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Three yards does not get a first down when it's third and four.


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Look, Zorny... I like you. I really do. But one of the most infuriating things about the previous administration was the incompetently large number of times we wound up one yard short on third down. It was absolutely mind-bottling; yes, it put your mind in a bottle. And we saw the same thing tonight from your offense.

I know, I know, it's not all your fault. I know Jason Campbell makes only 3.2 decisions per game; I know most of those decisions go to the option closest to him; and I know it's a lot more difficult for receivers to be open when most of them are members of the Lollipop Guild. But, for the love of God, either tell Jason to only look for receivers who will gain a first down with their catch, or call plays specifically designed to go to one of two options beyond the sticks. Because punting on fourth and one about a half-dozen times a game isn't gonna cut it.

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It's one thing to lead a receiver who's running a slant or crossing route short of the first and then have his own YAC result in a first. But our 3rd down plays were just give up plays in that they were always thrown to guys who had no legit chance whatsoever at picking up YAC.

I blame Campbell more than I blame the playcalling. The playcalling is always bad when the players don't execute. It was the same thing last year. When Collins came in it wasn't like we ran an entirely new playbook, the QB was better and in turn the entire Offense was better.

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Look, Zorny... I like you. I really do. But one of the most infuriating things about the previous administration was the incompetently large number of times we wound up one yard short on third down. It was absolutely mind-bottling; yes, it put your mind in a bottle. And we saw the same thing tonight from your offense.

I know, I know, it's not all your fault. I know Jason Campbell makes only 3.2 decisions per game; I know most of those decisions go to the option closest to him; and I know it's a lot more difficult for receivers to be open when most of them are members of the Lollipop Guild. But, for the love of God, either tell Jason to only look for receivers who will gain a first down with their catch, or call plays specifically designed to go to one of two options beyond the sticks. Because punting on fourth and one about a half-dozen times a game isn't gonna cut it.

its not jason's throwing, its the recievers not running the routes...

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It's one thing to lead a receiver who's running a slant or crossing route short of the first and then have his own YAC result in a first. But our 3rd down plays were just give up plays in that they were always thrown to guys who had no legit chance whatsoever at picking up YAC.

I blame Campbell more than I blame the playcalling. The playcalling is always bad when the players don't execute. It was the same thing last year. When Collins came in it wasn't like we ran an entirely new playbook, the QB was better and in turn the entire Offense was better.

Honestly, I agree. I really, really, really don't want to believe that Jason isn't the answer, but I really, really, really have to search for reasons to believe that he is.

I know, I know. Only one game. Problem is, I've felt like this about him for almost a year now.

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I think our tiny WR's just dont look open deep thats why we always dump it to the guy uncovered 2 yds downfield. Its not easy to get a ball to a smurf standing behind a LB. Zorn needs to keep the smurfs moving not have them run to spot and stand there like an idiot 2 yds downfield.

Watching that 1 yd pass to Thrash was a joke. He got nailed before the ball even got to him he was in the 5 yd box. The 4 and 13 to Betts was inexcusible. we need a plaxico type player we should have grabbed him when we had the chance

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its not jason's throwing, its the recievers not running the routes...
Its hard to say from our vantage point, since we rarely got to see more than 10 yards past the line of scrimmage on TV. For what its worth, Zorn said the WR's were running good routes tonight. He didn't come right out and blame Campbell, but I will. He was locking on to receivers, holding on to the ball way too long, etc. No turnovers is a plus I geuss, but that was a poor performance from him . . .
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I'll never understand the idea of running the ball on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd and long. Seriously, is 3-5 yards going to make that much more of a difference when you punt? Might as well go for it.....
I think Gibbs was phoning in those plays. Seriously, you need the run to set up the pass, but 3rd and long you HAVE to go for the pass. Especially when you haven't established any kind of running game.
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Honestly, I agree. I really, really, really don't want to believe that Jason isn't the answer, but I really, really, really have to search for reasons to believe that he is.

I know, I know. Only one game. Problem is, I've felt like this about him for almost a year now.

including the 5 games he didn't play. ha. tool.

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Its hard to say from our vantage point, since we rarely got to see more than 10 yards past the line of scrimmage on TV. For what its worth, Zorn said the WR's were running good routes tonight. He didn't come right out and blame Campbell, but I will. He was locking on to receivers, holding on to the ball way too long, etc. No turnovers is a plus I geuss, but that was a poor performance from him . . .

im talking about not running a 3 yard route when you need 4 fo rthe 1st down. thats on the recievers not running the full route.

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To go back to my original point about Campbell, could it be that because he waits too long to throw that these plays were designed for YAC but can't generate any because the ball is thrown too late, giving the Defense time to bottle up the play?

Perhaps, but IMO in that situation, YAC is a bonus. Gotta get past the 1st down marker without fail.

Completing a 4 yard pass on 3rd and 8 and hoping the receiver can make up the 4 yards is just a bad play.

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One of the key aspects of the passing game is to stretch the field to open up the running game. Short passes with YAC may get you yards if you're lucky, but they do nothing to spread out the defense.

That's always been the easy way to shut down our offense - load the box and stop Portis. Everybody does it, and eventually we need to make them pay for it. We never do.

We had 1 deep pass all the way up until the final drive.

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To go back to my original point about Campbell, could it be that because he waits too long to throw that these plays were designed for YAC but can't generate any because the ball is thrown too late, giving the Defense time to bottle up the play?

If you run a route beyond 1 yard further...you don't need the YAC...and why in the world would each 3rd down check down receiving option play be designed as YAC?

Check down means the other receivers down the field aren't open. But that still doesn't excuse them not running it a yard further in order to keep a drive alive, but the plays might just not be designed that way which would put the play designer/caller at fault...right?

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It's not JC's fault that his receivers are stopping a yard short of the first down marker.

Maybe, but it is his fault if he has two or three options past the sticks, holds on to the ball for 5 seconds while staring down only one of them, and then either checks down or gets sacked. He even refused to throw past the sticks on 4th down! Did you see Zorn giving him an earfull for that bonehead move?
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It's always hard to tell from limited TV angles, but it seemed to me like we had decent shots at the first down on some of the plays. One play in particular I thought Cooley was pretty open on a hook, but we settled for 4th down.

I saw that too bro...i got so ticked off when i saw that replay and Cooley was all alone!

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im talking about not running a 3 yard route when you need 4 fo rthe 1st down. thats on the recievers not running the full route.

...unless, of course, that was the full route, as defined by the playcall.

We'll never know for sure.

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It's one thing to lead a receiver who's running a slant or crossing route short of the first and then have his own YAC result in a first. But our 3rd down plays were just give up plays in that they were always thrown to guys who had no legit chance whatsoever at picking up YAC.

I blame Campbell more than I blame the playcalling. The playcalling is always bad when the players don't execute. It was the same thing last year. When Collins came in it wasn't like we ran an entirely new playbook, the QB was better and in turn the entire Offense was better.

Incorrect. The play to Thomas had him in single coverage with the CB playing off of him. It's up to him to break/avoid one tackle, by a nickel CB in the open field no less, and yet RAC yards, and he was unable to do that.

Sometimes that's a better option than having your QB hold the ball longer and/or risk a pass into more coverage.

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