish 4-12 or at best, 5-11.

Gameplanning against the Redskins is easy:

On defense

- Stack 8 in the box and blitz while doubling the #1 receiver (i.e., Moss). JC has proven his inability to quickly make his reads on the #2 and #3 receivers (and Zorn has admitted to as much).

On offense

- Run off-tackle, straight at JT, which sets up the play action pass for a nice gain on 3rd and short.

That's the season, and there's little the Redskins can do about it b/c of serious weak spots at key positions, QB and DE. The Giants gameplan will be the blueprint just as play action, deep pass was the MO when Archuleta was here on defense in 2006 and just as stack 8 in the box was the MO when Brunnel was QB.

lol... yup... Taylor is a weak link at DE. I mean he was playing on an injured knee, and did make adjusts as the game went on. But clearly the Giants were just trying to give him a false sense of confidence.

BTW... You do realize that the PRIMARY receiver of each route is not the same person right? So when Zorn says that JC is locking on to the #1 receiver, he does not mean that JC stares down Moss like he was in love.

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BTW... You do realize that the PRIMARY receiver of each route is not the same person right? So when Zorn says that JC is locking on to the #1 receiver, he does not mean that JC stares down Moss like he was in love.

Yes, I realize the primary receiver of each route is not the same person. I was being ambiguous (and sarcastic). I think JC keys on Moss; Zorn realizes this and tries to help JC out by saying Moss is the #1 (his first read); Moss is covered; and chaos ensues. The cycle repeats itself...

I've read several analytical pieces that started with "Moss was covered..." so "Campbell held the ball too long and was sacked, Campbell overthrew his checkdown receiver in the flat, Campbell threw to a checkdown receiver that was a yard or two short of a first down, etc..." I'm so tired of reading how the whole offense came to a stop b/c "Moss was covered."

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2-14? I sure hope not, but as long as Jason Campbell is allowed to stumble around and be under center, our beloved Skins have no chance at going 8-8 or better. Todd Collins and Colt Brennan DEFINITELY deserve playing time along with Campbell for the next 8 games, and let the best QB win. This team has too much talent to have it wasted because of a QB who has zero field presence and no real ability to make plays. The Skins need to find out which of the 3 QBs truly gives the team the BEST CHANCE at winning.

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Guest sith lord


Don't sweat it. I know and you know that this team is no good. And like you, I was worried as soon as we lost the last two preseason games like we did. Everyone else is just being nieve. Anyone who watch last Thursday's game know that the score didn't represent the was the game was played.

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Here's specifically what I don't like about Jason Campbell: he has no ability to make a play when the protection from the O-line breaks down, his accuracy is bad, and he fumbles too often. It's like unless he has all day to throw, he's one of the top 10 worst QBs in the NFL.

Jason Campbell reminds me of a really tall, really skinny, NBA center that was drafted on potential and size.

He just doesnt look cordinated, he always looks off balance, and his movements are so slow and deliberate.

And whats the worst offense for someone like that? You guessed it, the WCO!

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